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limitation of RCI PFD deposits to rci points 4 per YEAR

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  • limitation of RCI PFD deposits to rci points 4 per YEAR

    I called today to deposit my CMV udi into rci points system and was told by VC that RCI implemented a new procedure limiting the PFD deposits 4 per year. So they can not deposit any more weeks since I exceeded my limit of 4. If this is true it will affect lot of UDI owners at CMV and SC big time.


  • #2
    Is the limit 4 per year per "account" or 4 per year per "resort".
    My Rental Site
    My Resale Site


    • #3
      I think it is the account since VC told me that I can not deposit any more since my account exceeded 4. I own 5 point resorts under my acount.
      Anyhow I will call back and ascertain.


      • #4
        Hopefully this is the first step in setting up a firewall between Points and Weeks. Let each trade only in its own system.


        • #5
          I guess points owners were tired of weeks owners raiding points inventory. LOL.

          Or, it could be that Disney and the airlines were tired of timeshare owners raiding their tickets with cheap timeshares.
          My Rental Site
          My Resale Site


          • #6
            Originally posted by BocaBum99 View Post
            Or, it could be that Disney and the airlines were tired of timeshare owners raiding their tickets with cheap timeshares.
            I was wondering if the Points Partners got too expensive for RCI to keep dealing with?


            • #7
              Well being as dumb as I am I have decided to adopt any and all poor unwanted foresaken CMV UDI's that their present owners want to donate to get out from those terriable $700 + yearly maintenances fees.

              I will even pay the transfer-closing costs for all CMV ownerships seeing that that many poor CMV UDI's may become unwanted and put them into my megar collection of unwanted crappy timeshares.

              No thanks is needed.

              The Rushes Door Co., wk 35. Desert Club Las Vegas RCI Pts. 1 UDI Cottage CMV UDI's & 7 Oak Timbers CMV UDI's with 30,000 Bluegreen Pts. 3 World Wide Vacation Club Lind Mar Puerto Vallarta. Fox Hills RCI Pts More of our Timeshare Ownerships.


              • #8
                Originally posted by BocaBum99 View Post
                Is the limit 4 per year per "account" or 4 per year per "resort".
                Hi Boca,
                the limit 4 per year per resort as per VC at RCI.


                • #9
                  If it is 4 per year per resort, a cottage UDI'er could deposit 4 weeks and also deposit 4 weeks from a Timbers UDI as it has a separte resort number.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by BocaBum99 View Post
                    Is the limit 4 per year per "account" or 4 per year per "resort".
                    4 per Resort

