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  • #16
    Originally posted by BocaBum99
    And where will these extra points be coming from that they are manufacturing by discounting the points reservations?

    Here is an example. If a resort has 1000 intervals (20 units at 50 weeks per unit) and all point reservations are 40000 points pe week for simplicity. To book the entire resort would require 40,000,000 points.

    Now, let's say that all intervals are discounted to 20000 points since everyone booked last minute. It would take 20,000,000 points to book the whole resort when it would have normally taken 40,000,000.

    So, there are now 20,000,000 extra points left in the system that should have been taken out from competing with other reservations.

    This excess point amount is points inflation. The only way to correct it is for RCI to take out those points with cash, other products or through expired points. Who is doing this accounting?


    • #17
      Originally posted by BocaBum99
      And where will these extra points be coming from that they are manufacturing by discounting the points reservations?

      Here is an example. If a resort has 1000 intervals (20 units at 50 weeks per unit) and all point reservations are 40000 points pe week for simplicity. To book the entire resort would require 40,000,000 points.

      Now, let's say that all intervals are discounted to 20000 points since everyone booked last minute. It would take 20,000,000 points to book the whole resort when it would have normally taken 40,000,000.

      So, there are now 20,000,000 extra points left in the system that should have been taken out from competing with other reservations.

      This excess point amount is points inflation. The only way to correct it is for RCI to take out those points with cash, other products or through expired points. Who is doing this accounting?
      I just typed a very long reply - added a banana - Previewed and it ALL disappeared - except the banana. I do not have the time to write this over again and will simply say: RCI statistically KNOWS the total number of points in the marketplace. They also know the amount of wasted points and the number of bonus points that the developers receive for developer deposits at80% of listed value (Developer "donates" 50 weeks at 50,000 listed point value per week and receives 400,000 points from RCI.

      Anyway, the NEW maximum 10 month program will be great for TS4MS and Tug users who know the system and can get a better bang for the buck.


      • #18
        What Points needs to do is appropriately disocunt it's own last minute inventory and get its cotton pickin' hands out of the pocket of the Weeks system. Weeks shouldNOT be sudsidizing Points by RCI allowing Points members to mooch Weeks inventory unless there are equivalent crosstrades BOTH directions. If Points has access to all Weeks inventory, the reverse should also be true. Otherwise there should be a firewall where Points trades only in Points and Weeks only in Weeks.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Carolinian
          What Points needs to do is appropriately disocunt it's own last minute inventory and get its cotton pickin' hands out of the pocket of the Weeks system. Weeks shouldNOT be sudsidizing Points by RCI allowing Points members to mooch Weeks inventory unless there are equivalent crosstrades BOTH directions. If Points has access to all Weeks inventory, the reverse should also be true. Otherwise there should be a firewall where Points trades only in Points and Weeks only in Weeks.

          LOST MY TYPING AGAIN - 3rd and last try today!

          I deposited for Club Trinidad 20 High season weeks into RCI for Bonus Points (80% of book value.

