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Legislative Solution to Exchange company rentals problem?

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  • Legislative Solution to Exchange company rentals problem?

    The class action lawsuits over the RCI rentals may help encourage state legislators to look at some helpful legislation for timesharers to address the problem.

    Most if not all states have long had legislation on the books requiring certain disclosures of any exchange program with which any seller of timeshare was affiliated, often including HOA's of sold out resorts that resell foreclosure/deedback inventory. Most of these statutes are drawn from the Florida statute. North Carolina's version is at NCGS 93A-48.

    While the statute requires disclosure of specific number ranges on a number of exchange issues, all it has to say about other uses is the requirement to disclose:

    ''(16) The disposition made by the exchange company of time shares deposited with the exchange program by owners eligible to participate in the exchange program and not used by the exchange company in effecting exchanges.''

    Given the brave new world of exchange company rentals, that did not exist when this statute was drafted, it needs to be brought up to date by requiring detailed disclosures about exchange company rentals, including numbers and broken down in detailed categories.

    As to North Carolina, our legislature only has a budget session this year with no real opportunity to put forward new bills. Perhaps someone has some contacts with legislators in other states.

    If not, there is another regular session of the NC General Assembly in January 2007.

  • #2
    I care more about the exchange data. I would like for all weeks exchange companies to publish the following data. It would indicate the health of the exchange company or whether or not it is a pyramid scheme. I posted a request for this info from DAE and Marc said it was proprietary:

    How many exchange credits were owed to customers on Dec 31, 2004

    How many deposits were made in 2005.

    How many exchanges were completed in 2005.

    How many exchange credits owed on Dec 31, 2005.

    How many exchange credits expired in 2005.

    How many weeks either went unexchanged or were rented.

    How many developer weeks were deposited in 2005.

    How many weeks did the exchange company deposit by renting weeks and putting them in in 2005.
    My Rental Site
    My Resale Site


    • #3
      Exchange companies that sign affiliation agreements with resorts have had to provide disclosure statements on certain exchange information for many years. In any developer sale (and in many states, an HOA resale is classifed as a developer sale), they have to give you one. RCI and II compile and print the disclosure booklets and sell them to developers and HOA's for this purpose. At least at one time, the RCI disclosure booklet was posted on the RCI website.

      Rentals are a newer activity by these companies and should be fully disclosed, even in greater detail that the exchange info since rentals by exchange companies are a huge conflict of interest that is contrary to the interest of their members.


      • #4
        A reasonable request


        I would think figures like these would be very helpful disclosures. If given in a generic fashion without details, I can't see any proprietary harm that could come from telling current and potential customers this information.

        I can just imagine that if they provided this there would soon be requests for further detail, so I can understand why they wouldn't even want to start 'down that road'.

        But count me in the group that would rather have this sort of disclosure versus some sort of government intervention that as always has a strong possibility of doing more harm than good.


        Originally posted by BocaBum99
        I care more about the exchange data. I would like for all weeks exchange companies to publish the following data. It would indicate the health of the exchange company or whether or not it is a pyramid scheme. I posted a request for this info from DAE and Marc said it was proprietary:

        How many exchange credits were owed to customers on Dec 31, 2004

        How many deposits were made in 2005.

        How many exchanges were completed in 2005.

        How many exchange credits owed on Dec 31, 2005.

        How many exchange credits expired in 2005.

        How many weeks either went unexchanged or were rented.

        How many developer weeks were deposited in 2005.

        How many weeks did the exchange company deposit by renting weeks and putting them in in 2005.


        • #5
          How the states get a handle on exchange companies is indirectly through their ability to regulate developers in their state who are in sales, and thus require the developer to do certain things, like make discloures, relative to any exchange program with which it has an affiliation agreement and is being offered with the timeshare sale. The commerce clause creates some constitutional roadblocks to much potential state regulation. While the state requirements apply to the developers, they can impact the behavior of exchange companies because the exchange companies have to comply in order for developers to be able to offer the exchange company's product.

