I was reading some info on a web site. One paragraph I did not understand
You may always borrow points from the following year in order to accommodate a larger unit or a higher rated resort. You have up to two years to combine or use your points at any Gold Crown or Silver Crown rated resorts. You may reserve any week at any RCI affiliated points resort. Reservations are first come, first serve. RCI charges $39 for one night, $59 for two nights, $79 for three nights, $89 for four nights, $99 for five nights, $109 for six nights and $124 for seven nights. Your annual RCI point’s membership dues are $124 and are paid directly to RCI.
About RCI Points
This is the web site that I got the above info from
What I do not understand it why the cost for one night to seven nights. D So you pay the maintence fee, pay to belong to RCI and pay to switch????
Thank you
You may always borrow points from the following year in order to accommodate a larger unit or a higher rated resort. You have up to two years to combine or use your points at any Gold Crown or Silver Crown rated resorts. You may reserve any week at any RCI affiliated points resort. Reservations are first come, first serve. RCI charges $39 for one night, $59 for two nights, $79 for three nights, $89 for four nights, $99 for five nights, $109 for six nights and $124 for seven nights. Your annual RCI point’s membership dues are $124 and are paid directly to RCI.
About RCI Points
This is the web site that I got the above info from
What I do not understand it why the cost for one night to seven nights. D So you pay the maintence fee, pay to belong to RCI and pay to switch????
Thank you