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Hate feeling like a sucker-Advice please!

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  • Hate feeling like a sucker-Advice please!

    So not even 30 days ago, my husband and I stupidly bought 126000 points in Pompano Beach, Florida. We totally thought it was such a great deal. Stupid, stupid, stupid!!!! Of course we haven't even made 1 payment yet, and just totally want this off our hands. I have been reading the forums and it looks like we are just stuck.

    Looks like the only way we could get out of paying is to just quit paying. Which would trash our credit. We have freaking awesome credit and it would piss me off for it to get jacked up over this.

    I feel so lost and I hate feeling like a sucker. Do I have any options other than to keep paying and use it, or just stop paying? It may end up coming down to us not being able to afford it if things continue on at husbands work like they are.

    Thanks for reading.

  • #2
    1st, you aren't the first or last person to buy retail

    So don't beat yourselves up over it.

    The Short answer is it is yours. You already know your options, except maybe learning how to use it and have the great vacations you were thinking about when you bought.


    Yes it is Safe in Mexico


    • #3
      You never know. I have a friend who wanted out of a Marriott purchase. She just kept whinning, and a year and a half later, Marriott said they didn't want an unhappy owner and refunded the initial payment and let her out of it. I'd never heard of anyone getting out of a timeshare that way, but she did it; I saw the paperwork. It certainly won't hurt to try. She just kept asking for someone "higher up," and she called often--each time, the same routine. Finally, they gave in.

      Since I've never heard of anyone else doing that, it seems highly unlikely, but if you are otherwise stuck with it, you can try; you have absolutely nothing to lose.
      "You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity." Adrian Rogers


      • #4
        Point usage

        I figured as much.

        Then can someone point me in the direction of the points forum? I assume that I will be able to get some help using the points to our advantage.

        Was I correct in thinking that if we just stop paying, they will take it back and our credit is tanked? But the whole thing would be done and over with? We won't do this, but just want to know the answer.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Pstreet1 View Post
          You never know. I have a friend who wanted out of a Marriott purchase. She just kept whinning, and a year and a half later, Marriott said they didn't want an unhappy owner and refunded the initial payment and let her out of it.

          Sounds like you bought Wyndham points. If so, I can assure you they do not care beans about unhappy owners, so that will not get you out of honoring your purchase.

          My Travel Journals


          • #6
            That is correct Yvonne. It is Wyndham points that we bought. The guy that sold us the package was all like you can call me if you need help booking your first trip. He seemed like he genuinely cared. Haha. I've called him twice and he won't even call or text me back. He got his check, so much for the little people.


            • #7
              Been there................done that...ugh and double ugh...

              Now have resigned myself to letting go of sucker feelings and make the best of my I utilize all of my timeshares, yes many and why cause I learned how to use them to my advantage and I just love them find out how to use yours and make lemonade out of lemons....................good luck...

              Yes not paying will ruin your credit...sorry!
              Timeshare Addict - Mexico Travel Abounds - Happy Vacations!!


              • #8
                Sign up for the Wyndham Forum and read all about your ownership. There's plenty of good information on this site, as well as reviews and tips about the different resorts. We've stayed at a few Wyndham resorts and have enjoyed our vacations in nice accomodations each time, as long as we avoided the sales pitch at each. Welcome.


                • #9
                  Dear KLA,

                  Welcome to the boards! You will find alot of help here.

                  Where would you like to go?

                  We will try to help you make the best use of your purchase.

                  I am a Wyndham owner and really love all the resorts I've been to so far.

                  PS: Most of us have felt like a sucker at some point over timeshare!
                  Puppymom in MO


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Jeanne Sz
                    Sign up for the Wyndham Forum and read all about your ownership. There's plenty of good information on this site, as well as reviews and tips about the different resorts. We've stayed at a few Wyndham resorts and have enjoyed our vacations in nice accomodations each time, as long as we avoided the sales pitch at each. Welcome.
                    This is great advice. Some of the most experienced Wyndham owerns are there and can help you maximize your use of what you have. You will quickly learn that 126k points is not a lot, but you can make them stretch and work for you, I'm sure. We have a dinky 77k package and have made the most of them too!

                    My Travel Journals

