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Do you have trouble using everything you own?

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  • #16
    I only have three weeks and many years find it hard to use them all. And as someone said, being retired doesn't necessarily help (of course I've only been retired a few months). We find we want to take more frequent, shorter, trips and to places where there aren't always timeshares.


    • #17
      We've tweaked our ownerships a lot over the years and I think we're in a pretty good spot right now. Just recently upped my Wyndham points to a total of 344,000, own an every other year Fairways summer lock off week that gives me 4 weeks with Interval with the bonus weeks, and 50 DVC points. We're using everything we own and booking a few getaways with II to boot for extending our Orlando trips to 10 or 11 days. So right now we're sitting pretty good on usage. Nothing goes to waste - that's for sure.


      • #18
        Originally posted by joycapecod View Post
        We don't travel as much as we used to even though DH is retired. Right now we have a 99 year old parent (DH's mother) in nursing care and don't want to be far away just in case. I have deposits in Platinum that I haven't even looked at; one expired in SFX and a ton of TPUs in RCI. I have given away almost all of my owned weeks except Ireland summer, Provincetown summer and a 2 bedroom floating lockoff Shearton and I still have too much. Add to that living on Cape Cod and you see where I am with vacation.

        I have the same problem Joy, but I am going to Cape cod oct 4 to 11

        and Chris, most would like to live where you live too


        • #19
          Originally posted by rapmarks View Post

          and Chris, most would like to live where you live too
          Not all of us though.


          • #20
            My problem is that having so many forces me to use them, adding costs but I love having them and I wouldn't give them up for the world. Although, I would probably have less now that I know a little bit more about them and am going to try and start renting the points I don't use. How many weeks I have though, doesn't really matter to me as often I used only 3 or 4 days which is still less than a hotel would cost. The deeded properties are a little different, so I don't really have as many weeks as I could although my original goal was to try and get as many weeks as possible. There are pro's and cons to both, and now that my parents are travelling more it makes it easy to get rid of one week a year to them. I also gave a week away to a charity auction as a prize. They just tell me when and where they want to go, and I book it for them.

            Now if only I could plan some group trips, where I could use multiple weeks for everybody that was going that would be great. There is always lots of availability at some of the resorts nearby, so getting a large group together would be VERY easy! Anyone interested in a TS4MS get together, my treat? I know a lot of you are in New York, and not that far from here.


            • #21
              I use all my weeks & deposits but haven't used ACs or bonus weeks much in the last couple of years. They seem to be pretty worthless in II so I just let them expire. The bonus weeks at SFX have become so costly that I rarely use them anymore. I use my deposits to book multiple units for big family vacations where we all get our own space. I've downsized a lot since retirement keeping only the places we really love, but I still have too many units so I need to downsize some more. We just aren't using them all anymore because of the added costs of gas or plane fare. I'm letting my membership at II expire since I haven't used them in over 2 years.
              The legitimate object of Government is to do for a community of people whatever they need to have done but cannot do at all or cannot do so well for themselves”- Lincoln


              • #22
                Yes, we have had the problem of more weeks than we can use for several years. It is not because we own a lot of weeks. We just owned 2 different timeshares for several years and then sold one about 4 years ago.

                The reason is twofold. First, I have banked my weeks at SFX for 16+ years. My weeks never expire so what I don't use just kept accumulating. For the first few years, we always used the SFX bonus weeks instead of our banked weeks. That was when the bonus weeks cost just $99 and then later $199. Whenever an exchange was confirmed, they asked if I wanted to use a bonus week or a banked week. At one point, I had 17 weeks banked. I stopped using bonus weeks when they raised the price to $299.

                The second reason is we take a lot of non-timesahare vacations. The most timeshare weeks we have used in 1 year was 5. Usually we used 2 or 3. We did a lot of 2 weeks back to back exchanges.

                In any event to make a long story short, I have sold several of my weeks that I had banked at SFX. However, I am back up to 6 banked weeks again as we haven't taken a TS vacation last year nor this year. I don't know when we will again as we just aren't that interested in timeshares now.


                • #23
                  We have to get creative with our timeshares right now but in a couple of years when we retire we may want more


                  • #24
                    We own four timeshares but one is a two-week interval so we have three weeks on Maui but we need a few days to a week in between the two dates which is becoming a real problem with trying to find an II exchange because we lock off the unit. The last three years we had to rent the extra time. If Marriott had told us the truth, we wouldn't have bought there but they said that locking off and getting an exchange to their resort would be easy. What a joke!

                    Four of our weeks need flying to and that is no fun anymore either so we have only one timeshare that is really easy to use and it is practically next door to us so we like it so much that we rent a second week. I wished all our timeshares where so close to home because you don't have to fly or rent a car. If prices weren't so depressed I would sell Hawaii but, once we are there, we are in paradise so will grin and bear it a few more years. I always read with amazement how so many here can work this all out and enjoy the challenge.


                    • #25
                      We travel about 8 months a year, and the last few years we have found that we are actually enjoying European hotels VERY much! I know I know we are a rare timeshare couple. So we are not using as many of our weeks as before, but I have a sister who is really enjoying them ! Especially since she stays for free and is staying a top drawer resorts. As for us we are loving the hotels we are at.
                      The last 8 nights we have been at the Grand Hotel in Zell am See, Austria and loving every minute of it! when we leave here we head to Hohenschwangau to Cafe Muller my favorite anywhere, and the lovely staff who is like family. They address me by my first name and me by their's . I am literally knocked almost off my feet with hugs when we check in. and we are all so happy. I am lovin' life.
                      And so life goes...


                      • #26
                        What a wonderful place. Traveling like that in Europe would be so nice. So many little places have so much charm as well as the big and well known cities too. I am getting home sick now.


                        • #27
                          It’s not that we have too many points as it is a lack of diversity and Wyndham availability.

                          Now that health issues are lighter, we do 3 to 5 day driving trips. Drag breathing devices so drive unless we know someone in the area for Lincare to drop off one.

                          Sorta get tired of the same ole areas though. Even if we go to several Wyndham TSs in Williamsburg, Myrtle Beach, FL panhandle, Orlando, Pompano Beach, NC/TN hills, the regions have the same do and see year after year.

                          Make trips up into states with no Wyndham resorts and wish we could trade with others for something they may be able to get. But then, there must be available Wyndham resorts that others will want.

                          Anymore we mix it up a bit, taking in road trips with short TS stays. Want to do the same out west but Wyndham resorts are few and far between or nonexistent.

                          I trade out occasionally, but I find it difficult to get interested members, even when I know they are letting weeks or points go to waste. In years past with our excess, I figured if I can’t enjoy, let someone enjoy. Even gave a few weeks away.

                          Do we have more than we use? Not really, but sure would like to go places where Wyndham resorts are few or nonexistent. Michigan, Dakotas, Montana, Washington and Oregon. Also Maui. Etc, etc. Where we want to go, there are resorts, but Wyndham points are no good for those… To roll Wyndham points into RCI makes for more versatile availability, however the cost has gotten ridiculous. I only have done that to keep from losing them altogether.

                          We would like to do exchanging into what you have access to, by getting a Wyndham that you would like. Of course availability presents problems… To me exchanges don’t have to be equitable. I know several places we’d like to go that are not equal to many Wyndham resorts. So what?

                          That proposal of making reservations for a TS4Ms group get-to-gather might be of interest. Someone making those units available would be cause for me to arrange someplace, that I can get, for them.
                          Much of this sort of “USE OUR TIMESHARES” takes communication with each other. If you are not using what you have, make an effort to become “friends” with others who are wanting or are willing to share or exchange.


                          • #28
                            I could use more worldmark but Im finding it easy to just buy points these days so why buy another membership. I would buy more UVC if I could find premiere memberships that expire in about 10 years. The only dog I have left is an Eaglecrest which was used in the past to trade for wm points. Its really not a dog but its my lowest priority because we have family in Bend that we can stay with.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by chriskre View Post
                              I own so many points and weeks that lately I'm having a little trouble using everything up.
                              Feel free to help those of us who are less fortunate! :P


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by GrayFal View Post
                                I have gotten rid of 4 weeks this year and still have too many. It is difficult to decide what goes next.
                                Hmmmmm, now I seem to have picked up another so will get rid of my Wyndham points and probably another week ownership.
                                Tweak, tweak, tweak....
                                *** My Website ***

