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Beware Timsharing Today magazine

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  • Beware Timsharing Today magazine

    I dropped my subscription to this magazine a few years ago because I never found it all that useful. Several months ago, I got in invitation to subscribe for a drastically reduced price and decided to give them another try. I still don't find them to have more than an article or two worth reading, so didn't plan to renew. I got a postcard in the mail recently with the following message:

    "Your subscription is expiring with the next issue of Timesharing Today. But you too can keep smiling when we renew your subscription for one year ($19 for 6 issues) with your credit card information that we have on file."

    The further indicated that I was required to return the postcard if I didn't want to renew, otherwise they would enter the renewal for me.

    No reputable business would even consider charging my credit card with no authorization from me. Nor am I required to return a postcard to them to keep them from doing it. I'm reasonably certain that I never agreed to that when I subscribed, but I am extremely annoyed that I had to take my time to contact them and will now have to look for the original subscription offer.

    This was very bad judgment on their part and I suggest you avoid doing business with them. I certainly will in the future.


  • #2
    Wow, I am very surprised at this shady action.

    I, too, won't renew my subscription. I have been with them for 15 years or so, but I don't find their articles useful anymore either, and their classifieds are full of people asking outrageous prices.


    • #3
      They have done nothing for us, never mentioning TS4Ms in their magazine. I also did not renew after about 14 years of being a subscriber and no longer will recommend the magazine to anyone. It's just old news and not much of that.


      • #4
        My DH jokingly refers to the magazine as Timesharing Yesteryear


        • #5
          Shep has done a lot of good for timeshare. I am surprised at the postcard.


          • #6
            Yeah, it used to be our main voice, or way to communicate.
            RCI Member Since 24-Aug-1989/150-plus Exchanges***THE TIMESHARE GRIM REAPER~~~Exchanging/Searching/SW Florida/MO/AR/IA/Consumer Advocacy/Estate Planning/Sports/Boating/Fishing/Golf/Lake-living/Retirement****Sometimes ya just gotta be a dick


            • #7
              I found Timesharing Today useful, once upon a time. However, the two principals exhibited both "controlling" and "we know what's best" attitudes that were counterproductive. I dropped my subscription and am the better off for it.


              • #8
                Originally posted by eal View Post
                My DH jokingly refers to the magazine as Timesharing Yesteryear
                I laughed out loud to that one!

                I have respect for Shep and Ray for all that they have done over the years. However, Ray is now retired, and Shep doesn't appear to be as active as before. I can't recall the new "member" of their team- but if this post is accurate I'd guess it's a good indication a new someone is now calling the shots..
                my travel website: Vacation-Times.org.

                "A vacation is what you take when you can no longer take what you’ve been taking."
                ~Earl Wilson

