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Is this a scam...need second opinion please.

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  • Is this a scam...need second opinion please.

    Ok, so my wife and I recently upgraded the terrible purchase we made at westgate myrtle beach 8 years ago to a 2 bedroom lockout all season at their smokey mountain resort. So far we're ok with the upgrade, no regrets as it works very well for our family. With that said one thing we wanted to try was to rent out the second unit to cover our maintenance fees while our kids are still too young to stay in their own seperate unit. I posted the add without really expecting much but just wanted to feel things out. Within 2 weeks I got a rental request, however it's raised a couple red flags and now I'm wondering if I just don't see the scam (I've had numerous attempts in the past from others with our old timeshare) or if maybe this is legit but just an odd scenario. Anyways, I could use some second opinions:

    1. Posted a well presented add on craigslist in Atlanta

    2. Got a reply from a gentleman in New York who wants to rent it for may of 2015.

    3. I confirmed the dates as that's a long ways off and told him the deposit was non-refundable once the dates are booked with the resort.

    4. He confirmed and asked if I had a problem with him paying in full now, a year ahead. red flag, he wants to pay in full and he isn't trying to negotiate the price down at all? Odd, the price I listed wasn't outrageous but it was a bit high I thought, $200/night, considering the time of year he's requesting. About the same as walk in cost.

    5. I said it was not mandatory but ok. Howevever that I would still retain the deposit if he cancelled but would return the difference to him.

    6. He agreed, sent me his full name and mailing address in New York, I provided him with the info for the certified cheque and a rental agreement I pulled off the internet for him to review and sign.

    7. Today I got an email from him stating he has mailed the cheque but that his employer who is paying for the trip will only cut him one cheque for the vacation so he has sent me the entire total cost (flight, car rental, etc...) which is twice the amount I'm asking for the rental. He has requested that I deduct my total amount after the cheque is deposited and forward the rest on to the travel agent who is covering the rest of the costs. big red flag #2

    8. So this sounds very odd to me, but I can't spot the scam if it's there. So far I don't pay out any money until money has been paid into my account. Money paid out is significantly less that what I'm getting in. So either this is a scam I don't see or just a very odd situations.

    Anyone have any input? Thanks!

  • #2
    It's definitely a scam. You'll deposit the check and send the money on, and then a few weeks from now get a notice from your bank that the original check was fraudulent and they've reversed the deposit. You're out the money you sent, and the NSF fees from your bank.


    • #3
      I rent, or try to rent, TS weeks on CL regularly. The most frequent scam is the "My employer is paying for it" scam.

      You get a feeling for replies. Normally the fishy ones are fishy from the git-go and from your wording I sense you sense this was fishy.

      Even with the legit replies, because of the scams on the Internet, there is a strong element of suspicion. Once I get to the point where one sounds legit, I ask for their name, address and home phone number. Then I do a little free Internet background check, maybe engage them in some dialog about what they do, their area, and what they're planning on doing on vacation at my TS.

      When we get to that point I tell them to feel free to ask whatever questions they want and offer them phone number at the resort to confirm I'm legit, and own the TS that week. I tell them I don't use a contract, but to save our correspondence and that will serve as our understanding. When we have reached agreement, I send a simple state saying what the deal is.

      I only accept money orders. Tell them that and see what happens.

      Never had a problem . . . probably because most that would have been a problem never get a reply from me.

      If there is a forum for the area your TS is located in, join it, and place ads on it if you can. It will take time, but you will establish credibility once you rent it to someone through that forum.

      Wish I didn't have to do it, trying to rent stuff we don't use.
      Please excuse me, I'm a Dick. Not a moron just a Dick
      Last edited by JLB; 03-28-2014, 10:17 AM.
      RCI Member Since 24-Aug-1989/150-plus Exchanges***THE TIMESHARE GRIM REAPER~~~Exchanging/Searching/SW Florida/MO/AR/IA/Consumer Advocacy/Estate Planning/Sports/Boating/Fishing/Golf/Lake-living/Retirement****Sometimes ya just gotta be a dick


      • #4
        It is a scam…do not attempt to cash the check.
        *** My Website ***


        • #5
          Scam. Their check is no good even though it might look real and fool you bank into cashing it.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Nancy View Post
            Scam. Their check is no good even though it might look real and fool you bank into cashing it.
            and it will take a few weeks before the bank catches that it is false and you have already mailed the guy (or his 'second party") the money.
            PLUS you will have to pay the bank fees for the fake check as well as give all the money back.
            *** My Website ***


            • #7
              "I only accept money orders. Tell them that and see what happens."

              Anyone disagree with that?
              RCI Member Since 24-Aug-1989/150-plus Exchanges***THE TIMESHARE GRIM REAPER~~~Exchanging/Searching/SW Florida/MO/AR/IA/Consumer Advocacy/Estate Planning/Sports/Boating/Fishing/Golf/Lake-living/Retirement****Sometimes ya just gotta be a dick


              • #8
                Thansk guys! I replied that I need either a bank money order or a interac transfer. We'll see what that brings. I appreciate the quick replies!


                • #9
                  I had no idea that reserving a year ahead was a red flag -- we've done that, or at least around a year, for prime time like Christmas, and probably would for some summer weeks if we'd ever rented any. We also don't dicker any, but everytime we've rented it's been a pretty good price so no need to.

                  OTOH, anytime someone asks a seller to return money, IMHO it's gotta be a scam. Why would any company cut a check that way? When hubby's company has paid for our trips (mostly for trips they've asked him to cancel and reschedule), they pay us, not the guy we rent from. Expense reports where the employee is reimbursed are pretty standard, I thought, unless you've got a company credit card or checking account, when, again, everyone is paid individually.

                  Originally posted by JLB View Post
                  "I only accept money orders. Tell them that and see what happens."

                  Anyone disagree with that?
                  As the seller, no, I wouldn't. As the buyer, yes, I would. If we're renting from someone, we'd prefer to use paypal or something else that gives us another level of protection. And actually, even as the seller, money order fraud is more common than it used to be. But it's mostly run much the same way as check scams -- the supposed buyer sends a higher amount than necessary, and asks the seller to reimburse the difference. Doctoring the money order to a higher amount happens as well, but I think that's much rarer.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Hobbitess View Post
                    I had no idea that reserving a year ahead was a red flag -- we've done that, or at least around a year, for prime time like Christmas, and probably would for some summer weeks if we'd ever rented any. We also don't dicker any, but everytime we've rented it's been a pretty good price so no need to.
                    Ha, maybe we're just not as well organized as you :P I rarely know what I'm doing next month, let alone next year!

                    It was more the randomness of the week that was booked a year ahead of time. I posted the add for availability this year just to see if anyone actually did rent these out (I'm new to trying to rent and wasn't sure what the interest level was) and he responded as interested. When I told him the only availability I had left was for 2015 he promptly jumped to next year, and a random week that is not high demand IMHO. It wasn't a big red flag, but did seem odd in the way he so quickly jumped on it.

                    The really big red flag was the overpayment with the cheque. I never do anything via cheque so I have no clue how it works. I figured if he cut me a cheque that went through then a week or two later I could send the money out without cause for concern. Unfortunately I'm learning not to trust people. What a sucky world sometimes, very much a bubble buster when you come out of your small world of trust, reputation, mutual respect and integrity to see people like this.

                    Thanks for your post.


                    • #11
                      Figured I might as well as keep you all up to date on how things are going. I've asked him twice for a money order and he's completely ignord the emails and has continued forward with the cheque. Here is his latest email:

                      Greetings to you,

                      I want you to know that the check has been deliver to you today via
                      USPS courier service. I have assigned a reliable agent regards our
                      flight booking and other necessary traveling documents. So all you
                      need to do now is to take the check to your bank and cash it instantly
                      or you may deposit the check to your bank account and withdraw the
                      agent funds immediately.i will like you to deduct your money for the
                      rent plus $50 extra for holding the place for us and have the
                      remaining funds sent to our traveling agent Via Western Union.Amount
                      written on the check was $2950.

                      Below is the traveling agent information to send the remaining funds
                      to Via Western Union Money Transfer (Money in Minutes).

                      Receiver's Name : Pamela Scott
                      Address: 1120 G St NW,
                      Washington, DC 20005.

                      Note: that the Western Union Transfer fee should be deducted from the
                      remaining balance before sending the rest to the agent.

                      As soon as you have funds sent out via western union money transfer,
                      kindly get back to me with the western union transfer details as it
                      appears on the western union money transfer receipt. so that the agent
                      can proceed by making arrangement for our flight booking.

                      1}. Sender's name and address.
                      2}. M.T.C.N {10 digits} Control number#.
                      3}. Amount sent.

                      With due respect,kindly make the money sent to the agent through
                      western union before time runs out today and get back to me with the
                      requested western union information.


                      I found it interesting that the address is the metro station.


                      • #12
                        Very nice Nigerian English.

                        Way too formal for a casual TS rental.

                        - - - - - -
                        As to another topic here, I/we have done our reservations two years out for many, many years, and I already have our 2016 stuff.

                        But, those who rent from me are not like that. Although I do have this year's taken care of at six month's out. That's abnormal.
                        RCI Member Since 24-Aug-1989/150-plus Exchanges***THE TIMESHARE GRIM REAPER~~~Exchanging/Searching/SW Florida/MO/AR/IA/Consumer Advocacy/Estate Planning/Sports/Boating/Fishing/Golf/Lake-living/Retirement****Sometimes ya just gotta be a dick


                        • #13
                          There is another one I just got from Cynthia Laropoli. Out of the blue I got an email stating she was interested in buying my property for $19,000. This already set off a red flag when I had only been inadvertently asking $600 (it was marked both for rent and buy). Her emails started of short and sweet, and then the canned part came in. I played along for a bit, until she said that she could not reach her "broker" and had sent me a Cashier's check for $2900 and to deduct my $500 deposit and return the rest. Haven't heard back from her since I said I don't send money to anyone especially not as a refund to an overpayment.

                          My question now is, who should I forward these types of emails to? Obviously it should be to my local authorities, but there as to be a more appropriate group?



                          • #14
                            FTC (Federal Trade Commission). They have been known to prosecute as wire fraud.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Fenny View Post
                              Thansk guys! I replied that I need either a bank money order or a interac transfer. We'll see what that brings. I appreciate the quick replies!
                              Another option is to have them pay through Paypal

