Great work Ken, Thank you
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This is a sticky topic.
OK, here is the first cut at the abbreviations list. I tried to keep it down in size while keeping in all the timesharing stuff I know about and some of the stuff used in email and instant messaging (there is a whole lot more of that but tried to pare it down a bit). Also I did not include any airport codes (ie JFK = JFK New York or LAS + Las Vegas) but here are a couple of links where you can look up airport codes:
I am going to set this thread up as a sticky and will also purge the other posts with abbreviation suggestions after I have added them to the list.
Hope this is helpful to some. If you have suggestions for additions please post them as I am sure this in far from a completd list.
thanks for your help!!! Ken H.
5* - Highest II resort rating
AAP - always a pleasure
ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act
AAR - at any rate
AAS - alive and smiling
AC - Accommodation Certificate
AC - Air conditioning
AEAP - as early as possible
AFAIK - As afar as I know
AI - All inclusive
AISI - as I see it
AND - any day now
AOC - Area of concentration
ARP - (Fairfield) Advanced reservation priority
ASAP - as soon as possible
BA - Bath
BAS - Big a** smile
BCN - Broardband Cable Network
BEG - Big evil grin
BMGWL - Busting my gut with laughter
BR - Bedroom as in 1BR, 2BR, etc.
BS - Bull $hit
CC - Cross Country skiing
CNP - continue in next post
CY - calendar year
DB - database
DBA - Doing business as
DD - dear(darling) daughter
DH - Down Hill skiing
DHK - Daily housekeeping service
DIA - Dial an Exchange exchange company
DIK - Dikhololo
DMS - Daily maid service
DS - dear(darling) spouse (son)
DVC - Disney Vacation Club
DW - dear(darling wife
EMSG - email message
F - fees
F2F - face to face
FAQ - frequently asked question
FF - frequent flyer or Fairfield Resorts
FWIW - for what it's worth
GBR - Guest Bedroom
GC - Highest RCI resort rating
GIGO - garbage in garbage out
HGVC - Hilton Grand Vacations Club
HOA - Home owners association
HTSE - Hawaii Timeshare Exchange
II - Interval International exchange company
IMHO - in my honest opinion
IMO - in my opinion
IOW - in other words
JMHO - just my honest opinion
KISS - keep it simple stupid
LC - Last call
LMAO - laughing my a** off
LO - lockoff unit
LOL - laughing out loud
M - miles
MBR - Master Bedroom
MC - Mahattan Club
MF - Maintenance fees
MWTC - mid week towel change
NAC - not a chance
NB - nearby
OBX - Outer Banks
OP - Original poster
OT - off topic
OTOH - on the other hand
PEBCIK - problem exist between chair and keyboard
PFD - RCI's points for deposit
PM - private message
POA - property owners association
RCI - Resort Condominiums International - exchange company
ROFR - Right of First Refusal
SA - South Africa
SFX - San Francisco Exchange exchange company
SO - signifcant other
ST - Studio
THX - thanks
TIA - thanks in advance
TLA - Three letter acronym
TS - Timeshare or Timesharing
TUG - Timeshare Users Group
VC - Vacation Counselor
VIP Program - Fairfield program for owners with over 300K points
VOI - Vacation ownership interval
VRI - Vacation Resort International exchange company
WK - week
WKD - week end
XTLA - Extended three letter acronym (4 or more)
YW - you're welcome
YGM - You got mailken H.,Ballston Lake, NY
My photo website:
Wyndham Atlantic City, NJ 8/7-8/14/14
Australia-New Zealand 10/15-11/2/14 (some TS some hotels)
I found this list of abbreviations and thought some of them might be considered travel related or at least discussion related. In addition, the emoticons on the second half of the list are very imaginative......Enjoy, Noelle
Acronyms in Chat & eMail:
^5 - High Five
addy - address (as in eMail)
ADN - Any Day Now
AFAIK - As Far As I Know
AFK - Away From Keyboard
AKA - Also Known As (also a/k/a)
ARE - Acronym-Rich Environment
ATM - According To Me
ATTN - Attention
BAK - Back At the Keyboard
BBIAB - Be Back In A Bit
BBL - Be Back Later
BBS - Be Back Soon
<BEG> - Big Evil Grin
BFD - Big F***ing Deal
BFN - Bye For Now (also B4N)
<BG> - big grin
BIF - Basis In Fact
BION - Believe It Or Not
BIOYIOP - Blow It Out Your I/O Port
BL - Belly Laughing
BRB - Be Right Back
BTA - But Then Again...
BTSOOM - Beats The Sh*t Out Of Me
BTW - By The Way
CU - see you
CUA - Commonly Used Acronym(s) or Common User Access
CUL - see you Later (also CUL8ER)
CWYL - Chat With Ya Later
CYA - see Ya
CYO - see You Online
DBA - Doing Business As (also d/b/a)
DFLA - Disenhanced Four-Letter Acronym (that is, a TLA)
DIKU - Do I Know You?
DITYID - Did I Tell You I'm Distressed?
DTRT - Do The Right Thing
<eg> - Evil Grin
EMFBI - Excuse Me For Butting In
EOM - End Of Message (no comments)
EOT - End Of Thread (end of discussion)
ETLA - Enhanced Three-Letter Acronym (that is, an FLA)
F2F - Face to Face
FAQ - (list of) Frequently Asked Question(s)
FISH - First In, Still Here
FLA - Four-Letter Acronym
FOMCL - Falling Off My Chair Laughing
FUBAR - F*cked Up Beyond All Recognition
FUD - (spreading) Fear, Uncertainty & Doubt
FWIW - For What It's Worth
FYA - For Your Amusement
FYEO - For Your Eyes Only
FYI - For Your Information
<g> - grin (<G> - big grin)
GA - Go Ahead
GAL - Get A Life!
GIGO - Garbage In, Garbage Out
GIWIST - Gee, I Wish I'd Said That!
GMTA - Great Minds Think Alike
GOL - Giggling Out Loud
GR&D - Grinning, Running & Ducking
GTRM - Going To Read Mail
HHOK - Ha Ha, Only Kidding
HHOS - Ha Ha, Only Serious
HNG - Horny Net Geek
HTD - Have To Disagree...
HTH - Hope This Helps
HTHBE - Hope This Has Been Enlightening
IAC - In Any Case
IAE - In Any Event
IANAL - I Am Not A Lawyer, but... (also IANAxxx, such as IANACPA)
IC - I see
ICAM - I Couldn't Agree More
ICOWHMGOWYHH - I Can Only Wonder How Many Glasses Of Wine You Have Had
ID - I Disagree
IHA - I Hate Acronyms
IIRC - If I Remember Correctly
ILY - I Love You (also ILU)
IMAO - In My Arrogant Opinion
IMCO - In My Considered Opinion
IMHO - In My Humble Opinion
IMNSHO - In My Not-So-Humble Opinion
IMO - In My Opinion
INC - Illegitimi Non Carborundum (Latin: don't let the b*stards wear you down)
IOW - In Other Words
IPN - I'm Posting Naked
IRL - In Real Life (that is, when not chatting)
IRT - In Real Time
ITA - I Totally Agree!
ITRW - In The Real World
JAT - Just A Thought
JFU - Just For You
JIC - Just In Case
JK - Just Kidding (also j/k)
JMHO - Just My Humble Opinion
JMO - Just My Opinion
KWIM? - Know What I Mean?
L8R - Later (also L8TR)
LBAY - Laughing Back At You
LD - Later, Dude
LDR - Long-Distance Relationship
LLTA - Lots and Lots of Thunderous Applause
LMAO - Lauging My Ass Off
LOL - Laughing Out Loud or Lots Of Luck
LOLBAY - Laughing Out Loud Back At You
LTM - Laugh To Myself
LTNS - Long Time, No See
M/F? - Male or Female? (also MorF)
MEGO - My Eyes Glazed Over (booorrring)
MHOTY - My Hat's Off To You
MINK - Multiple Income, No Kids (NIMK?)
mm - merrily met (greeting)
MMHA2U - My Most Humble Apologies to you
MOOS - Member Of the Opposite Sex (also MOTOS)
MOSS - Member Of the Same Sex (also MOTSS)
MOTD - Message Of The Day
mp - merrily parted (farewell)
MUD - Multi-User Dungeon (or Dimension)
NBIF - No Basis In Fact
NBIR - No Basis In Reality (where am I; is this Kansas?)
NFW - No F*cking Way
NP - No Problem
NRN - No Reply Necessary
NS - 'Nuff Said
OIC - Oh, I see
OLL - On-Line Love
OMG - Oh My God!
OOTB - Out Of The Box (brand new, ready to roll)
OPM - Other People's Money
OTF - On The Floor
OTOH - On The Other Hand
OTOOH - On The Other, Other Hand
OTP - On The Phone
OTTH - On The Third Hand
OTTOMH - Off The Top Of My Head
::POOF:: - goodbye (leaving the chatroom)
PANS - Pretty Awesome New Stuff (as opposed to POTS)
PC - Politically Correct (or Personal Computer)
PCMCIA - People Can't Master Computer Industry Acronyms (Personal Computer Memory Card Int'l. Ass'n.)
PDA - Public Display of Affection
PDQ - Pretty Darn Quick
PEBCAK - Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard
PI or PIC - Politically Incorrect
PITA - Pain In The A**
PMFJI - Pardon Me For Jumping In (but eventually, you'll thank me)
PMJI - Pardon My Jumping In
POTS - Plain Old Telephone Service (or Pretty Old Tired Stuff)
POV - Point Of View
PPL - Peed Pants Laughing or People
PU - that stinks!
PUTS - Playing Under The Sofa
r - are
re - regarding or hello again
RL - Real Life (that is, when not chatting)
ROAR! - laughing as loud as a lion
ROFL - Rolling On Floor, Laughing (also ROF,L)
ROTFLMAOWPIMP - Rolling On The Floor, Laughing My A** Off, While Peeing In My Pants
ROTFLMBHO - Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Bloody Head Off
ROTFLMBO - Rolling On The Floor, Laughing My Butt Off
RP - Romantic Partner
RPG - Role-Playing Games
RSN - Real Soon Now (often ironic)
RTFM - Read The F*cking Manual (or Message)
RW - Real World (outside cyberspace)
RYO - Roll Your Own (write your own program)
<seg> - Sh*t-Eating Grin
SHOUTING - Not an acronym; it's bad netiquette to leave Caps Lock on. SHOUTING IS HARD TO READ.
SINK - Single Income, No Kids
SITD - Still In The Dark
sm - smiley
SNAFU - Situation Normal, All F*cked Up
SO - Significant Other
SOL - Smiling Out Loud or Sadly, Outta Luck (really, there's another version?!)
SOMY - Sick Of Me Yet?
STD - Sick To Death (a term of disdain, rather than an update on the author's well-being)
STS - Sorry To Say
TAF - That's All, Folks!
TAFN - That's All For Now
TANSTAAFL - There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch
TAT - Tête-A-Tête
TCN - Take Care Now
TFH - Thread From Hell (a discussion that just won't die)
TFI - The Fact Is ...
TFM - Thanks From Me
TFMT - Thanks From Me, Too!
TGIF - Thank God It's Friday
THX - Thanks
TIA - Thanks In Advance
TIC - Tongue In Cheek
TIG - This Is Great!
TIIC - The Idiots In Charge
TLA - Three-Letter Acronym (such as this)
TPTB - The Powers That Be
TTFN - Ta Ta For Now
TTYL - Talk To You Later (or TLK2UL8R or TYL)
TXS - Thanks! (sincere and heartfelt - really!)
TYSM - Thank You So Much
TYVM - Thank You Very Much
u - you
UAPITA - You're A Pain In The A**
unPC - Politically Incorrect
<VBG> - very big grin
<VBSEG> - Very Big Sh*t-Eating Grin
VWP - Very Well Put
W4W - Word for Word
WAGS - What A Great Story!
WAI - What An Inspiration!
WB - Welcome Back
WDALYIC - Who Died And Left You In Charge?
WFM - Works For Me
WIBNI - Wouldn't It Be Nice If...
WP - Well Put
WT? - What/Who The...?
WTFO - What The F*ck? - Over!
WTG - Way To Go
WTGP? - Want To Go Private?
WTS - With That Said
WU? - What's Up?
WUF? - Where are you From?
WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get
XOXO - kisses and hugs
XX - kisses
Y2K - Year 2000 calendar concerns
YAAG - You Are A Genius
YABR - You Are Being Replaced
YGBSM - You've Gotta Be Sh*ttin' Me!
YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary
YRR - You 'R' Right (I give...)
YVMW - You're Very Much Welcome
Common Emoticons (Smileys):
:-) happy - used to indicate a joking statement, since we can't hear voice inflection
happy - miniature
:-)) really happy
:-( unhappy - user didn't like that last statement, or is depressed about something
:-/ skeptical, or perplexed
:-\ sad, or Popeye
:-D laughing
:-| disgusted, or grim, or "have an ordinary day" smiley
:-I apathetic
:-1 bland
:-o surprised
:-O awed
:-S incoherent
:-X lips are sealed
:-9 licking lips
:-< forlorn
:-> sarcastic
:-& tongue-tied
:'-( crying
:'-) so happy, I'm crying
:-e disappointed
:-c bummed
:-C really bummed
:-t cross
:-@ screaming
:-7 wry
:-* ate something sour, or kiss
:^) broken nose
:v) broken nose, other side
:_) nose is sliding off face
:=) two noses
:<) from an Ivy League school
:-# wearing braces
:-{} recent collagen shots
:-{) mustache
:-()= drooling
:-)~ happily drooling
:-~) or :-'| suffering from a cold
:-Q smoker
:-? pipe smoker
:-` spitting chewing tobacco
:*) drunk
:-P nyahhhh!
:-} leering, or embarrassed smile
:-, smirking
;-) winking - sort of a "don't hit me for what I just said" smiley
;^) tongue-in-cheek
;-P nudge, nudge, wink, wink
(-) laughing
(:+( scared
(-: left-handed
%*} very drunk
%-) confused
%-} amused
%-{ unamused
8-> very happy
{:-) toupee
}:-( toupee in updraft
}:-} big grin
>:-( or >:-< or :-|| mad
>:-> devilish
>;-> lewd
<:-I dunce
<:-/ feeling stoopid
~:-( very mad
=) shocked
=:O hair standing on end
=8O bug-eyed with fright
*:-o alarmed
I-) sniggering
|:-| very rigid
|-O yawning
|-I asleep
|^o snoring
***:-( blowing off steam
[:-| sighted Frankensein
<<:-) sighted the Pope
~:-\ sighted Elvis
8-) wearing sunglasses
B:-) sunglasses on head
::-) wearing normal glasses (4-eyed)
B-) wearing horn-rimmed glasses
8:-) little girl
:-)-8 Big girl
:-[ vampire, or pouting
:-E bucktoothed vampire
:-F bucktoothed vampire with one tooth missing
=:-) hosehead
-:-) punk rocker/mohawk
-:-( real punk rockers don't smile
+-:-) religious officer, like Pope
`:-) shaved off one eyebrow
,:-) shaved off other eyebrow
O-) or (-) scuba diver
O :-) angel
<|-) Chinese
<|-( Chinese, taking offense at joke
@= pro-nuclear war
:-o uh-oh...
(8-o it's Mr. Bill...
*) and Bozo the Clown!
C|:-= Charlie Chaplin
=|:-)= Abe Lincoln
%-^ Picasso painting
3:] pet
3:[ mean pet
d8= pet beaver, wearing goggles and hard hat
8:] gorilla smile
(:V) duck
:-)8 well-dressed
#-) partied all night
X-( just died
%-6 brain-dead
[:-|] or [:] robotic
(:I egghead
E-:-) ham radio operator
C=:-) chef
[:-) wearing Walkman
*<:-) wearing Santa Claus hat
@:-) wearing turban
K:P little kid w/propeller beanie
:-Ø No Yelling!
:-: mutant; the invisible smiley
.-) one-eyed
,-) winking one-eyed
8 :-) wizard
-=* :-) TeX wizard
:] Gleep...a friendly midget smiley who will gladly be your friend
=) variation on a theme...
:{ tiny bit sad
[] hugs and ...
:* kisses
|-) hee hee
|-D ho ho
~~:-( Net.flame (Usenet)
O |-) Net.religion
8 :-I Net.unix-wizards
X-( Net.suicide
E-:-I Net.ham-radio
C=}>;*{)) drunk, devilish chef with a toupee in an updraft, a mustache, and a double chin
}:^#})) updrafted bushy-mustached pointy-nosed smiley with a double chin
{-8-< Anna Nicole Smith, after latest augmentation, falling right over
Here are a few more:
BLU - Bluegreen
DR - Dominican Republic
EVR - Embassy Vacation Resorts
HGVC - Hilton Grand Vacation Club
LMOM - Left Message on Machine (when calling members)
MC - Manhattan Club
MP - Mayan Palace
OLCC - Orange Lake Country Club
PB - Pueblo Bonito
PV - Puerto Vallarta
RHC - Royal Holiday Club
RVC - Raintree Vacation Club
SOOL - trying to trade Vistana for Italy
SVC - Shell Vacation Club
SVN - Starwood Vacation Network
SXM - Sint Maarten (Airport Code)
WM - Worldmark
OBX = Outer Banks? Outer Banks of where?? I always wondered about this.
Yolanda (lanalee)
My picture website:
Also, "SA" is also an abbreviation for "Special Assessment".Yolanda (lanalee)
My picture website:
A few others I just thought of:
Profeco ("ProcuradurÃa Federal del Consumido" or Federal Bureau of consumer interests in Mexico).
ARDA = American Resort Development Association
RTU = Right to Use
VEP = Vacation Experience ProfileYolanda (lanalee)
My picture website:
There is a new one that keeps showing up more and more on the web....
WHen I find the time I will see if I can program these into a page... Can someone please consolidate all the suggestions into one long list...
That way when I get the time I can just create the page based on the list that has been compiled...
A Few More
- A -
AFAIK - As far as I know
AFK - Away from keyboard
AR - After rebate
- B -
B&M - Brick and mortar store (A physical retail store as opposed to an online merchant)
B1G1 or BOGO - Buy one get one free
BB - Best Buy
BBL - Be back later
BBIAB - Be back in a bit
BRB - Be right back
BTW - By the way
BVG - Best Value Guarantee (Offered by some credit card companies)
- C -
CC - Circuit City
CC - Credit card
CPN - Coupon
CSR - Customer service representative
CYA - See ya
CYM - Check your mail
- D -
DD - Deal discussion
DOA - Dead on Arrival
- F -
FAR - Free After Rebate
FWIW - For what it's worth
- G -
GC - Gift certificate
GDA - Good deal at
- H -
HD - Hot deal
HSN - Home Shopping Network
- I -
IRC - Internet Relay Chat
IIRC - If I Recall Correctly
IMAO - In My Arrogant Opinion
IMHO - In My Honest/Humble Opinion
IMO - In my opinion
IR - Instant rebate
IRL - In Real Life
- L -
LAN - Local Area Network
LOL - Laughing out loud
LMAO - Laughing my ass off
LMK - Let me know
- M -
MFG - Manufacturer
MFR - Manufacturer
MIR - Mail in rebate
- N -
NIC - Network Interface Card
- O -
OD - Office Depot
OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer
OM - Office Max
OOS - Out of stock
OP - Original Poster (author of thread)
OT - Off topic
- P -
PM - Price match
PM - Private Message
- R -
RAOK - Random act of kindness
RMA - Return Merchandise Authorization.
ROFL - Rolling on floor laughing
- S -
SASE - Self addressed stamped envelope
S/H - Shipping and handling
- T -
TIA - Thanks in advance
TRU - Toys R Us
TTYL - talk to you later
- W -
WAN - Wide Area Network
- Y -
YAFTS - Yet another free T-Shirt
YGM - You've got mail
YGPM - You've got a private message
YMMV - Your mileage may vary