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Law and Order in Bubba Country.... Question

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  • Law and Order in Bubba Country.... Question


    can you summarize this thread in a paragraph? I am interested and have tried to read the thread but it is to longggg….

  • #2
    Originally posted by rci124 View Post

    can you summarize this thread in a paragraph? I am interested and have tried to read the thread but it is to longggg….

    Obviously, I am not JLB, but I will give you a brief synopsis until he can get to it.

    He has crazy neighbors: HOF is Head Old Fogey. This man has been terrorizing JLB. He does not exert power over Jim, therefore he feels threatened. He has authority over the dock that he, Jim and others each own a slip in. He wanted to update the dock, picked his own company and plan, and told everybody what their share was. Jim refused the assessment due to the fact that it was way too much, and if I remember right, much of it was unnecessary.

    The deal with the dock was the main beef, and turned HOF, the self proclaimed head of the neighborhood, into an enemy of JLB. This is to say that he turned on Jim, not that Jim decided to make him the enemy. He has been harassing Jim and his wife for quite some time now. He is constantly thinking up new ways to terrorize him or just annoy him.

    HOF has many cohorts. Strutty Boy (SB), Ex-cop Old Fogey (ECOF) and others I cannot think of. The police and prosecutors, as well as the dock corp, have been of little to no help.

    All of this has forced Jim to buy another dock, transfer ownership of his slip in HOF's dock to a family member, and buy a new lot up the road upon which he will build a new home and sell the one next to the crazy neighbor.

    I know that there is soooo much that has gone on that I cannot begin to list, but this may give you a heads up.


    PS. Jim, I hope I have not overstepped my bounds in trying to help you answer.


    • #3
      Pretty close.

      First, the bottom line is that our neighborhood has no restrictive covenants and no associations of any type, so no one has any legal authority over anyone else.

      This is not a new thing with HOF. He was an antagonist long before the dock issue came along. He had already run other families off. He's always been a bully, always been sticking his nose in everyone's business. It's been going on for at least 13 years. When we bought almost nine years ago the neighbors called him the Mayor of __________ Point. He has always told everyone what to do and how to do it.

      He had been subdued for a few years because the numbers were not on his side. In 1999, at the annual dock and road meeting in front of his house, the neighbors essentially fired him (they put the road and dock business to committee), but no one picked up the slack and he took control again. He has held that meeting against me ever since. He brought it up when he confronted us in May, 2005.

      Then, when I successfully got 26 property owners to upgrade our road and turn it over to the county at an expense of $60000 in voluntary contributions, it set him off. He had not been able to do that in all the years he was in charge of the road.

      AOF and ECPLOF had road duty for more than a year before me, their main assignment to get it turned over to the county, and they did not. So, when HOF picked his opening to reassert his authority over all his neighbors, they were easy allies.

      I did the road project from February, 2004 until it got paved in June, 2005, and then a little bit of work after that.

      The dock was the project through which they would reassert their control over the neighborhood. Our decision not to go along with their rebuilding plan was more about the way they conduct business than about money or the dock itself. We did offer $6000 for our share to rebuild the dock, because we could have gotten it done for $5600, but ECPLOF/Ninety Dollar would not accept our $6000. That decision by him cost him and the others in the dock about $20000.

      Passing the bylaw we knew they had, waiting to pass two years ago, and then lying about it when they wanted our money, is an example of that way of conducting business, backroom secret politics in which some are excluded from planning and decisions. They have always lied to their neighbors, and to authorities to get what they want.

      They call it majority rule and we call it gang rule.

      But it is right that it did not have to be rebuilt, that the three OFs benefitted disproportionately because they owned four owld wooden slip in the old dock, and no one else did.

      The dispute is because we decided to stand our ground ran than flee, like others have. HOF cannot stand not being in control of his neighbors.

      Many have asked us why it is some neighbors go along with them. We have been asked that by those who have left and I was asked that this week by a man at the beginning of the road. We don't know why why they can't see what's going on, but in the confines of the nine houses on our point, we are the ones who are out of step with the others.

      We have always said that everyone has their own time, the time when they realize they have been sucked in by HOF's charm (which he has when he wants something from you). I will amend that now to say most people, because I believe ECPLOF/Ninety Dollar and AOF are just like him.

      We have made a list of all the things that he does not like, but that he now has to put up with in order to maintin the alliance against me. In many respects he has given up the way he prefers to live in order to keep the group against us in tact. It is not a large group, just those close to him over which he reigns.

      You can go as short a distance as to the beginning of our road (1/2 mile) and everyone there sees him for what he is.
      - - - - - -
      As an example, Jenny and I were sitting on our dock yesterday and HOF had a lot of company of the OF's dock. HOF had left his boat lift down with his boat on it. Jenny said that was against his own rules, that a couple years ago he had run up to our house to chew our nephew out because our nephew had done the same thing.

      There's been so many little things over the years that we just said enough is enough when the dock came along.

      In thealmost nine years we have never not paid any monies necessary for the maintenance or improvement of the dock or the maintenance of the road, and we have always pitched in with our own labor, at no cost.

      HOF gets paid for everything he does.

      Where it's at now is that they have their new dock and we have ours and a lot down the road upon which we are planning on building a new house. So all of this should be over.

      But HOF cannot let it go because he has told so many other OFs what he is going to do to us, and he has not succeeded in that, for the first time.

      To tell you the truth, to really understand it you would have to have been here all along or read my log, now 130 pages.

      The thread here is just to document the little day-to-day things for a relatively short period of time, so you can see how it can get involved. Imagine trying to explain it to an attorney or the sheriff or the Corps or anyone. I know there is no way to explain it briefly because I have tried many times.

      To really get a feel for what we have been through, the day-to-grind of it, reading the thread is as close as you can come.
      RCI Member Since 24-Aug-1989/150-plus Exchanges***THE TIMESHARE GRIM REAPER~~~Exchanging/Searching/SW Florida/MO/AR/IA/Consumer Advocacy/Estate Planning/Sports/Boating/Fishing/Golf/Lake-living/Retirement****Sometimes ya just gotta be a dick

