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  • New forum member

    I own a RCI timeshare at Mizner Place in Westin, Florida. It was purchased through a sales agent at approximately $16,000 about 6 years ago. We have used the points system for numerous exchanges and taken advantage of other vacation/last call offers. I have only just become aware of the secondary timeshare market and found this very informative forum. I hope to purchase another timeshare soon and am confident that ts4ms will help me be a more informed buyer. Thanks for your terrific resource.


    • Timeshare Scams

      Hi to all Timeshare Owners.

      I am writing an article on Timeshare Scams with hope of getting this information out to the 7million Timeshare owners world-wide. With these present economic circumstances, the thought of some quick easy cash for your Timeshare makes these scams easier to fall for and easier to believe.

      I ask if any one of you have come into contact with a scam, received a phone call or letter and paid money under false promises that your Timeshare will be sold for substantial amounts more then you paid. This of course will be backed up with the guarantee that the cash will be with you in weeks, only to find months later you still own your Timeshare and are still out of product.

      Please email your experience to *************@gmail.com I ask that no company names be mentioned I would like you to focus more on the experience, what was said, how much you paid and how you felt afterwards, and if you were still called with more promises about your Timeshare being sold. My article is not to slant any of these crooks but more to spread a message and to keep Timeshare owners aware. This article will be available world-wide for Owners to read. Please add your name and where you are writing from.


      • Newbie and hello

        First thank you to Lawren for getting me started here. I cancelled a purchase I was going to make on a resale TS because obviously I did not know enough to be making a good decision at any price. With that said expect a lot of posts and questions coming from me. I'll try and read as much as possible before repeating a previous question.

        thank you all



        • Welcome!

          Welcome and congrats on a great decision! Timeshare ownership can be a wonderful experience that provides years of enjoyment- or can become a terrible burden if the program does not properly meet the needs of the purchaser!

          This is an incredible group of individuals willing to share information so you've come to the right place!

          my travel website: Vacation-Times.org.

          "A vacation is what you take when you can no longer take what you’ve been taking."
          ~Earl Wilson


          • Originally posted by pcmein
            First thank you to Lawren for getting me started here. I cancelled a purchase I was going to make on a resale TS because obviously I did not know enough to be making a good decision at any price. With that said expect a lot of posts and questions coming from me. I'll try and read as much as possible before repeating a previous question.

            thank you all

            Philip you are very welcome. I am glad you decided to cancel your purchase until you had studied the different products further. Decide what you want and need and then determine the vehicle that will best serve your purposes.

            In these times of economic upheaval you will find something at a bargain price that will suit you best.

            Originally posted by rikkis_playpen View Post
            Welcome and congrats on a great decision! Timeshare ownership can be a wonderful experience that provides years of enjoyment- or can become a terrible burden if the program does not properly meet the needs of the purchaser!

            This is an incredible group of individuals willing to share information so you've come to the right place!


            Ain't that the truth!

            Gone are the days of plain vanilla. Now one has to decide which flavor will suit them best. Pistachio anybody?
            There are many wonderful places in the world, but one of my favourite places is on the back of my horse.
            - Rolf Kopfle


            • Starting down the path

              Could someone post the links to some good threads on the forum to read on RCI and II that may give some light on the nuts and bolts of how they operate. I have a general feel but some more detail would help.

              thank you


              • found it

                Okay I found those forums. please disregard.


                • Hi,

                  I'm a new member from Florida, and I am looking to buy my first time share this year. I'm looking in the Orlando area at this time for my first TS, with an eye on Sedona, AZ in the future for a second if my Orlando timeshare experience goes well.



                  • How do I rent it out myself?

                    Hello Everyone, I'm lala (Laurie) from South Jersey.
                    I found your awesome site 2 years ago when my fam & I failed to follow the "simply say NO!" rule at a lovely ts in VA. Haven't had time to really get into this whole TS thing. Def learning as I/we go.

                    Now as I am not an expert on forums please excuse me if I don't use every acronym or if I get lost somewhere & can't find my way back to the thread for awhile. lol Nyway, I have lots of questions. How long can this post be?

                    OK, so we bought from sales at the Property (yes, I know...) Good enough-we have a large fam and split ownership 3 ways making it affordable for us. I am still convincing the other two not to sell it, that we'll loose more $ if we sell, than if we just use it as intended, right!

                    We own a 4bdrm (1wk), or 2 wks (2bdrm). So, we bought in '06 while on vaca. Then found out we missed the rental pool, so after a fight, they let us come back for a wk in '07 (wasn't our plan, but oh well). Put unit in rental pool for '08. Now, rcvd a ck for 1 wk, but now told the 2nd ck won't come till March '09. Maint. fees have gone up consistantly each yr. about $45. yr.
                    II membership 1st yr was free, and we didn't renew.

                    Paid maint. fees for '09 & set wk in July. Thinking we'll either trade it in II (after renewing mmbrship) or rent it out ourselves. This is the big Q? I have for ya'll. How easy/difficult will it be to rent on my own (great wk in summer). My biggest fear is that the Property will come up with some BS, re: fees or confirmation when guest arrives and they're not the owner!

                    Thanks for any help u can send my way. La-la
                    P.S. Is there a thread that can clearly explain what points are? cause I have no idea what that's all about.


                    • Sounds like you've got a bit of an uphill battle with your co-owners! Good luck....

                      Your rental chances are really dependent upon your resort and the overall region. If the area has a high concentration of timeshares of similar quality to yours- you may find securing a tenant difficult due to high competition from other owners.

                      There are numerous sites where you can place rental ads on a by-owner basis- but you'll want to search these sites to see where your resort seems to be having success.

                      If you are really uncomfortable with the rental process, you could also pay a rental agency to assist you. Be aware, however, that often these companies are not licensed brokerages (licensing is not required for these short term rentals) so you want to use a group with a good reputation. Also, much will depend on the actual market for your property. Correct pricing is absolutely vital to your success.

                      Finally, it sounds like you have a fixed week system- so this should happen naturally- but be absolutely sure to specify the exact usage dates in your advertisements. Most tenants search by date and location. If you have a floating system and don't show the actual usage dates- most prospective tenants will simply pass you by or possibly never see your ad.

                      The good news is that rental requests seem to be increasing over last year, while sales are down. The economy may have more individuals looking to rent rather than purchase, but do expect offer dollar amounts to be slightly lower than in past years.

                      Best of luck!
                      my travel website: Vacation-Times.org.

                      "A vacation is what you take when you can no longer take what you’ve been taking."
                      ~Earl Wilson


                      • renting

                        Thank you for your insight Rikki. We have a floating week, but I "set" a week when I paid my maint. fees, for 2nd wk in July in Williamsburg, nice resort. So, I have it reserved in my name. I plan to rent to someone else & pay for the name change. Does this seem to fly with the resorts? I've been looking for any posts where an owner ran into trouble for doing this, but as I recall 3 yrs ago at the purchase, it wasn't a problem with sales (For some reason just saying that makes me feel really stupid!) So, I don't want any surprises going forwrd with a successful rent. I have a big family, so if I sent a Cousin in my place & pd for the name chnge, And if they send me a conf ltr with the name change, it should be good, right?


                        • Originally posted by bigfrank
                          Welcome all new comers to Timeshareforums, since this is a welcome introduce sorta a post. If you want your questions answered I would suggest you post it in a forum that you will get help like in this same forum, just start a new thread.
                          Timeshareforums Shirts and Mugs on sale now! http://www.cafepress.com/ts4ms


                          • thank you, I'll try that. Wish me luck...


                            • New TSF member here

                              Just found this sight while doing some research on BlueGreen.

                              Have been an owner for 2 years. Have really never had any issues making reservations and have started using points thru coast to coast campgrounds for the motorhome.

                              Joined to find out real info about what is going on with BlueGreen. Have loved all the locations we have used, but the customer service for other than making reservations basically sucks. No one can answer simple questions. Same way at the sales offices.

                              Anyway any info would be appreciated. tia.


                              • Originally posted by TexasAg77 View Post
                                Just found this sight while doing some research on BlueGreen.

                                Have been an owner for 2 years. Have really never had any issues making reservations and have started using points thru coast to coast campgrounds for the motorhome.

                                Joined to find out real info about what is going on with BlueGreen. Have loved all the locations we have used, but the customer service for other than making reservations basically sucks. No one can answer simple questions. Same way at the sales offices.

                                Anyway any info would be appreciated. tia.
                                Texas Aggie you have come to the right place! Stroll on over to our BlueGreen Forums for everything you want to know. Bocabum and the crew will certainly help you out!
                                There are many wonderful places in the world, but one of my favourite places is on the back of my horse.
                                - Rolf Kopfle

