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New Members - Please Introduce Yourself!

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  • Victoria, once you get 15 posts you will be able to see our exchange sightings and see what is showing up on line with the various exchange companies. It's a good time to ask questions.


    • First Post to ts4ms

      Just joined. I was referred to this sight from the TUG BBS to look at Ask SFX on this site.

      I am looking forward to participating in this forum.

      I am a newbie who owns 300K Fairfield points. I'll be taking my first T/S vacation this summer.

      Mike H
      Wyndham Fairshare Plus Owners, Be cool and join the Wyndham/FairfieldHOA forum!


      • Hello, new member here

        Hi, my name is Jeff and I am from PA. My wife and I are looking to purchase our first timeshare and right now, being complete newbies, are trying to learn as much as possible. We have 2 children, ages 11,10, and are a very outdoors oriented family. We would like to purchase within a six month period and want to buy within a reasonable driving distance of our home in PA. We are open to any and all suggestions and would like to find a nice resort that has alot of activities and would trade decently. Thanks and looking forward to learning and contributing to the forum.


        • Just joined


          Just joined group and hope to learn the best way to use my Hawaii timeshare!!


          • My first post

            Hi All,

            My name is Greg and my wife and I got in to time share about 8 years ago with Fairfield. We both love staying at the resorts, but are traveling days slowed down about two years ago. We were giving away our weeks to family and friends. Would you belive that that was harder that renting the weeks out!!? It was like Well it has been 3 months of renting now and we have had a great time doing it. I enjoy helping others find a great place for vacation plus it puts more money in my pocket for my kids to take.

            Ok this is my post!


            • Hello Everyone!

              Hi, I'm LisaH, the same as the one on TUG. I have been here a while but I haven't posted much. Just want to say hi to everyone here and hope to start post more. Wish everyone a great summer!


              • First Post

                I have been reading here for a while, but am finally posting. I live in NY, own Sunset Harbor since pre-construction and bought at Fairfield Bentley Brook a few years ago. Sorry that I did. We use it only for exchanges, and RCI makes it more and more expensive and harder to find a good exchange.

                TUG sent me here as I just read about the RCI fee increase. I am thinking of dropping them, but what will I do with my floating week at Fairfield? I wish I could sell it. We own a home in the Catskills and no longer have any use for a vacation in the Berkshires.

                My DH and I are celebrating 10 years of marriage this coming October by chartering the Danger Charter schooner for the day in Key West and inviting family. We got married there 10 years ago and never told anyone, so we are looking to renew our vows this year. Looking forward to that. Also Williamsburg in August, my kids love Water Country USA!

                Same username as in Tug and Hyatt Yahoo groups.



                • My first post

                  My name is NancyK. DH, Dave & I bought our first FF timeshare about 3 years ago to go to HI for our 20th anniversary. Since then, we have bought more points & we have vacationed more than we ever have. We have been to Nashville, Smoky Mountains & Vegas. We are going back to HI in January, 2007 using a spacebank.



                  • My name is Mike and I have recently purchased 2 weeks at the Marriott Surf Club in Aruba. Since I am new to the whole time share scene, I was wondering if anybody can advise me the best way to rent my week in January 2007. Where to post to get the most exposure and if necessary the best bang for my buck. Thanks

                    I just registered this domain over the weekend 10-Apr-2004 and I am going to be working to get everything started over the next couple days. This website is being setup as a timeshare community website where visitors will be able to talk about their timeshares and vacations as well as discussions about how to buy and sell a timeshare. We hope that over time that this can become a place for timeshare reviews, evaluations, as well as a resource to allow OWNERS AND SELLERS to directly buy, sell or trade their timeshare or a weeks vacation.

                    About the webmaster:

                    My father got us into timeshares back in the 1980s and his first was purchased through the sales pitch. It is a great unit and my father has used the unit every year since that time and has gone to many resorts BUT it was expensive! My father learned his lesson and purchased a second week from an owner that just wanted out and it was very obvious that this second hand timeshare had the same tradability and usefulness as his (Est $18,000) timeshare he bought in the mid 1980s but he paid a more modest $3K for the second week.

                    When I was younger and still in college as well as after I had graduated I had used my Father's units for a few vacations and attended a few sales pitches over the years. I know VERY WELL how tempting those sales pitches are and let's be honest that the sales people that are working at you attend lots of classes and their income is dependent on them being able to get you to buy a unit they are selling!

                    When I started a family of my own I knew we wanted to get into timeshares ourselves and we own two units now. We own one week in Killington Vermont in February, which is our annual ski vacation, plus we purchased a second week in the Pocono’s for an end of the summer vacation. Both of these units were purchased from individuals even though our second week was found through a realtor. We paid $5500 for the Killington week, which was an exceptional deal, and about $3500 for the Pocono’s week. These are deeded properties with fixed weeks and they have adequate room and facilities for our family and with three kids we would never want to have to stay a week in a motel somewhere!

                    In my honest opinion, timeshares are a great way to vacation but there is obviously a right way and right reasons for wanting a timeshare and then there are wrong ways to get into timeshares!

                    So who are you and how did you get into timeshares?

                    Can you post a review of your unit or where you have stayed?


                    • New to timesharing

                      Hello. I'm very new to the world of timesharing, so I'm looking for some tips on what to be aware of when buying one. Anyone have any suggestions? It's greatly appreciated.




                      • First I would like to welcome all of the newbies.

                        I was reading through some posts and I see some of you asking for help on this thread. Keep in mind that This thread is to introduce yourself. If you require help. Please try posting your questions in the proper forums if you want answers.
                        Timeshareforums Shirts and Mugs on sale now! http://www.cafepress.com/ts4ms


                        • Just a neophyte

                          My husband and I are old-time timeshare owners, but I am very new to TUG and the Timeshare Forum. We own 1 week in Florida that we purchased as a deeded property back in 1986. It's 1/2 mile outside Disneyworld and when the children were small, we traveled there every year until even they grew tired. Later we purchased a lockout unit in Williamsburg, VA that sleeps 12. It's been over 6 years since we have traveled to our home resorts because we prefer using them trading into other Gold Crown resorts. We are able to trade 3 weeks per year from the three units we own.

                          My husband and I just retired this year, and I decided to get to know this website in order to get even more out of timesharing. Right now I'm struggling, but I won't give up. Since I am a preplanner, I usually am able to trade into anywhere I want to go with the exception of Hawaii. Speaking of Hawaii, my daughter and her husband just honeymooned there and purchased a Marriott timeshare in Maui. I wish I knew more about the forum and could have advised them to purchase through a reseller as opposed to direct sales, but they too will learn how to work the system as time goes on.

                          My goal is to become more intelligent about how the system works. We will not purchase another unit until I gain as much knowledge through the forum as I can. In the meantime, I don't regret any purchases we have made because we have had quality vacations through the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Our properties are all deeded; and at this point in time, I am trying to determine the value of the point system. As I said, I'm an oldtimer

                          The good news is that we're having fun!


                          • Happy Vacationing One And All !!

                            Hello everyone,

                            I too have been reading quite a bit on this forum, also TUG and IgoUgo, (and sadly RCI before its demise), and finally decided to introduce myself. Before we owned our timeshare, back in 1995, we went to Hawaii ~ what a wonderful ~ and EXPENSIVE trip!! The following year, we purchased our timeshare in Jamestown ~ with all the intentions of returning to the islands. BUT ~ we've just been having so darn much fun exchanging, that we've only stayed in Jamestown, (one of our favorite areas), twice. I'm also a planner, and usually work 1 1/2 - 2 years ahead. We've managed some wonderful trades, and seen some amazing sights. We've been to places we could've never gone if it weren't for our timeshare. It's truly one of the best things we've done for ourselves!! We own a deeded flex week, July/Aug., with fantastic trading power, so with time and patience, our vacations are limited only by our imaginations!

                            With the advice of some kind people, both here and elsewhere, we'll continue to make some really special memories!!

                            Perpetual Motion ~ Going Nowhere Fast!!


                            • dimples and susieq,

                              Welcome. There are a lot of very knowledgable people to help you. Any knowledge you have to share will be welcomed.
                              Mike H
                              Wyndham Fairshare Plus Owners, Be cool and join the Wyndham/FairfieldHOA forum!


                              • Hi from New Member

                                I found this site when looking for some reviews on an exchange I would like to make for Cabo San Lucas. I have the II book but it doesn't tell me which are 5 star. I see from other postings that because I don't own a 5 star, my book and the II website will not let me see that information. I'm wondering if because I don't have a 5 star I will not be able to get one. I own in Lake Tahoe but not a name brand. Have not been successful in finding anything for May 2007 but will call II and go on the waiting list.
                                I even put in all destinations in the entire world for the whole year of 2007 and didn't come up with anything very good. Amazing.

                                By the way, what does AC mean? I have seen lots of postings referring to this.

                                If anyone can give me advice to getting a good exchange with II, I would appreciate it. I deposited my week over 6 months ago and don't want to travel until mid-2007.


