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  • Hey everyone, I am an owner of a point based timeshare in Summer Bay in Orlando. I have had it for 2 years now but now I can't really keep up with the payments. This site was highly recommended to me. Now I'm here with hopes of some useful info.


    • Originally posted by bigfrank
      Debbie are you the same Debbie I meet in HH.
      You are prolly thinking about DebbyBrown from TUG -- she is the one who always goes to HH.
      hope this info helps,



      • To Timeshare or Not To Timeshare...

        that is the question.

        Hello everyone. I'm trying to do my homework before I buy anything. I do really like the idea of having a timeshare that my family can use for many years. We have two elementary aged children that live to ski. Unfortunately, their parents live in Illinois (We aren't called flatlanders for nothing)

        Last season we skied the Canyons in Park City and fell in love with the area. I'm leaning towards a timeshare at Westgate Park City or the Raintree Miner's Club. If anyone has information on those specific properties or their networks I'd love to hear your thoughts.

        Thanks, Brian


        • Our intro's

          Hi my Fiancé had a timeshare and last year we were introduced to a all inclusive resort and loved it. I thing a better selling point for the all inclusive would let the patrons visit a few days before giving them the grand timeshare spiel. I really think they would sell more, especially the all inclusive.

          So we got sucked in on a Sandos package. I will say I'm not totally sold on the idea we are saving money, I really like the idea of these resorts sending out invitations to their resorts if you would take one day (they say 3 hours, yea right!!!) and save a lot of money on a vacation. The problem is the speal... that is how we got suckered (we were convinced) in to this one.

          As I said above, I'm not sure if this is really worth the money, there are really good deals always coming to me via fax. Not so much by internet. If a person just sticks to his guns then you can get a really good vacation for a really good price.

          We will see how this one pans out, we are going back in Jan or feb and are looking forward to a great time.

          Jesse and Denise


          • new members

            we just joined Royal Holiday, and are looking to learn more about timeshares and learn anything we can out.


            • Welcome to the new posters!

              Originally posted by bnjessme
              I thing a better selling point for the all inclusive would let the patrons visit a few days before giving them the grand timeshare spiel.
              I think you are right. We were gifted an RCI week and ended up buying into the resort system where we stayed, although in our case it wasn't the all inclusive aspect but the space and (particularly) the kitchen that sold us on it.

              I don't know if you will decide they're worth the money or not. For my family, one advantage of timeshares is that, since we're paying for it, we make sure and actually vacation! Otherwise we tend to fritter away hubby's time off on projects and what not. Not a strictly financial benefit, but still a benefit.

              Financially speaking, the timeshare system we're in is the cheapest route I've found for my family, partly because it's tough to find single units that sleep seven otherwise. But I have no plans of changing over to another method when the kids all move out and hubby and I could more easily find cheaper options - whether it's worth it in the long run depends on a lot of factors, not all financial, IMHO.


              • Welcome to all the new posters! Learn, share, and have some fun!

                my travel website: Vacation-Times.org.

                "A vacation is what you take when you can no longer take what you’ve been taking."
                ~Earl Wilson


                • Just joined. Looking forward to learning mucn and hope to be able to contribute as I learn more


                  • Hi, I live in England, am married with one daughter and 3 stepsons plus 2 grandchildren. We own points in Diamond Resorts which, with careful planning can give us up to 4 weeks of vacations. We don't use these as our main holiday as we like to travel to places like India,Nepal,Thailand and Taiwan. We have also visited the US on 4 occasions visiting 17 states, so far!
                    We love all kinds of music ranging from Hendrix,Rolling Stones,U2 etc. to Willie Nelson who we met a couple of times on our last visit when we stayed with friends in Texas. Willie is a neighbour and his golf course is in the close vicinity of our friends house.
                    If anyone is looking for advice on travel to the UK or Europe I would be only too happy to help if I can.
                    Happy holidays/vacations !
                    Life may not be the party we hoped it would be, but while we are here we might as well dance......


                    • Hello

                      Hi, I just registered. Have looked at these forums sporadically over the last several years. But decided to get in on some of the fun, learn more and perhaps give a hand if necessary. My first timeshare purchase was 10 years ago and now have a total of three (Suites at Hershey, Foxhunt at Sapphire Valley and Dikhololo), and love them all, by the way.


                      • Hey there TimeshareForums!

                        My name is Zach, and I'm with a new timeshare-oriented company called Trooval. I'm certainly not here to spam you guys, though. This looks like a fun community, and I'm looking forward to getting involved and learning a lot from the veteran members.

                        Anyway, that's my quick intro. I'll probably be around here lurking for a bit, and hopefully be able to start contributing once I get the hang of how you guys run things.


                        • Appreciate this forum

                          Hi All,

                          I'm very interested in buying a TS and have been for a long time. Just now finally finding the time to do proper research and pull the trigger. I'll be reading mostly for now, but I'm sure i"ll post many questions later. Thanks in advance to all that post here to help others (like me) out!



                          • Hi everyone,
                            I'm Ginger. I own points in the Diamond Resorts U.S. Collection and am a member of THE Club. Wish I'd done some research before buying but I'm here to get the most out of what I have. Thanks!


                            • hello;

                              My name is John, I'm new to TS4MS and fairly new to TS ownership. My in-laws have had TS for over 20 of which they have allowed us to use each year. Recently they deeded one of their weeks over to my wife and I. After a couple of great vacations in Whistler and Glacier, we are looking to purchase more weeks but want to purchase on the resale market. The resale market is all new and I enjoy reading your posts and have learned a great deal.

                              Thanks for all of your help.


                              • Quite a few new members here.

                                [MARQUEE-RIGHT][SIGN] Welcome to TS4MS! [/SIGN][/MARQUEE-RIGHT]

