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  • Originally posted by logan115
    Bought our first one last year and am looking to add something else to the mix. We own a small DVC contract at SSR via resale last year, and instead of adding on there I'm looking to broaden my horizons a bit and see what else may be a good fit for our family of 4.
    I'd want more than DVC in your position, although DVC is supposed to trade well. But to me DVC doesn't have some of the usual advantages of other points systems because the locations are so limited. OTOH, be aware that DVC salespeople have a rep of being much more polite than the salespeople in other systems. Unless you like wrestling with aggressive sales situations, your best bet is to buy resale and avoid the salespeople entirely. I'd prefer to involve a Realtor (one accredited for timeshares) myself, but some people do the paperwork themselves so it's possible, just more of a risk than I want to take.

    And welcome! I hope you find the information you need here and find a TS that's right for you.


    • Originally posted by Hobbitess
      I'd want more than DVC in your position, although DVC is supposed to trade well. But to me DVC doesn't have some of the usual advantages of other points systems because the locations are so limited. OTOH, be aware that DVC salespeople have a rep of being much more polite than the salespeople in other systems. Unless you like wrestling with aggressive sales situations, your best bet is to buy resale and avoid the salespeople entirely. I'd prefer to involve a Realtor (one accredited for timeshares) myself, but some people do the paperwork themselves so it's possible, just more of a risk than I want to take.

      And welcome! I hope you find the information you need here and find a TS that's right for you.
      Thanks ! Right now the only thing I know is that I'm not going to be adding on any more DVC points - at least at this point in time.

      I have intention of ever trading/depositing my DVC points as I think that it's a very poor decision, can do better renting the points myself and using the proceeds to pay for a different accomodation that would be better than what I'd get in RCI with just a 160 pt DVC deposit.

      I bought DVC as we love WDW and we've been spoiled by a few on-site stays to the point where it almost seems like the thought of staying off-site is unbearable. Please do not take this as any slight against any of the other resorts as they look fabulous and I know that in addition to be much cheaper there are many that are probably a much higher quality than some of the DVC units, but perhaps I've just inhaled too much of the pixie dust over the years and got sucked in.

      To be honest I really on spent time on some of the Disney-related boards such as Dis and Mouseowners prior to purchasing, when looking back on it I really wish I had found this site instead as I'm quickly learning that there are much more cost effective ways to get into DVC.

      I feel like I have a very good understanding of the DVC system, and bought at SSR (resale of course) as it was the most cost effective way for us to get into DVC, and be guaranteed to have something on-site. The contract we bought had banked points that I rented out to lower my cost basis, and I like the flexibility that DVC provides. However, we paid a pretty steep entry cost to get just barely enough points to get a 1BR 2 out of every 3 years, and be completely OOP for any vacations in that 3rd year.

      Would also like to be able to book 2BR units instead of just a 1BR that I would normally be able to get with out points. Since we didn't go last year and have 2 years worth of points, we were able to get a 2BR at the Animal Kingdom Villas for a week this May, but the only way that we'll be able to get more than a 1BR is to limit our trips to every other year as opposed to 2 out of 3.



      • Forgot to add a few other things.

        I realize that the best advice is to buy where you want to go, and not to buy to exchange, however I'm just not smart enough to heed that advice

        I'm also aware that events (like 5/30) can turn everything upside down, so what's good today may or may not be good tomorrow, but I am willing to take some chances.

        Have been looking at some HGVC resales as they seem to be strong enough to pull DVC, and was thinking that an EOY could work out well. The ability to pull DVC is one of the requirements that I'm looking at - not that I wouldn't use the TS elsewhere or within the HGVC system but I'm looking for something else to feed my DVC fix, and this seems to be a fairly strong trader from my very limited knowledge.

        But I also get a sense that buying HGVC is a fairly pricey trader and there could be better alternatives out there, which is what brings me here.

        Thanks again for all your patience,



        • Originally posted by logan115
          I bought DVC as we love WDW and we've been spoiled by a few on-site stays to the point where it almost seems like the thought of staying off-site is unbearable. Please do not take this as any slight against any of the other resorts as they look fabulous and I know that in addition to be much cheaper there are many that are probably a much higher quality than some of the DVC units, but perhaps I've just inhaled too much of the pixie dust over the years and got sucked in.
          I have to confess I don't get the whole Disney thing, particularly when it comes to staying on site. The on-site units seem small and overpriced to me - but I'd be sleeping seven, and would want a condo, which means we'd be a fair drive from the parks anyhow I think. Disney units trade and rent well, however, so what do I know? What matters is what works for you.

          I think you're right to be eyeing HGVC - people who appreciate Disney seem to fit well there. Of course it depends on what it is about Disney that appeals, but if you can pin that down and find a fit, you're golden. HGCV wouldn't excite me for much the same reason DVC doesn't - not enough resorts in places I want to go, smaller units, not always a full kitchen. The units are beautiful, though, and tend to be in places with a lot of great restaurants. Well, Disney isn't known for great food, but their restaurants corner the market on ambiance.


          • Originally posted by wtf
            My name is Will and I am looking to buy one the resale market and need to educate myself on how to evaluate a used timeshare.

            I would like a timeshare on Maui or the Big Island of Hawaii.

            I plan on trading 75% of the time. I am joining this forum to learn so I can make an educated purchase to fit my needs.

            Will, Welcome! Couple of quick points.
            Timeshares in Hawaii tend to have high annual maintenance fees. If your primary reason (75%) is to exchange, that may not be economical. Buy a HI timeshare if you plan to use it 75% of the time. In fact, consider buying a TS where you would like to stay the majority of the time.

            Just as an FYI, I own credits in the WorldMark system. I live in the Western US and there are plenty of WM resorts within driving distance. It also trades well and enabled me to stay at some really neat resorts.
            WorldMark Owners - Take back our club! |Email me at ts4ms@kapeesh.com as it is easier for me to respond than Private Messages. | Exchanges:Disney's Old Key West (Orlando), Four Seasons Aviara (Carlsbad, CA), Marriott Timber Lodge (Tahoe), Tahiti Resort & HGVC/Strip (Las Vegas), Wyndham Flagstaff, Star Island Resort (Kissimmee) & Pono Kai (Kauai). Marriott Newport Coast (CA)


            • Originally posted by Hobbitess
              I have to confess I don't get the whole Disney thing, particularly when it comes to staying on site. The on-site units seem small and overpriced to me - but I'd be sleeping seven, and would want a condo, which means we'd be a fair drive from the parks anyhow I think. Disney units trade and rent well, however, so what do I know? What matters is what works for you.

              I think you're right to be eyeing HGVC - people who appreciate Disney seem to fit well there. Of course it depends on what it is about Disney that appeals, but if you can pin that down and find a fit, you're golden. HGCV wouldn't excite me for much the same reason DVC doesn't - not enough resorts in places I want to go, smaller units, not always a full kitchen. The units are beautiful, though, and tend to be in places with a lot of great restaurants. Well, Disney isn't known for great food, but their restaurants corner the market on ambiance.

              As corny as it sounds, Disney is our "happy place" and we do enjoy the the 24/7 Disney experience which I will fully admit is not for everyone, but it works for us.

              You're dead on about the units being both expensive and a bit on the smaller side compared to other options in the area, but as we're a family of 4 it's not that big of a deal for us. There's NO WAY I would ever consider paying anything close to the rack rates they want for these units, and even though there have been some great cash deals over the past year or two I don't think they'll be as good once the economy (eventually) picks up again. We also didn't want to be at the mercy of having to plan around the timeframe a given deal was offered, or (gulp) stay in one of the values or moderates.

              Trading our DVC points doesn't seem to make any sense, and I'm convinced that neither does adding on any more DVC points. I like the flexibility that the DVC system has in terms of what, when, and for how long you can book, but there's a pretty steep entry price that comes along with it.

              Don't get me wrong, I'm happy with our ownership, and for our upcoming trip we have a 2BR Savannah view room at the Animal Kingdom villas. Rack rates would've been well over $5K, and even renting points from an owner at $10/pt or being able to book with Disney's latest promo would've cost close to $3500ish , which is about a third of what our 160 points cost us after factoring in the cashola I got renting out a years worth of banked points that we couldn't use.

              This upcoming trip was one of the main reasons we bought DVC. We're taking my folks along as a thank you for all they've done for us, and I figured that instead of paying $3500 and having nothing to show for it it made sense to buy DVC. Instead, this trip will really cost me around $1000 for the lodging, which is roughly $700 in 2010 MFs and call it $300 of lost interest that I would've made had I not purchased and left that money in the bank.

              While I don't want to buy any more DVC points, I am looking for my next purchase to be something that could allow me to exchange into DVC, as I'm now learning that there's more than one way to get a DVC stay. This is one of the reasons I've been look at HGVC as it seems like it's strong enough to pull DVC. At this point I don't really have a strong desire to stay at any of the HGVC resorts, with the exception of a trip to Hawaii at some point - but that's probably at LEAST 3 years away.

              Sorry for the rambling,



              • Welcome Chris & Will.

                You've come to the right place to talk Timeshares.

                Hopefully we can help you make a great decision.


                • My name is Greg and my wife and I are a member of DRI. I do not like timeshares at all! I really want ours sold. They are not worth the time or money.


                  • Sorry to hear about your displeasure, hopefully you can get some good advice here as to how to go about selling your TS.



                    • Can we help?

                      Originally posted by acoustifunk View Post
                      My name is Greg and my wife and I are a member of DRI. I do not like timeshares at all! I really want ours sold. They are not worth the time or money.
                      Is there anything we can do to help you get more out of DRI? Are you a member of the Club?

                      Are you unhappy with making reservations? Maintenance fees? Let us know if we can help.


                      • Hello

                        Just found & signed up today. We are Joe & Mariel. We live in Idaho and have 2 weeks in the carribean each year. Fixed weeks but same unit for both weeks, so there's no packing and moving like many people I know.

                        We may be a minority but we LOVE our timeshare. It is at Pelican Bay Resort in St. Maarten. We've owned this since 2003. We have exchanged it. We have rented it ourselves. It is an older resort and many owners are somewhat older with grown children in tow, not so many young kids. This is another draw for us. Our unit is in the F (Flamboyant) Building ON the beach. It's a great condo with a beautiful balcony overlooking the beach and ocean. There's a grill outside our door and several restaurants deliver to you. It is perfect for us.

                        So ... happy to have found this site. Hope more people like their timeshares, too!


                        • Fantastic.. I think you'll find that many here share your "love" of timesharing! Please share your experiences and help to spread the word that timeshare ownership is a great way to vacation!
                          my travel website: Vacation-Times.org.

                          "A vacation is what you take when you can no longer take what you’ve been taking."
                          ~Earl Wilson


                          • I am new to timeshares, attended a presentation at Big Cedar last weekend intending to just take the freebies but thought the deal was to good to walk away from. Now I know better, I was able to cancel, I hope. Now just trying to get informed and make a good decision. I think Bluegreen sounds like the system we want to be in just don't want to pay developer prices.

                            I am interested in more info on buying resale and transferring the deed. Sounds a little scary to get things transfered smoothly.


                            • Welcome mag#. You have come to the right place- our own Boca not only is a bluegreen expert, but also does some resales there.


                              • Hi, I'm new to this site / forum. My husband and I own a timeshare with RCI points. We've never been back to the resort, but have been able to use the points well. However, we feel it is time to let it go as we are unlikely to be making the most of the points in the coming years. We are considering donating our timeshare, so I am just doing a bit of research to see if that is an avenue to go...

