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  • selling

    Hi - I'm new to Timeshare Forums. I have been a timeshare owner for a few years but have found that it is not my cup of tea - SO, would like to sell mine, and looking for suggestions. Also, I recently got a call from a company called Approved Property management saying they have been contacted by a company looking for units at Mayan Palace (one of the places where I am an owner) and are saying they can sell mine. They would take 5%, [I]after[I] the sale is made. Has anyone ever heard of them?



    • Approved Property Management

      Companies with legitimate names are plagued with imitators.

      ApprovedPropertyManagement.com has two instances, and neither mentions the other.

      Then there is Acknowledge & Approved Property Management. This company is "a Full Service Property Management Co. Manage: SFR, Condos/Town Homes, 2-4 Units & Commercial Units/Buildings. We service the Inland Empire. In Bus. for 12+ yrs".

      Then they are in San Bernardino; Salt Lake City, Utah; and Fort Worth, Texas.

      The point is all have real estate as their primary business, but none discuss timeshare sales. So, the issue is, look into what the company you are talking to very carefully.

      People who want to get rid of their timeshare interests are fodder for scams. Be aware of what they promise and what they ask you to pay.


      • Approved Property Management

        Yes, thanks, BobC, I've decided not to follow through. It doesn't make sense that they are offering so much for my timeshares when there are so many on the market....


        • Originally posted by sbkyoshi
          Current permanent VIP owners WILL be grandfathered into the new "Good Life" vip programs. You should see that you are now a "Silver Owner" if you log in to your wyndhamvacationresorts.com account.

          Changes will be taking place in October from what I've heard. VIP levels are going up to 400,000/700,000/1M points for silver, gold and platinum. the only way to get unlimited reservation transactions is by becoming a gold owner. PM me with questions about the new vip, what it means, and what's changing if you have any!

          Sorry I took so long to reply to your post and thanks for the information. My husband and I stayed at Wyndham Old Town Alexandria in March and got some of the information about the changes coming for VIPs. Thankfully, we will be grandfathered. I doubt that we will ever buy anymore retail points even though we are being strongly encouraged to buy enough to "get to gold" before the changes in October. That is probably good advice if being gold VIP was important to us. Am I correct in my thinking that any resale points we might consider purchasing would also receive the benefits of our silver VIP? The biggest thing that I can think of that would be beneficial is the unlimited reservation transactions and we can pay for thousands of those before we would come close to the $$$ we would spend on buying points retail! Thanks to this forum (and TUG) for helping me understand that!


          • Hi
            Im new here, My name is Haylee and I am from Australia
            I dont actually own a timeshare but I am part of a holiday club here that we have access to RCI, we work by points and get so many per year to do as we please but can buy as many as we want also
            Im looking if there are any other way to be able to book through RCI, what I want doesnt seem to come up but I did see here that there should have been stock in RCI
            We also have to pay an international fee for ever transaction, when booking through our club
            can other RCI members purchase extra week for good prices? i have to log into Rci as a weeks member but the price in there generally seems very high
            I am looking for disneyworld acc late dec and all jan
            and also new york in dec but Im sure thats pretty unlikely
            any pointers would be appreciated


            • Originally posted by sempreragdolls
              Im new here, My name is Haylee and I am from Australia
              I dont actually own a timeshare but I am part of a holiday club here that we have access to RCI, we work by points and get so many per year to do as we please but can buy as many as we want also
              Im looking if there are any other way to be able to book through RCI, what I want doesnt seem to come up but I did see here that there should have been stock in RCI
              We also have to pay an international fee for ever transaction, when booking through our club
              can other RCI members purchase extra week for good prices? i have to log into Rci as a weeks member but the price in there generally seems very high
              I am looking for disneyworld acc late dec and all jan
              and also new york in dec but Im sure thats pretty unlikely
              any pointers would be appreciated
              Hi and welcome.
              If you don't own a timeshare then you can rent from RCI's public rental site here. It's a little more expensive than owning a timeshare but you don't have to worry about ongoing maintenance fees.

              Orlando is a pretty easy and relatively speaking cheap rental. There are also Wyndham owners who will rent you their points for a vacation at Bonnet Creek. I also suggest you check ebay.com for Orlando timeshare rentals. There are tons of them on there, just make sure you're dealing with someone that seems reputable by their feedback.

              Boca Bum who is a Member here also does timeshare rentals in Orlando for good prices. You can check out his site here: MyTimeshareRentals - Home . He also rents on ebay.

              Good luck.


              • Unfortuantly even though I dont own and actual timeshare I am still up for yearly fees


                • New Member w/Colorado Timeshare

                  I'm joining TS4MS today. My mission is to find information and resources for selling the Christie Lodge timeshare. I purchased the 1-bdrm unit only because the deed/contract ends in 2022.

                  Well, at the owners annual meeting last year 2011, the majority of owners voted to extend ownership for another 40 years. I've written Christie and learn that my only out is to sell. They will not 'take back the deed'.
                  Should I contact a real estate lawyer in Colorado? I'm not clear on how a majority vote can automatically renew a deeded property.

                  I'm being proactive now because the maintenance fee will eventually become a financial hardship and it is getting more difficult to travel due to medical challenges. My age is 66.
                  I'd appreciate feedback, positive comments, resources.
                  Thank you for your time reading and pondering my situation.


                  • Originally posted by pegina
                    I'm joining TS4MS today. My mission is to find information and resources for selling the Christie Lodge timeshare. I purchased the 1-bdrm unit only because the deed/contract ends in 2022.

                    Well, at the owners annual meeting last year 2011, the majority of owners voted to extend ownership for another 40 years. I've written Christie and learn that my only out is to sell. They will not 'take back the deed'.
                    Should I contact a real estate lawyer in Colorado? I'm not clear on how a majority vote can automatically renew a deeded property.

                    I'm being proactive now because the maintenance fee will eventually become a financial hardship and it is getting more difficult to travel due to medical challenges. My age is 66.
                    I'd appreciate feedback, positive comments, resources.
                    Thank you for your time reading and pondering my situation.
                    If the contract that you signed ends in 2022, they cannot force you to extend, unless that was written into the contract. Yes, you should contact a lawyer in that area.


                    • I am brand new to the whole timeshare business after years of being adamantly against the idea. We bought 15,000 points in BlueGreen at Big Cedar in Missouri. I love the idea of the points, and I understand by buying directly I have a charter membership that allows me to use my points at any BG property. I am still within my 5 day window to cancel the contract and I have some questions I am having a difficult time getting an answer. My 15,000 points cost me about $23K. When I read on RCI it talks about .02 per point. Am I paying way too much for these points? I also see on other posts people talking about having over 100,000 points each year when they were converted from a weeks account to a point account. Is 15,000 points enough to really go anywhere on the RCI network?


                      • Bluegreen points and RCI points are not the same thing, there is not a one to one correlation. You probably did pay too much though. I am sure a Bluegreen expert will be along soon to help.


                        • The other question I have is about the logic of buying points at the nicest resort in the BG family, I assume for the highest price. Since I just have points and not an actual week at that resort, what is the value of having the highest priced resort? Couldn't I just buy from a lower cost resort with lower MF and then just use the points just the same to go to Big Cedar?



                          • Originally posted by ramhog69 View Post
                            The other question I have is about the logic of buying points at the nicest resort in the BG family, I assume for the highest price. Since I just have points and not an actual week at that resort, what is the value of having the highest priced resort? Couldn't I just buy from a lower cost resort with lower MF and then just use the points just the same to go to Big Cedar?

                            Yes, you can. Look up bluegreen timeshares on Ebay and see what they are going for on the resale market. You can also look them up on myresortnetwork.com and redweek.com. 99.9% of the time, you can find exactly what you what for a very low price on the resale market.

                            I don't own bluegreen. You will want to ask those who do if it important to have the booking window at the home resort of where you want to stay. I own a couple other points systems. DVC - my home resort will let me book it at 11months out and that is needed for my resort. Those who own other DVC locations have a very hard time getting the resort in the open booking window. Worldmark points are not attached to any home resort, so the booking window is the same for all of their properties.


                            • holy crap man return that thing NOW!!

                              Originally posted by ramhog69 View Post
                              I am brand new to the whole timeshare business after years of being adamantly against the idea. We bought 15,000 points in BlueGreen at Big Cedar in Missouri. I love the idea of the points, and I understand by buying directly I have a charter membership that allows me to use my points at any BG property. I am still within my 5 day window to cancel the contract and I have some questions I am having a difficult time getting an answer. My 15,000 points cost me about $23K. When I read on RCI it talks about .02 per point. Am I paying way too much for these points? I also see on other posts people talking about having over 100,000 points each year when they were converted from a weeks account to a point account. Is 15,000 points enough to really go anywhere on the RCI network?
                              My friend get your 23,000 back NOW! Go on ebay and buy a property or points if you really want a timeshare and you can almost NOTHING! 23K for something like that is WAYYYYY to much when there are people giving them away on Ebay.

                              Use that money on something else like paying for a kids education or buying yourself something cool.


                              • Originally posted by ramhog69 View Post
                                Is 15,000 points enough to really go anywhere on the RCI network?
                                They'll get you at least a week in a 1 BR most places, and probably a 2 BR in places that are easy to get, like Orlando. Remember that your RCI membership with Bluegreen is a *weeks* membership, not an RCI points membership, meaning you can trade into a weeks resort but will have to pay cash to get just a few days somewhere (plus you have to call in for the non-week thing and your selection will be limited).

                                Originally posted by ramhog69 View Post
                                Since I just have points and not an actual week at that resort, what is the value of having the highest priced resort? Couldn't I just buy from a lower cost resort with lower MF and then just use the points just the same to go to Big Cedar?
                                The only home resort advantage is you have first dibs on the week and unit you own, but to make use of that, you must claim it before all points go into the common pot at eleven months out. If you don't claim your points by then, no home resort advantage at all. Big Cedar can be tough to get into in the summer and holiday weeks, so some people do buy there to stay there, but again, for it to be a benefit, you have to want the week you own.

                                OTOH, your home resort has no impact on the cost of your points -- your MFs are calculated according to Trust Fund and the number of points you own. For instance, in Trust fund E (which is probably what you have, unless I'm out of date on the new guys), you pay a base rate, and then a percentage based on the points. For example, you'd pay $300 plus (your points times $0.063). THESE NUMBERS ARE TOTALLY MADE UP. And you pay your club dues, which are the same for everyone. Some Trust Funds are better for people with lots of points, some for people with fewer points, but there isn't a huge difference between them. So what trust fund you're in is a major concern if you want to combine points, but not a big deal for most otherwise.

                                I love my BG, but unless you are likely to use Bonus Time (with resales you only get Bonus Time at your home resort) and the other various benefits of buying direct, I'd recommend rescinding and then buying second hand points. Resold points are good at any BG resort, just like authorized points, and most of them include an RCI membership (only a few older ownerships don't). You need to either learn enough to know what you're doing on E-bay, or buy from someone like Boca Bum (who posts here), who can guide you through the various possible pitfalls of resale points. Most resale points are no problem at all, but that doesn't matter if you're one of the unlucky! You can always go back to BG and get the deal you got this time, or you can buy authorized points through Boca or another authorized reseller at the bottom price (which is likely less than you paid).
                                Senior Member
                                Last edited by Hobbitess; 06-04-2012, 10:00 AM.

