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Timeshare Relief is defending their company on TUG.

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  • #31
    Timeshare Relief confusion

    Hello. I'm new to the forum but saw this thread and wanted to ask a question about Timeshare Relief.

    My mother is ill and my brother and I are in the process of organizing things for her and liquidating some of her assets. She's had a timeshare in Sedona, AZ for a number of years that she's enjoyed fully. My brother and I have both used it as well but over the last year or so it's become clear that it is something we are going to need to get rid of. Neither one of us have the time to invest in trying to resell and my brother has initiated a meeting with a company called Timeshare Relief to discuss transfering the title with them. He's taking the reins on this one but I can say that finding the actual company called Timeshare Relief was a bit painstaking. There are a number of people out there calling themselves by this name. Or, more accurately, when you search for Timeshare Relief you end up linking to places like "lasvegastimesharing.org" and the like. I've seen a lot of negative (and some positive) talk on Timeshare Relief and I'm just wondering - given the posers out there - if everyone is talking about the same company. We eventually found the correct company and are aware of how the process works based on internet research. I'm just curious about the negative comments and if they are in fact in relation to the company we are about to engage or if they are in relation to someone using that name?

    (advertising link deleted)


    This person is a shill for the company Timeshare Relief. For more information see this thread.


    • #32
      Be careful!

      I would stay away from this company. If your family owns a timeshare in Sedona then you don't need to pay to give it away. Read and study how to sell it on eBay and there are many timeshare web sites where you can post it for a small charge or even free and you can advertise here too and on TUG. You need to find out the approximate value of this timeshare. Let us know which one it is and somebody will give you their honest opinion and further support too.

      Go to this web page here and read how to sell your own timeshare and ask questions in that forum too. Don't let anyone take advantage of you. There are more companies than one but a lot seem to be related with each other.

      Good luck.


      • #33
        If your mother had a 65 ford mustag depending on it condition it could be worth $10K to $0. the same is true for timeshares. Depending on the TS in sedona it could be worth $15K to $0 or you may even have to pay someone to take it from you.

        The problem with Timeshare Relief (and the companies like them) is that they say that EVERY TS is worth $0 (zero) and although some are worthless, most are worth at least some money and some worth a lot of money. DO NOT do business with these people unless you are prepared to pay them >$3000 to take your TS from you and then watch them sell it for on EBay for even more money.

        Good Luck


        • #34
          One such company will rid you of your timeshare, and try to rid you of some money as well. If you just want to get rid of it, post that here (under travel and timeshare deals) and it will be probably be gone without you even having to attend a meeting and possibly parting with more than that timeshare.


          • #35
            Timeshare Relief

            Thanks so much for the feedback. Like I mentioned, my brother is handling most of this though we are both aware of Timeshare Relief and how they operate. I will certainly pass along the information you provided here to him though neither of us are in a position to invest much effort in trying to sell this timeshare and all the paperwork involved in doing so. If it was a quick and easy process then maybe. It's just a very difficult and involved time right now and there are so many things being considered it's hard to focus in on one thing. Still, I will be sure to pass along your recommendations.

            Though no one answered my specific question, I presume the company I linked to in my original message is in fact the company you are talking about? Yes? I ask mainly because the companies I found prior were clearly very shady if not downright evasive and part of my interest lies in knowing we're talking about the same people.

            Thanks again.

            This person is a shill for the company Timeshare Relief. For more information see this thread.


            • #36
              Yes, that is the link of the company Spence attended. No comment on the other TR, but they are probably the same one with different branch.

              If you really want to do that make sure they do take the deed out instead of temporary have you sign a document let them handle your deed.

              With the same effort you try to find them and try to identify them, you probably can try to look at eBay timeshare sale for maybe few auctions at their end. And read "how to sell" from tug.

              It is like if you want to hire someone to do somethings or if you want to do something yourselves. And at this moment, you have no idea how to do that thing. Both require you to step in some area you are not familar before. But both does not require too much skill. The difference is probably over $3,500 though.

              Since you and your brother did use that TS before, it is not a difficult learn process. It maybe take a lot to be masterful, but just by simple learn it, you will be able to save a few in the travel.

              It is your call really.


              ps. If you want to do it yourselves, you can get help from a lot of people in this site.


              • #37
                Transferring a title to a timeshare can be a very simple thing to do, but there are companies out there that will do it for you for a few hundred $. Timeshare Transfer would be my recommendation based on what others have experienced with them. Usually the resort will help or sometimes do it for you.


                • #38
                  It doesn't take much effort to list it here, on Tug, or even on ebay. Even if you list it for and get a penny, you will still be saving your mother the thousands of dollars they will charge her to take your timeshare. And BTW, there have been reports of people paying the fee and then still getting the maintenance fee bills because the "take it off your hands" type-company did not complete the transfer as promised. I am not a lawyer, but I wonder if, as power of attorney for your mother, you have a fiduciary duty to make some kind of effort to get the fair market value for her assets? There are lots of good people here who know a lot about timeshares who would be willing to help you determine the appropriate value, if you ask them.

                  "The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page."
                  - St. Augustine


                  • #39
                    Timeshare Relief

                    Thanks for all the feedback. I'm going to pass along all of this info to my brother as he's got all the details on the place and really at the helm insofar as getting rid of it goes.

                    This person is a shill for the company Timeshare Relief. For more information see this thread.


                    • #40
                      two simple websites

                      redweek.com and myresortnetwork.com are two internet sites that get a fair amount of traffic and are very easy to use for advertising a timeshare for sale. A timeshare in Sedona should be relatively easy to sell if it is priced well, no need to have a company like Timeshare Relief gouge you and produce absolutely nothing in the way of results.

                      Good luck with the sale.


                      • #41
                        I believe one valuable attribute of business models for companies like Timeshare Relief is that they get your timeshare off your balance sheet and they do everything required to make it happen. That is appealing to an heir that just wants to dispose of the property. They don't really care that they could make a few dollars. They just want it disposed of.

                        In my mind, charging for that service is unethical if there is significant salvage value that isn't disclosed to the client. It's not illegal. It's just unethical. The ethics issue relates to the double speak that a timeshare is worthless on the one hand when they know full well that it will sell on eBay in a week with potentially significant salvage value.

                        One way to help people like HChavez is to have them tell us what they own, let one of us check to see if there is a loan balance or maintenance fee back payment due, have someone do a quick comparative market analysis and then offer to transfer the timeshare to one of us free of charge. That could save the client $3000 or more. I have offered that service to HChavez.

                        The way to stop these unethical business practices is to educate consumers and to provide alternate business models that are superior. Free is better than pay.
                        My Rental Site
                        My Resale Site


                        • #42
                          Now the question of whether it is ethical or more ethical for us to take the timeshare off his hands if it is of realizable value.


                          • #43
                            While I'm not particularly fond of these companies, it's not clear to me that any of them are bound by ethics any more than any party to a real estate transaction.

                            So far, for every house I've purchased, I've discovered deficiencies after purchase that the seller did not disclose, but also was not required by law to disclose. Had I done a bit more research, I might have found these things out, but I didn't. Then again, the time and effort in learning these deficiencies pre-sale may well have been more costly than correcting the deficiencies myself.

                            I'm not sure that this isn't any different. It would probably take an uninformed seller days---at least---to learn about the market well enough to sell some random timeshare deed. Depending on one's value-of-time, just paying someone to take care of it might well be the most cost effective option.


                            • #44
                              Yes, wearing two hats or speaking differently out of the two corners of their mouth is or was unethical but then to take the big fee and still leave the timeshare in the person's name, because it was worthless, is a bigger crime yet. I have read this happen here that the next buyer had a very hard time trying to get the title straightened out and had to hunt for the person, who legally still owned this timeshare. In other words, they did a hit and run to this unfortunate timeshare owner too.

                              Most people of this forum will try to help you and not take advantage of your family. Try to find out what timeshare it is in Sedona. I had no idea that some are not worth much as Bill stated here but if you give the name of that timeshare, someone may find out for you as Boca offered already. This forum tries to educate people and that is detrimental to these type of companies.

                              I hope that yours has value and your family will get something for it rather than have to pay these companies without any ethics.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by bnoble View Post
                                While I'm not particularly fond of these companies, it's not clear to me that any of them are bound by ethics any more than any party to a real estate transaction.

                                So far, for every house I've purchased, I've discovered deficiencies after purchase that the seller did not disclose, but also was not required by law to disclose. Had I done a bit more research, I might have found these things out, but I didn't. Then again, the time and effort in learning these deficiencies pre-sale may well have been more costly than correcting the deficiencies myself.

                                I'm not sure that this isn't any different. It would probably take an uninformed seller days---at least---to learn about the market well enough to sell some random timeshare deed. Depending on one's value-of-time, just paying someone to take care of it might well be the most cost effective option.
                                In Florida, if you are a licensed real estate agent, if you purchase a piece of real property and then sell it later for a huge profit without disclosing your intent to the original seller, you can be fined and suspended for such unethical act. Licensed real estate agents are regulated in a way that helps to minimize these issues. Not sure how other states work.

                                I believe many of these timeshare sales agents are operating unlicensed which is a different type of offense. Actually, it's quite easy to turn them in. I'm surprised nobody does it. Many operate in Florida and all you have to do is fill out a website form to initiate an investigation.

                                Here is where you do it in Florida: Link for reporting unlicensed real estate activity in Florida

                                So, to answer Tony's question, the answer is that it is completely ethical if you disclose your intent.
                                My Rental Site
                                My Resale Site

