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Ebay Auction Search - How To?

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  • Ebay Auction Search - How To?

    I have tried everything I can possibly think of to do a search on ebay for timeshares with MF below a certain price point and nothing is working for me. Just for grins lets use $400 as the annual MF, is there a way I can do a search of TS with only MF at $400 or below?


  • #2
    There's no way to do that on ebay. You can only search based on the price range of the auction price, or any of the preset dropdown menus that are provided.


    • #3
      Thanks. I kind of figured that was the answer...... But was hoping it wasn't.....


      • #4
        Most of AD's MF probably is not accurate. And I never remeber saw a site that has search on the MF ability.

        If you are looking to buy something for use and hold it for a while, a short term lower MF may means a SA will come in quickly.

        Personly, I believe that if a resort is well managed, the MF will reflect the quality of the resort, and same quality one in the same area should not have too much difference. If that is correct, it can be used to remove a lot of area.

        usually, fixed week will favor big unit, and season usually is not important. So depends on what you plan to do. You can look at 4 BR.

        Beach, HI usually is exepensive. Big Merto area also. Nature disaster area have to have high MF to cover the insurance.

        Foreign undevelope country have cheap labor, so their MF will usually low. I believe I saw a 2 BR in one of the country for like $80. But if you plan to use it, you need to add the travel cost.

        Look at Yahoo FF's group, you can use their MF and pull like 2 BR points as reference to give you some idea which region may have the lowest MF in avg.

        Also look at the living index giving by US government. Lowest area can easily maintain the same level with low MF.

        Some point group actually have MF structure favor the hugh point owner. (FF VIP is one of these product, so at certain point level, you get more discount, but it is not good if you purchase resell point, and it is better because it only works at like 60days and there are inventory available). I personally believe it will create hugh unstability for a system like that, but in like 20 or 30 years timeframe, you may not feel the effect. If you do rental, you need to look at something like that. But I usually don't think a good club will survive in a structure like this. Thus make it risky. On the other hand, if you can manage, the reward should be good.


