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Seeking advice on a timeshare membership

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  • #46
    I'm happy for you

    I DO believe in timeshare...the concept & all...I think the majority of what we as TS sales people say is true...the nedd & desire to vacation, going to places you may not have before, staying in upscale accomodations...but on the business side...what you think you have and what you really have might be 2 different things...let FF (or any other business) go bankrupt and see what you end up with...the hard reality is that you would have to buy back in with the new owner...that, my friends, is not ownership. Yes, you can look up those deeds (ever talk to a RE attorney about a warrenty deed?) and there is some protection...but MOST people bought into the TS concept because of II & RCI...TRADING CLUBS...not the RE angle...and any TS sales person who sold the RE investment angle was pitching more heat than Nolan Ryan in his prime. Again, I DO believe in TS...that's why I've sold it...but your absolutely closed minds regarding (not just) Global (there is also Coastal) programs that for years were sold as exit programs is astonishing! I say if they work & people can afford it, more power to 'em. After all, it doesn't have to be perfect (god knows TS is not), just be better than the alternitives.


    • #47
      Originally posted by BDF View Post
      I DO believe in timeshare...the concept & all...I think the majority of what we as TS sales people say is true...the nedd & desire to vacation, going to places you may not have before, staying in upscale accomodations...but on the business side...what you think you have and what you really have might be 2 different things...let FF (or any other business) go bankrupt and see what you end up with...the hard reality is that you would have to buy back in with the new owner...that, my friends, is not ownership. Yes, you can look up those deeds (ever talk to a RE attorney about a warrenty deed?) and there is some protection...but MOST people bought into the TS concept because of II & RCI...TRADING CLUBS...not the RE angle...and any TS sales person who sold the RE investment angle was pitching more heat than Nolan Ryan in his prime. Again, I DO believe in TS...that's why I've sold it...but your absolutely closed minds regarding (not just) Global (there is also Coastal) programs that for years were sold as exit programs is astonishing! I say if they work & people can afford it, more power to 'em. After all, it doesn't have to be perfect (god knows TS is not), just be better than the alternitives.

      You are as wrong as you could be. If FF goes bankrupt, me and all of the other unit owners will still own the real estate and we would find a new management company to operate and manage the resort. How we used the resort may change but we don't lose any ownership rights in the real estate.

      Again, you are deficient in your knowledge and should try to better educate yourself before trying to speak with educated people.
      Mike H
      Wyndham Fairshare Plus Owners, Be cool and join the Wyndham/FairfieldHOA forum!


      • #48
        Originally posted by BDF View Post
        let FF (or any other business) go bankrupt and see what you end up with...

        Actuall, this happened, and still are happening. The case I know is Habour, NC. FF used to own/build all properties, now 5 of the POA votes to belong to VI (??? I barely remember this) system, and no longer in FF. Just look at Bluebeard and see what will eventually happen.

        Yeah, and look what happen in WM.

        Even if FF does not go bankrupcy, today, its sale people constantly tell the owner they are 2nd class pretty soon unless they buy more points which may not longer can work under Wyndham again. So now, just go to sale's presentation, you will hear what they think you are ending up with. But on the other hand, when you out from that presentation, you will realize all the sales has no idea what they are talking about. And realize they have no idea there is a local government that actually governments all the contracts they sold.



        • #49
          Originally posted by BDF View Post
          I think the majority of what we as TS sales people say is true...
          Is this meant to say that you are a timeshare salesman?? If so, nuff said about this ongoing "discussion." Who do you sell, so that we can all avoid buying into their gimmick.

          My Travel Journals


          • #50
            Q. How can you tell when a timeshare sales person is lying?

            A. His/her lips are moving...


            • #51
              Originally posted by TimeshareVon
              Is this meant to say that you are a timeshare salesman?? If so, nuff said about this ongoing "discussion." Who do you sell, so that we can all avoid buying into their gimmick.
              I thought you guess it out already. Now (s)he probably is one of the sale in this travel club.

              Originally posted by BDF View Post
              I was in TS sales for over 3 years. Fairfield and Westgate being 2 companies. There is a saying among TS sales people "Timeshare is for selling, not for buying." No TS sales person in his/her right mind would pay retail for the "property". That word is itself a HUGE can of worms. What is the main reason people join TS? The Exchange! NOT the resort. A lot of heat pitched about how great each resort is and how it trades so easily...hence the popularity of TS Relief type programs. Done intelligently, TS is great...but as far as the clubs go...they are exchanges not affiliated with resorts...I say give 'em a chance...we might all be amazed

              By the way, don't grill him(her) too hard, I believe this forums welcome all people as long as they say what they truly believe.


              • #52
                "Again, you are deficient in your knowledge and should try to better educate yourself before trying to speak with educated people.
                Posted by: mshatty"

                mshatty - I say "LOL" It is a small person with a small mind that attacks when none is needed. It seems to me that it is beneath you to be so closed minded.

                "A pipe gives a wise man time to think and a fool something to stick in his mouth."

                I think you need a pipe.

                "Is this meant to say that you are a timeshare salesman?? If so, nuff said about this ongoing "discussion." Who do you sell, so that we can all avoid buying into their gimmick. Posted by: TimeshareVon"

                TimeshareVon - are you saying you didn't buy your timeshare from the developer? I say "Smart person" (not sure of your sex) Or are you saying you were duped into buying by a T/S salesperson? At which point I must say "Stop calling yourself a fool"

                "I believe this forums welcome all people as long as they say what they truly believe. Posted by: Jya-Ning"

                Jya-Ning - those are words of a humble & wise person. A shame that there are not more people as open minded on many different subjects in this world.

                FYI - I am not a punk kid who was selling T/S. I am a 53 y.o. man that has traveled much and seen more...good and bad...and I only speak of which I have seen with my own eyes and investigated...and would just save some heartache in this world. How would I buy T/S? (And I would) Only at auction and the max I would pay would be $8000 for any program. And I would NEVER do the 17% interest that T/S developers charge. Even 10% would be too high. And I would either 1) own where I want to go all the time or 2) own where it really is financially viable such as the Manhattan Club...which I could never touch for $8K.

