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Timesharing Today Display Ads

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  • Timesharing Today Display Ads


    In reply to some of your recent posts regarding
    Timesharing Today Magazine (TSToday.com)

    TSToday is a business and they make their money
    (to run the magazine and website - huge expense)
    from advertisers who want to reach their targeted
    audience of timeshare enthusiasts and ts owners.

    The magazine has been around for awhile and I would
    think that most if not all Timeshare HOA`s know about
    the magazine - If the HOA wanted to really help their
    owners unload unwanted timeshares - The HOA should
    budget money from owners mf to help offset ad costs.

    As you can see from TSToday ad rates
    Classified Ads are expensive
    However, I would think TSToday may offer a discount
    But I would never ask them for free advertising..

    Full Page Size: Width: 7.5" X Height 10" Bleed permitted;
    Trim size is 8 1/8" x 10 7/8" B/W 1X Ad Rate is $1133

    Display Ad Form

  • #2
    Marti, I am not asking for myself. I am asking for resorts that will have a hard time giving away weeks, if owners turn them back over to the HOA, instead of using PCC's.

    One page for all resorts to post, not one page per resort. It would not cost them much of anything at all to add one page to their magazine. If it helps owners, it is good for timeshare.

    Timeshare Relief and the ever-growing number of postcard companies are doing major damage to timeshare. TST is supposed to combat that. Otherwise, what is the purpose of the magazine. Is it to provide space for those who charge people to get rid of a burden? And yes, I do know they have a right to sell advertising space to anyone they please.

    TUG and this site are helping owners by providing free ads for giving away weeks. Why wouldn't/ shouldn't Timesharing Today want to do the same for resorts and owners?


    • #3
      If one has ever seen one of the postcards, he or she knows one way they damage timesharing. The cards are covered with negative statements about timesharing, often positioned beside photos of unhappy to angry people.

      The ads by postcard companies in TST are not to try to get business from TST subscribers. They are to have to flash around to their prospective vicitms at meetings, and as a "thank you" to TST for the generally postive article about them that I am sure is made much use of at their meetings to help rope in victims.


      • #4
        If one owns a blue or white week in a seasonal resort, what can possibly be said positive about it.
        Blaming the postcard companies for negative value timeshares is like blaming th e undertaker for the death of the people he buries.(I once saw a similar quote in a pawn shop).


        • #5
          Originally posted by ebram View Post
          If one owns a blue or white week in a seasonal resort, what can possibly be said positive about it.
          Beauty is in the eye of the beholder


          • #6
            Anything where supply exceeds demand is going to have less value, like the overbuilt areas, even if an exchange company calls them ''red'' (ha!). All resorts are seasonal, although in some like London, Paris, New York, and San Frnacisco, demand is always going to overwhelm supply even in the lowest season.

            The postcards proclaim the worthlessness of all timeshare, not just those where supply exceeds demand. They attack timesharing as a whole. This is bad for timesharing as a whole. To them the high season at Manhattan Club or Allen House is just as worthless as hurricane season in Orlando or January on Cape Cod.

            Originally posted by ebram View Post
            If one owns a blue or white week in a seasonal resort, what can possibly be said positive about it.
            Blaming the postcard companies for negative value timeshares is like blaming th e undertaker for the death of the people he buries.(I once saw a similar quote in a pawn shop).


            • #7
              I am new, is a subscription to TST worth the $


              • #8
                Perhaps. I like it. If you enjoy printed media which is not as fresh as the internet, you should like TST. I've been a subscriber since before I went online in 1998.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Hounddog01 View Post
                  I am new, is a subscription to TST worth the $
                  Ask for a free copy first. I believe that they will let you see it. I also believe that you learn more here where you can ask questions and get up to date answers from very experienced timesharers immediately.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Hounddog01 View Post
                    I am new, is a subscription to TST worth the $
                    I started a thread on that topic on TUG a while ago. Most of the articles in TST are pretty low quality, but there are a few good ones. There are also some interesting ads for things like exchange companies, and sometimes a few HOAs giving away weeks. Overall, though, the information here is much better.

