A lot of food for thought there.I feel its your own responsibity to get the truth and facts before you buy.I'll maybe wait before i buy just to get a feel for the market Thanx
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Originally posted by TheoBill has asked me: >> My question is that of all your ownerships have all been from the developer? <<
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On the contrary, I have NEVER purchased ANY of my timeshares from a developer. All of the handful of timeshares which I own have been private purchases made on the resale market. I undertook the considerable effort to get educated and informed about timeshare early on before ever swimming in the shark infested waters of timeshare. As a result, I have no shark bite scars or depleted bank accounts and no developer has made a dime from me.
That clearly said, I also know that my parents first bought into timeshares over 25 years ago and three of their weeks were developer purchases. Two of the three, in fact, were "pre-construction" developer purchases. Although not wealthy people, they feel with conviction and certainty that they have gotten every dime's worth of value from all three of those developer -purchased weeks. They bought what they intended to use --- and did so consistently for two decades plus.
Personally, I have endured only a few "presentations". I have never accepted any free cheap luggage or hotel rooms or other enticements of minimal value to do so, so it has been with a clear conscience and a firm step that I've simply walked away in each and every instance, unashamed --- and often outright disgusted by the tactics and repeated misrepresentations of fact. I'm not advocate for developer purchases, not in any way or manner, but the educated consumer MIGHT find the right deal in the right circumstances, if he/she knows what is being purchased and exactly how they intend to use it.
Very wise to buy resale. But if you really look at the vast majority of resale transactions, somebody is getting burned. Now you might say, well I don't charge them to take timeshare but the end result is that someone has lost many thousands of dollars.
I have always challenged the anti-postcard individuals to do this. If there is a feeling that people getting burned on a timeshare i.e. losing lots of money, is unethical or wrong then they should always strive to pay the seller exactly what they paid for it from the developer. After all since the prevelant theory is that developers are charging exactly the true value of a unit then the ethical thing to do is pay the seller that amount
Of course, any resort priviledge included with the original sale won't be transferred. So in reality, you may just want to buy from the developer instead.
Now the bright side of this theory is that if all people feel the same way then there would no longer be a resale market or better yet no one would ever lose money on their investment.
Re: >> But if you really look at the vast majority of resale transactions, somebody is getting burned. <<
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Well, I don't claim to know any facts or figures on "the vast majority of resale transactions" to which you make reference. I know only that in my own personal transactions, whether as buyer or seller, both parties have come away feeling that a fair and honest transaction has been completed.
I also don't know about the "prevalent theory" to which you referred (not quoted above, but stated in your same posting (regarding developer prices). Personally, I have never heard anyone assert that developer sales prices accurately represent "true value". As far as I know, based soley upon my own observations, developer prices reflect little more than whatever price they can finagle someone to contractually commit to pay..........
Originally posted by Theo View PostRe: >> But if you really look at the vast majority of resale transactions, somebody is getting burned. <<
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Well, I don't claim to know any facts or figures on "the vast majority of resale transactions" to which you make reference. I know only that in my own personal transactions, whether as buyer or seller, both parties have come away feeling that a fair and honest transaction has been completed.
I also don't know about the "prevalent theory" to which you referred (not quoted above, but stated in your same posting (regarding developer prices). Personally, I have never heard anyone assert that developer sales prices accurately represent actual market value. As far as I know, based soley upon my own observations, developer prices reflect little more than whatever price they can finagle someone to contractually commit to pay..........
I also find it interesting that you side with the developers and even mention that it isn't their jobs to tell people about the resale market. I hope you give the same leeway to PCC's in not informing their customers that they have the potential to sell their own timeshares.
What we have is captalism right or wrong. The developers and PCC provide a
product/service that has a lot of vaguity and deceit. Depending on the person you ask, dealings with either of these parties can either be good or suck. But in either case, the parties are trying to make money.
Re: >> I would suggest you reread your #10 post where you discuss that the developers charge what they charge because of developers cost. If that is the case, then they are charging the true value of the unit. <<
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What I stated (and I will gladly state it once again if you have somehow misunderstood either my words or my intent) was that in original developer sales, the cost of construction must first be recouped --- marketing costs too, since the resort just didn't build itself for free or just magically appear. Word that the timeshares are now for sale won't spread well by smoke signal alone. That's a simple observation of fact --- not any kind of "hooray" or endorsement for any developer. Please....
Any assertion that developer sale pricing in any way constitutes "true value" is NOT anything which I ever stated and is NOT anything which I have ever believed. Profit motive is the underlying, eternal goal of the developer right from the outset of their venture and "market value", in the final analysis, is simply (and always will be) whatever a willing seller can extract from a willing buyer.
"True value"??? I don't know what "true value" is at ANY step of the timeshare process --- and I certainly have never claimed otherwise. I DO know that if someone pays too much money to a developer, their financial error in judgement does NOT then somehow become a "true value" figure or benchmark of anything more than that particular buyer's "willingness" (or maybe their gullibility?). To me personally, as just a Joe Schmoe consumer without big money to waste away lining the pockets of any developers, "true value" is established later in the secondary (resale) marketplace. I'm sure it's painful for a developer purchaser to learn that this marketplace figure is now likely just a small fraction of the developer's original pricing, now being paid by a willing buyer long after the developer sales folks have returned to whatever holes they crawled out of. That's just my personal viewpoint and opinion. Yours may well vary --- particularly if you've ever written a big check to a developer.
Re: >> I also find it interesting that you side with the developers and even mention that it isn't their jobs to tell people about the resale market. I hope you give the same leeway to PCC's in not informing their customers that they have the potential to sell their own timeshares.<<
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I assume that you're joking. I certainly don't "side with" ANY developers on ANYTHING. Nonetheless, it IS certainly my personal opinion that any consumer, whether in timeshare or any other arena, ALWAYS has a measure of personal responsibility to make the effort to become informed, to check claims for themselves, to verify any and all "facts" and information presented to them. To trust blindly without making any personal effort to learn or to verify facts is, in my view, to just simply volunteer to be "suckered".
As far as PCC's telling timeshare owners that they can sell their own timeshare, I'm just speechless. Do people actually need to be TOLD that they can sell that which they previously bought? Do they also need to be TOLD this astounding revelation in regard to selling their own car, stereo, furniture, boat? I sure hope not.......
Re: >> What we have is captalism right or wrong.<<
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We certainly agree on this one statement at least, perhaps followed by.....
CAVEAT EMPTOR (Buyer Beware).
LAMAN vs NAMAL - the same person
Ignoring any letters in the account ID, LAMAN is NAMAL spelled backwards. This is the same eBay account or a second eBay account used by the same person. Or its a pseudonym.Dave
My wife's idea of camping is staying in a Timeshare!!
Fairfield Owners, Be cool and join the Fairfield HOA forum!
The PCC gets thousands upfront from people who have no idea how use the timeshare they bought from the developer, so they are convinced it is in their best interest to get rid of their burdon, resulting in another rip off to them. But don't forget, when you buy from the PCC, you are getting a low-priced timeshare with highly inflated closing costs and transfer fees so they are ripping you off too! When the total cost is a reasonable amount you are willing to pay for the interval, then I say, go for it. I have bought duplicate weeks at our home resorts by doing this. However, I just bought a duplicate Maui Schooner week from a private owner and paid more than I typically do. I knew the money was going to a couple who no longer wanted the week I desired to have. I felt I still got a good deal, and was glad it was a win-win deal this time!AKA "Mimi" from Toms River, NJ on TUG
Check out our vacation photos:
Well we've gone and bought a TS its macdonald Dalfaber resort in Aviemore Scotland.It cost£3000 with MF of £303 3 years II membership and a free holiday in Spain (no airfare).Week for 2007 is also banked.Verdict please.
Thanx for all year advice its been a great help.You can fool some of the people some of the time.Concentrate on these people