Hello from Bob and Judy. We are TS owners since 1990 and didn't know this site existed until after buying 2 TSs the old-fashioned way (you guessed it- through the developer ). Since perusing this site, I've found it to be the holy grail of TS advice. Too bad we didn't find you sooner! We'd like to lay out our position to see how best to use these TSs or add/subtract for maximum benefit. Anyone, feel free to jump into this thread if you have some ideas!
The first TS is a standard shoulder week (#19 in May) up in the Poconos in PA. Shawnee was touted to be a 5 star resort 15 years ago, but doesn't seem to shine like it used to. In fact, Shell Vacations club converted two of our weeks into RCI points for us and they only converted to 24K apiece for a 2 Brm. Yikes! Not much trading power there. (More on this later). However, in years past we have traded it successfully for many nice places all over the Caribbean, Mexico, Colorado and Hawaii as a straight trade through RCI/II.
The 2nd TS is a Shell Vacations Club points buy in 2005 worth 1250 pts. Turns out this is worth a studio during a blue week or 1/2 a red week. It's the lowest increment of points you can buy. The salesman promised us that if we converted our standard week above into RCI points then we could combine them with the SVC points to give us more trading power. This is true, but it is a pretty arduous process. SVC will convert our standard week for us. Advantage: we can do shorter stays at points resorts. Disadvantage: we have to commit that week to points well in advance and I'm just not sure we will get as much bang for the buck. The alternative is to keep the two TSs separate and trade the standard week through RCI/II.
1: Does anyone else out there have a setup similar to this? Have you found better value in trading independently or trying to combine?
2: Are standard week TSs becoming dinosaurs (vs. points)? Are they becoming less tradeable due to the proliferation of points-based resorts?
3: With most points set-ups, am I correct in assuming that you simply pay more points for higher demand resort time? Is reserving a particular resort with points on a first-come-first-served basis (as opposed to a standard week where it depends on the quality of your unit, when you deposit it, etc.)?
Thanks so much for helping out here. I'm sure I'll have more questions as we go.
B & J
The first TS is a standard shoulder week (#19 in May) up in the Poconos in PA. Shawnee was touted to be a 5 star resort 15 years ago, but doesn't seem to shine like it used to. In fact, Shell Vacations club converted two of our weeks into RCI points for us and they only converted to 24K apiece for a 2 Brm. Yikes! Not much trading power there. (More on this later). However, in years past we have traded it successfully for many nice places all over the Caribbean, Mexico, Colorado and Hawaii as a straight trade through RCI/II.
The 2nd TS is a Shell Vacations Club points buy in 2005 worth 1250 pts. Turns out this is worth a studio during a blue week or 1/2 a red week. It's the lowest increment of points you can buy. The salesman promised us that if we converted our standard week above into RCI points then we could combine them with the SVC points to give us more trading power. This is true, but it is a pretty arduous process. SVC will convert our standard week for us. Advantage: we can do shorter stays at points resorts. Disadvantage: we have to commit that week to points well in advance and I'm just not sure we will get as much bang for the buck. The alternative is to keep the two TSs separate and trade the standard week through RCI/II.
1: Does anyone else out there have a setup similar to this? Have you found better value in trading independently or trying to combine?
2: Are standard week TSs becoming dinosaurs (vs. points)? Are they becoming less tradeable due to the proliferation of points-based resorts?
3: With most points set-ups, am I correct in assuming that you simply pay more points for higher demand resort time? Is reserving a particular resort with points on a first-come-first-served basis (as opposed to a standard week where it depends on the quality of your unit, when you deposit it, etc.)?
Thanks so much for helping out here. I'm sure I'll have more questions as we go.
B & J