Originally posted by cbecerrajr
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What you were told about the geographical restrictions in II sounds right. I'd expect that you'd be able to trade for Vistana and Vistana Villages plus some of the "non-branded" resorts, but not the Orlando Marriotts or DVCs. If you plan to do a lot of trading, especially back to Orlando, I'd consider buying another week for that (and maybe renting out your Vistana.) Orlando weeks are generally too expensive in annual fees to be cost-effective traders.
Vistana has some older sections that some people consider run-down. Vistana Villages is more consistently high quality, as it is newer.
I believe Vistana is one of the resorts that allows low-cost "conversions" to RCI Points. So, that is another option for your Vistana week. However, it can take RCI a long time to do the points conversion, so I wouldn't use your 2008 week for this -- too likely RCI wouldn't get it done in time for you to get your full points. Also, once a week is in the RCI Points program, you generally can't use it for any other trading program.
Assuming you didn't pay too much to buy this week, you did very well for a first purchase. II with Starwood trade preference, RCI Points, or renting out -- this week offers you a lot of options.