I'm a longtime TS owner with Bluegreen but I don't know much about Spinnaker and I'm looking for information.
I have an acquaintance who owns a week 6 or white season at one of the Spinnaker resorts on Hilton Head. She no longer uses the resort and is willing to give it away. The maintenance fees are $680.00
My brother who has no timeshare ownership and has recently retired loves Hilton Head. Now I must confess that my brother isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer and he wants my advice and I know almost nothing about Spinnaker resorts because I'm not a fan of Hilton Head.
So here are my questions?
Are there any big problems with any of the spinnaker resorts? Like large special assessments?
I'm told that although she is deeded at week 6 it can be traded for any other week and that the 2008 week has not been used. Will my brother still be able to get a week in 2008.
Is this an RCI weeks resort or points resort and does the membership in RCI require an additional fee or is it included with the yearly maintenance fee?
What the best way to go about transferring such an ownership? Does Spinnaker have a Title Company to go through? This is basically the gifting of an ownhership to avoid ongoing maintenance fees?
Is there any reason this would not be a good deal?
I understand that Spinnaker has several resorts on Hilton Head and I do not know which resort this is for. Can you exchange from one Spinnaker Resort to another within the Spinnaker system without going through RCI. Is there an exchange fee?
I would ask the current owner, but it is difficult to get information from her. She is a stroke victim who just doesn't want to be bothered with this ownership any longer and doesn't want to pay someone to sell it.
Thanks for your help, If this belongs in another forum please move it. I could not find a Spinnaker forum.
I have an acquaintance who owns a week 6 or white season at one of the Spinnaker resorts on Hilton Head. She no longer uses the resort and is willing to give it away. The maintenance fees are $680.00
My brother who has no timeshare ownership and has recently retired loves Hilton Head. Now I must confess that my brother isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer and he wants my advice and I know almost nothing about Spinnaker resorts because I'm not a fan of Hilton Head.
So here are my questions?
Are there any big problems with any of the spinnaker resorts? Like large special assessments?
I'm told that although she is deeded at week 6 it can be traded for any other week and that the 2008 week has not been used. Will my brother still be able to get a week in 2008.
Is this an RCI weeks resort or points resort and does the membership in RCI require an additional fee or is it included with the yearly maintenance fee?
What the best way to go about transferring such an ownership? Does Spinnaker have a Title Company to go through? This is basically the gifting of an ownhership to avoid ongoing maintenance fees?
Is there any reason this would not be a good deal?
I understand that Spinnaker has several resorts on Hilton Head and I do not know which resort this is for. Can you exchange from one Spinnaker Resort to another within the Spinnaker system without going through RCI. Is there an exchange fee?
I would ask the current owner, but it is difficult to get information from her. She is a stroke victim who just doesn't want to be bothered with this ownership any longer and doesn't want to pay someone to sell it.
Thanks for your help, If this belongs in another forum please move it. I could not find a Spinnaker forum.