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newbee, bought TS westgate palace orl, SHELL SHOKED

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  • newbee, bought TS westgate palace orl, SHELL SHOKED

    hello to every one.
    me and my wife just took a weekend trip to Orlando from gainesville Florida.
    went to sea world and aquatic for 2 days, 2 hour dive, good fun.

    we went because we got a coupon from a gas station , and we have done the tm meetings before, and we knew we just had to sit around wait it out, and get our tickets and go. well this time we ended up getting one.

    2/b,2/b west gate palace, Orlando. every other year, seven days 8/ nights.
    6'900. 120. a month 10% interest.

    i had a friend call me on the way back, and i told him what i did.
    he told me he had 15 cousins working there and he could of got one for me for a lot cheaper.? he thinks i should cancel, says i usually have three days.
    wich is tomorrow.

    we dont do much traveling besides weekend excursions every once in a while, but me and my wife want to travel more frequently , and go more to islands on cruise's .
    any advice for a newbie?

  • #2
    Everyone will tell you to follow instructions on your sales contract and rescind your purchase. You can educate yourself and get points re-sale much cheaper. Also, FWIW, you might want to re-consider Westgate.


    • #3
      Heaven help you - GET OUT NOW!

      RESCIND - NOW! And then DO NOT BUY WASTEGATE! Especially not the "palace" which is a hotel shell converted to poor (by Orlando standards) timeshare units. Overpriced and a bad location/resort. In fact you'd be smart to avoid any Wastegate as ownership/management sets the bar for poor owner value. Get out while you can and thank the Lord you did.

      If you want to own in Orlando (we love it) there are great resorts to choose from that sell very cheap on resale - and NONE are Wastegates.


      • #4
        O.K. i will refuse, or cancel (rescind)
        what is my first step?
        i spoke with there in house lawyer type lady, i have her number on my phone,
        should i call her, or is there a different person to talk to.?


        • #5
          the sales guy made it sound like the equity value was about to sky rocket when they build this new harry potter theme park.
          we were there for 6 hours, and i asked the guy at like 3 hours into it,
          aren't you passed the 90 minute window? he was like
          only if you like the conversation, he had a argument for every thing i threw up.
          at the end i told him and his manager that i am not in the position to buy anything right now, then they come up with this figure which is less than half of what they were asking, and thats were i gave in.
          i was pissed when i left there


          • #6
            Read the rules in the paperwork. Do it NOW

            Originally posted by gopal
            O.K. i will refuse, or cancel (rescind)
            what is my first step?
            i spoke with there in house lawyer type lady, i have her number on my phone,
            should i call her, or is there a different person to talk to.?
            Talk to no one. Send a letter saying you rescind exactly as the documents state you need to. Follow the instructions exactly - use the method (US mail - registered orcertified or whatever it says) not UPS or Fed Ex. Follow the rules and you'll be free!


            • #7
              Your sales contract should spell out the EXACT steps you must follow to rescind. Most likely it should be done in writing within a certain number of days. A phone call won't do it.


              • #8
                i am having trouble finding a sales contract.
                they gave me a leather brief case, but the only documents that would slightly fir the description is a proposal.?
                we had signed a bunch of documents with the lawyer, but i dont remember her saying anything about a document to cancel?

                i do remember her saying that she wanted us to ask questions if theres anything we didn't understand , becuase they dont like to have any give backs.


                • #9
                  well , it looks like i will need to contact them tomorrow morning. i cant fnd any sales contract.
                  should i ask them to email it to me? i wounder how long is the cancellation dead line?


                  • #10
                    ok. so i found the contract hidden in a secret pocket.
                    it says.

                    if you decede to cancel, you must notify the developer in writing of your intent to cancel.
                    so i guess i just wright them a letter with my contract number and tell them i whant to cancel? simple as that?


                    • #11
                      Yes, simple as that. Follow the instructions EXACTLY. Send the letter certified with return receipt requested. If that's not how the contract specifies that the letter has to be sent, send the letter in different ways. You want a record of having sent the letter on a specific day--TODAY!


                      • #12
                        They may ask that all the materials they gave you be returned also. If so, include EVERYTHING and send it CERTIFIED mail. Do not give them any loop hole to say you didn't do it the way they said to do it. Do not phone them! Do not email them! Do not fax them! Be certain you keep your receipt from the post office in a safe place and keep the notification you get when it is delivered to them and someone there signs that the package has been received.
                        "You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity." Adrian Rogers


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by gopal View Post
                          ok. so i found the contract hidden in a secret pocket.
                          it says. if you decede to cancel, you must notify the developer in writing of your intent to cancel.
                          so i guess i just wright them a letter with my contract number and tell them i whant to cancel? simple as that?
                          Yes, simple as that. As the previous posters have said, mail it Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested. The date your rescission letter is postmarked is the effective date of recission. Keep a copy of the rescission letter.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by gopal View Post
                            ok. so i found the contract hidden in a secret pocket.
                            it says.

                            if you decede to cancel, you must notify the developer in writing of your intent to cancel.
                            so i guess i just wright them a letter with my contract number and tell them i whant to cancel? simple as that?
                            Correct. And use the method they state (usually registered mail).


                            • #15
                              Some more detailed rescission facts...

                              Originally posted by gopal
                              ...he thinks i should cancel, says i usually have three days. wich is tomorrow....any advice for a newbie?
                              Your friend is certainly correct that you should rescind (cancel) your Westgate purchase.
                              However, your friend is wrong about the time period to do so, a time period which is determined only by applicable state law (not by any resort company). While the rescission period is as short as 3 days in some states (both Ohio and Indiana, for example), in Florida the rescission period is
                              ten calendar days. Calendar days obviously includes both weekend days and all holidays.

                              There are (as required by law) cancellation instructions provided somewhere within your contract. Find them and follow them exactly and soon. If the instructions specifiy U.S. Mail, as they most likely do, that does not mean that you can instead choose to utilize FedEx, email, UPS, phone calls, fax, DHL or carrier pigeon --- it means U.S. Mail. Using certified mail will provide you with documentary proof (i.e., a date stamped USPS receipt) of having mailed the rescission letter within the deadline. Return receipt requested is fine, but not legally necessary; delivery is presumed and the actual delivery date by USPS is irrelevant. All that matters is that you can (if necessary) prove having properly mailed the signed rescission letter, postmarked within the state law deadline.

                              P.S. I wouldn't touch a Westgate property at any price, but that's just my own personal opinion.

