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Retail Timeshare Sales Grinding to a Halt

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  • Retail Timeshare Sales Grinding to a Halt

    Many are reporting that retail sales staffs are being sent packing, sales effort being shut down because no one will take the paper.

    First, that says something about the quality of that paper, that it is among the first to be turned down.

    But, in the bigger picture, we have talked over the years about what would happen if timeshare sales were open to the free market, if only those who really want to buy were buying from only those who really want to sell. What would happen if you took away all the hype and the sales that occur because of unnatural forces.

    In normal times we have speculated that prices would find a lower level closer to real value as both the supply and demand lines adjust themselves. But, these are not normal times. These are times when more may wish to sell and fewer may wish to buy, as more folks try to rid themselves of luxury items and fewer wish to take them on.

    There are resorts that have already entered this phase . . . older, sold out resorts. Some of them do have a natural supply and demand, and, in fact, ownerships do transfer, albeit at a lower price than retail. Prices of specific weeks also reflect supply and demand more, so that lesser weeks do not command the same price as more popular ones.

    At some older resorts there is even a waiting list for some weeks.

    - - - - - -
    Another factor that may screw up the natural order of the marketplace is that a glut of rentals may appear as owners struggle to come up to break-even, to recoup their fees, so that may have a depressing effect on the demand curve. Why buy the cow when . . . ?
    - - - - - -
    Another thought . . . do you think Mr. Sleaze will show up in Washington in his private jet, asking for a bailout? Do you think he will pin Nancy Pelosi up against the wall and grope her? Will Mrs. Sleaze be there, too?
    RCI Member Since 24-Aug-1989/150-plus Exchanges***THE TIMESHARE GRIM REAPER~~~Exchanging/Searching/SW Florida/MO/AR/IA/Consumer Advocacy/Estate Planning/Sports/Boating/Fishing/Golf/Lake-living/Retirement****Sometimes ya just gotta be a dick

  • #2
    Another another thought. . .

    Will we find out how many resorts/operations are truly smoke and mirrors, kept alive by artificial means, and when the recent DNR order from the money people hits home . . .

    When I was in direct sales (the dark years ), those stuck in that industry called it working on the come.

    And, when it stops coming . . .
    RCI Member Since 24-Aug-1989/150-plus Exchanges***THE TIMESHARE GRIM REAPER~~~Exchanging/Searching/SW Florida/MO/AR/IA/Consumer Advocacy/Estate Planning/Sports/Boating/Fishing/Golf/Lake-living/Retirement****Sometimes ya just gotta be a dick


    • #3
      I believe ADRA has send proposal to the white house for the bail out.



      • #4
        Surely you forgot your smilie, like a winkie one.

        If the TS industry gets a bailout that will show just how sick, how out of kilter, we'all have become.

        RCI Member Since 24-Aug-1989/150-plus Exchanges***THE TIMESHARE GRIM REAPER~~~Exchanging/Searching/SW Florida/MO/AR/IA/Consumer Advocacy/Estate Planning/Sports/Boating/Fishing/Golf/Lake-living/Retirement****Sometimes ya just gotta be a dick


        • #5
          Like our new Prez said this week, it is time to trim the fat.

          One thing developers sitting on tons of unsold units might do is step up efforts to rent them out, creating a glut of vacation rentals and further eroding the benefit of owning.

          And, at a time when luxuries like vacations are being dropped by the consumer like hot potatoes.

          A lot of untimely decisions being made right now, at an extremely untimely time.

          But, when you think about it, all the easy times and extravagances (like, think about the craziness of the dot-com days), don't we have it coming to us?

          For getting away from the basics that made America great? A decent day's wage for a decent day's effort.
          RCI Member Since 24-Aug-1989/150-plus Exchanges***THE TIMESHARE GRIM REAPER~~~Exchanging/Searching/SW Florida/MO/AR/IA/Consumer Advocacy/Estate Planning/Sports/Boating/Fishing/Golf/Lake-living/Retirement****Sometimes ya just gotta be a dick


          • #6
            Originally posted by JLB View Post
            One thing developers sitting on tons of unsold units might do is step up efforts to rent them out, creating a glut of vacation rentals and further eroding the benefit of owning.
            Good point,JLB. It does make one wonder if it's worth buyint the cow when...

            So far I haven't seen any rentals where I want to go for the price of MF, but perhaps they'll start showing up. I wouldn't be vacationing until summer anyway, so who knows what'll happen by then!



            • #7
              I rented out our Branson 2-bedroom, gold crown, upscale golf resort, July week for $595, and was tickled to get that!!!

              If you are not finding deals, you are not looking or dealing hard enough.

              If you want something in Branson, why not post somewhere saying that, say on craigslist/Springfield, or on a Branson forum? And, google it . . . Branson vacation rentals.

              Originally posted by kmansen
              So far I haven't seen any rentals where I want to go for the price of MF, but perhaps they'll start showing up.
              RCI Member Since 24-Aug-1989/150-plus Exchanges***THE TIMESHARE GRIM REAPER~~~Exchanging/Searching/SW Florida/MO/AR/IA/Consumer Advocacy/Estate Planning/Sports/Boating/Fishing/Golf/Lake-living/Retirement****Sometimes ya just gotta be a dick


              • #8
                Originally posted by JLB View Post
                If you are not finding deals, you are not looking or dealing hard enough.Branson vacation rentals.
                I could find LOTS of deals in Branson, but I wanted a DETACHED home, not the typical multi-story condo. Stormy Point fit the bill perfectly, but the best deal I found there was $700.



                • #9
                  Does that not save you the price of admission, or the obligation/burden that comes with it?

                  Show up, vacate, leave.

                  Originally posted by kmansen
                  but the best deal I found there was $700.

                  RCI Member Since 24-Aug-1989/150-plus Exchanges***THE TIMESHARE GRIM REAPER~~~Exchanging/Searching/SW Florida/MO/AR/IA/Consumer Advocacy/Estate Planning/Sports/Boating/Fishing/Golf/Lake-living/Retirement****Sometimes ya just gotta be a dick


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by JLB
                    Does that not save you... the obligation/burden that comes with it?
                    I guess since I don't own, I'm not fully aware of the burdens of ownership! I get the obligation with MFs, but a MF EOY doesn't seem too heavy a burden to bear unless I'm missing something.

                    By the way, thanks for spending your Thanksgiving doling out advice! We're not celebrating until tomorrow when the cousins arrive so we're having a lazy day off here



                    • #11
                      That's how we started 20 years ago, EOY. Guess they figure it's better to have a small hook barely in you than no hook at all.

                      Of course, then it was the other EOY, then two more full weeks there, then a week elsewhere, then two more there, then a week elsewhere, then three more there . . . with a few departing along the way.

                      I'm stuffed. DW just headed out to work (Branson show) and then off for Girls Thanksgiving Out in Nashville.

                      Originally posted by kmansen
                      I guess since I don't own, I'm not fully aware of the burdens of ownership! I get the obligation with MFs, but a MF EOY doesn't seem too heavy a burden to bear unless I'm missing something.

                      By the way, thanks for spending your Thanksgiving doling out advice! We're not celebrating until tomorrow when the cousins arrive so we're having a lazy day off here

                      RCI Member Since 24-Aug-1989/150-plus Exchanges***THE TIMESHARE GRIM REAPER~~~Exchanging/Searching/SW Florida/MO/AR/IA/Consumer Advocacy/Estate Planning/Sports/Boating/Fishing/Golf/Lake-living/Retirement****Sometimes ya just gotta be a dick


                      • #12
                        from the sales line

                        Bluegreen cut sales and marketing staff on Tuesday,
                        StreetBeat closed down yesterday


                        • #13
                          I saw the "adios" letter on Timeshare Street Talk. I loved that site as you could get the inside scoop and rumors as to what was going on in the industry as TS insiders (most of them disgruntled) posted what was going on with the companies. This site seemed to be a kind of successor to Timeshare Beat which appeared to have been run out of business by a flurry of lawsuits from a developer who didn't like the stories about him. I have no idea why street talk shut down only a week or so after announcing that, due to the breaking financial news, they would be posting items as they occurred rather than one a week. Now, with no warning, they're gone. The developers must be high-fiving each other til their hands bleed. Does anybody know of any other ""industry insider" sites or blogs?

