First of all hi I would appreciate some help. I have a timeshare with Playa del sol club. Bought it in Mexico. I haven't used it and want have some use and rent it to others. I called the people for my timeshare they told me they don't do that. They recommended me (I never used that site she said it was good. I also asked what about people that do it for you and told me you can do that some are good some are bad didn't recommend me one). Also I need to keep member ship in Internal Internationals but they charge a lot they recommended me trading places international. I talked to them and they do renting but i don't know if they charge a lot (Anyone know how they are). I appreciate the help please I am new to time share. I don't know what i should do any advice recommended.
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I am new to timeshare (I have one of my own)
I dont want to burst your bubble but your timeshare isnt worth what the salesman told you it was worth. (Most of us here bought at least 1 timeshare from a developer some more than 1) If I ever buy another one it will be resale.
If you have owned your timeshare past the point of rescinding which I believe is 5 days after purchase.
Then the best option may to be to use it yourself. Trading Places is an honorable company but they cannot rent for more than the market will bear. I have sent a couple of friends of mine to rent from them in the past. I see tons of cheap rentals on RCI and Ebay at this time, we are in a recession and no one has extra cash. You may rent it to cover your maintainance fees but if you do you will be lucky. As with any commodity you have to have buyers with funds to create demand. Vacations are some of the first expensees to go for most people. I am seeing some incredible pricing due to over supply.
Thanks for responding. I know its not worth what is which really sucks especially with this Recession. I have already owned this for already a an year and months. I know it will be hard i haven't used it i wanted to atleast rent it out and try to make some money a very minimal amount at the least. What about talking to a company that can rent is it. Is it not worth it at all or they will charge me even if it doesnt rent?
liko....which of the 3 resorts Playa del Sol in Mexico did you buy??? Or do you have access to all 3, or maybe it is down to two now.
If you do not care to use the timeshare maybe your best bet would be to utilize TPI to exchange it to somewhere closer to your home or DAE or try a direct exchange on here TUG....I think you can also place an ad on here for rentals, but as we all are saying the recession is going to make renting tough....
Whatever you do, do not pay an upfront fee for someone to rent it out fo ryou, we did thatm been sung once , not again LOL.Timeshare Addict - Mexico Travel Abounds - Happy Vacations!!
Thanks for responding. Well apparently i call and i have access to all of the ones in Mexico which are three. They wont let me exchange America since my membership is expiring and I need to renewal (i though that was pretty gay) they said i need to renew it. I really want to do it myself if its possible rent my timeshare to someone cheap and get some money I wouldn't mind but how does that work. I was thinking letting a company do it, but as i saw in your email its not a good experiences. I appreciate you guys teaching me timeshares . More feedback appreciated.
Liko,I don't know too much about renting but I would certainly first book a time with your resort probably in the winter months where there would be more demand for rentals.As suggested earlier in the other posts,you can put it on in your state,or use other rental sites such as charge) or put up notices for rent at your workplace,community centers,your neighborhood gym or aquatic center,fitness club,etc.At 60-70 days out before your booked week if it still didin't rent,then another option would be to deposit(exchange) your week w/ an exchange co.(egTrading Places$140 to exchange but no cost for membership), then you have 2 years to do an exchange w/them to somewhere in the States,maybe a place that you can drive to? If you want to go the exchange route,you may need to ask more questions from the exchange co. about the rules and deadlines for depositing(exchange) on your week!!! Hope this helps a little.....good luck Angie
Thanks a lot. Well I might try craiglist I really want to rent it out very cheap and get a little out of it. At the moment I have no time for vacation so I am going to try to see what i do and rent it out. What i don't get if i was to list it in craiglist i get someone interested. The next step would be to get paid the amount i ask? After that i call my company so they can book the days they asked for? I am really inexperienced help appreciated
Liko,maybe you should phone your resort and find out first what months are still available for you to book. A lot of people do reserve early at 10-12 months out especially for the winter season.Call your resort and explain to them what you want to do and see if they would be willing to give you some dates that are available from Jan-May 09. I will be going to Puerto Vallarta Feb.09 and I booked it Feb.08. Good luck.
No idea about Mexico area, but the renter usually take actions later than exchanger, and later than those who want to use or rent the week. If you can get Winter week or Spring break week, you should try to get it earlier. If you wait till you have renter tell you (which will not happen unless you have a constant customer, you will more likely not be able to get the week they asked.
Find out what is the cancel policy of your company.
For the 2009 year, you probably should consider deposit to an exchange company. They usually allow you to exchange it within 2 years. So you either get a chance to travel someplace you can easily reached, or travel in a later time.
You will need to pay the 2009 MF no matter if you need to exchange it or rent it out.
I know some Mexico TS has quite different rule on how can you move your TS usuage around or from one year to another, you should also look into it.
Its been a while I haven't posted. I won't have much time to travel myself. I just want to make it work rent it to someone and get a little cash. It really sucks cuz my time share is only in Mexico I would need to pay an exchange company to do that which requires more money. I know i have asked it but have any of you used craiglist and i think this site does exchanges and having no problems?
so basically i would only rent the ones i have in Mexico? Unless i paid a company like interval internationals which would let me exchange? Also how would i do it for example. If i posted one here i would put it cheap. If the person is interested my next step would be when they want to go out? Than call my company? Than get paid etc? thanks in advance learning a lot
Have you looked at A couple of years ago I posted an ad there and rented out my timeshares very successfully, and the ad was only about $20! You can also make trades. Give it a look. Good luck.
Originally posted by likoso basically i would only rent the ones i have in Mexico? Unless i paid a company like interval internationals which would let me exchange? Also how would i do it for example. If i posted one here i would put it cheap. If the person is interested my next step would be when they want to go out? Than call my company? Than get paid etc? thanks in advance learning a lot
Originally posted by likoso basically i would only rent the ones i have in Mexico? Unless i paid a company like interval internationals which would let me exchange? Also how would i do it for example. If i posted one here i would put it cheap. If the person is interested my next step would be when they want to go out? Than call my company? Than get paid etc? thanks in advance learning a lot
You need to find a customers, and get the reservation, sequece does not matter, as long as you can get both done. However, I usually find that reservation is very unknown part, since it invlove a manage company and other owner with a fix amount of inventories.
I will pick a week like I will go to vacation, and rent it out, so at least I will not deal with uncertainty in both side. Make sure you know your company's rule when deposit to an exchange company and cancel a reservation. You have some choices, you set a day, when pass that day, you either go yourself, or deposit it for exchange or cancel it and let it waste.
I start with very little week, so I always compare the other lodging choice, only if I think TS is more benefit, I will use. So you can do that to deterime your week. Shopping around to see what other people reserved. Don't try to score a home run, just try to beat your MF with some extra let.
Good luck.