Hello from South Jersey, it's c c c c c coooold!
I found your awesome site 2 years ago when my fam & I failed to follow the "just say NO!" rule at a lovely ts in Williamsburg, VA. and became owners. For 3 yrs I've been learning how to use this new ts vac. system.
This year I'd like to rent our unit out, but I have some concerns and hope ya'll can help me with insight.
This is the big Q? How easy/difficult will it be to rent on my own? My biggest fear is that the Property will come up with some BS, re: fees or confirmation when guest arrives and they're not the owner!
We have a floating week, but I "set" a week when I pd. maint. fees, for 2nd wk in July in Williamsburg, nice resort. So, I have it reserved in my name. I plan to rent to someone else & pay for the name change. Does this seem to fly with the resorts? I've been looking for any posts of owners who ran into trouble for doing this, but as I recall 3 yrs ago at the purchase, it wasn't a problem with sales (For some reason just saying that makes me feel really stupid!) So, I don't want any surprises going forwrd with a successful rent. I have a big family, so if I sent a Cousin in my place & pd for the name chnge, And if they send me a conf ltr with the name change, it should be good, right?
Thanks for any help u can send my way. La-la
I found your awesome site 2 years ago when my fam & I failed to follow the "just say NO!" rule at a lovely ts in Williamsburg, VA. and became owners. For 3 yrs I've been learning how to use this new ts vac. system.
This year I'd like to rent our unit out, but I have some concerns and hope ya'll can help me with insight.
This is the big Q? How easy/difficult will it be to rent on my own? My biggest fear is that the Property will come up with some BS, re: fees or confirmation when guest arrives and they're not the owner!
We have a floating week, but I "set" a week when I pd. maint. fees, for 2nd wk in July in Williamsburg, nice resort. So, I have it reserved in my name. I plan to rent to someone else & pay for the name change. Does this seem to fly with the resorts? I've been looking for any posts of owners who ran into trouble for doing this, but as I recall 3 yrs ago at the purchase, it wasn't a problem with sales (For some reason just saying that makes me feel really stupid!) So, I don't want any surprises going forwrd with a successful rent. I have a big family, so if I sent a Cousin in my place & pd for the name chnge, And if they send me a conf ltr with the name change, it should be good, right?
Thanks for any help u can send my way. La-la