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Seeking Advice in a Hurry re: Shell

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  • Seeking Advice in a Hurry re: Shell

    We purchased the min. points - 2500 - at Shell Vacations last Thursday in Napa CA
    We already own 5800 points with Hilton in HI

    Maybe its buyers remorse but I'm thinking I should back out of Shell Vac

    I'm just not feeling all wamr and fuzzy about it

    any ideas, opinions, etc.

    We were thinking it would be a good addition to our Hilton week
    but I need to decide tonite if we stay or opt out

    I just found this forum, that's why I'm just posting

    thanks for any info

    Susie Q

  • #2
    If you are in doubt, I would rescind. JMHO. It is very easy to buy a timeshare but it is very hard to sell it for what you paid for it or you may not sell it at all the way the economy is at the moment. You can buy the same timeshare on eBay most likely for a lot less money but take your time and read more here before you buy again.

    PS. Are you still in time to rescind your contract without any explanation or hassle? If you are, follow the instructions exactly and make copies of everything. I would send it by certified mail (if they specify USPS) too with a receipt.


    • #3
      I agree. Rescind now and think about it at your leisure. Spend some time reading here and at tug2.net. Investigate other sites where you can buy timeshares for THOUSANDS less. I'm not kidding.

      Short answer is get out now while you can. You can always get the same deal at a future date if you decide it's really what you want.

      As to what the previous poster said, follow the recision instructions exactly. Do not call it in, do not visit your salesman. Mail it if is says to mail - do not FedEx. Do not fax.....

      Best of luck.



      • #4
        Rescind. Are 2500 Shell points enough to reserve anything good?
        Mike H
        Wyndham Fairshare Plus Owners, Be cool and join the Wyndham/FairfieldHOA forum!


        • #5
          Thank you for all your advice

          After careful consideration and all the great input from all of you we did cancel our purchase at Shell.

          I am quite sure we made the right decision and your input helped us reach this decision.

          Thank you all

          Susie Q

