I emailed the Green Welling firm last week and ask them to keep me informed of the class action suit.
They replied yesterday and asked in the email, "if you have a means of contacting other RCI members, please feel free to spread the word."
So I am...
Here's the email.
Dear RCI Member:
Thank you for contacting our firm about your experiences with RCI. Green Welling filed a class action against RCI in February 2006. Through its Weeks Program, RCI offers its members the option of depositing their vacation week in a spacebank to exchange it for a comparable week from the spacebank. RCI states that the vacation weeks deposited into the spacebank are maintained in the spacebank for exchanges. Plaintiff alleges that RCI actually rents out the most desirable and highly demanded vacation weeks from the spacebank, thus depleting the most desirable options available to Weeks Program members who seek exchanges.
If you are or were a RCI Weeks Program member you are automatically a member of the purported class and do not need to do anything to participate in or "join" the class action. A class member may decide to provide documents to help us in our investigation in the case, but is not obligated to do so. If a successful conclusion is reached in favor of the plaintiff, all class members will receive a Notice of Settlement informing them of the terms of the settlement and instructing them how to claim their benefits.
A class representative is a person named in the complaint who participates actively in the lawsuit, and may be asked to testify at deposition and trial, answer written interrogatories, and keep generally aware of the status and progress of the lawsuit. To become a class representative, we would first have to review your documents and specific situation. It is often beneficial to have several lead plaintiffs. Thus, if you are interested in this level of involvement, we encourage you to contact us to discuss it further.
Our investigation suggests that RCI's practice of renting out the most desirable and highly demanded vacation weeks from the spacebank also impacts RCI Points members. In order to fully represent the claims of all RCI members, Green Welling is considering expanding the lawsuit to address the concerns of RCI Points members.
If you know of any Points members who would be willing to share their experiences with us, please let us know or refer them directly to us. They can email us at GW@classcounsel.com or call us at (888) 610-4768. Also, if you have a means of contacting other RCI members, please feel free to spread the word.
Lastly, it will help us get a recovery for RCI members if we can add you to our RCI contact database and collect information about your experiences. The contact database will be kept strictly confidential. It will allow us to contact you in the event we distribute information related to this lawsuit. To be added, please provide the following information:
(1) Your contact information (i.e. name, address, email, phone number, etc.)
(2) Are you a member of the RCI Weeks Program Member? If yes, please provide the dates of your membership.
(3) If no, which RCI program are you a member of?
(4) Please detail the nature of your problem (i.e. difficulty in finding adequate exchange weeks).
Please check out our website at www.classcounsel.com and feel free to email us with any questions or call us toll-free at 1-888-610-4768. Again, thank you for taking the time to contact our firm.
They replied yesterday and asked in the email, "if you have a means of contacting other RCI members, please feel free to spread the word."
So I am...
Here's the email.
Dear RCI Member:
Thank you for contacting our firm about your experiences with RCI. Green Welling filed a class action against RCI in February 2006. Through its Weeks Program, RCI offers its members the option of depositing their vacation week in a spacebank to exchange it for a comparable week from the spacebank. RCI states that the vacation weeks deposited into the spacebank are maintained in the spacebank for exchanges. Plaintiff alleges that RCI actually rents out the most desirable and highly demanded vacation weeks from the spacebank, thus depleting the most desirable options available to Weeks Program members who seek exchanges.
If you are or were a RCI Weeks Program member you are automatically a member of the purported class and do not need to do anything to participate in or "join" the class action. A class member may decide to provide documents to help us in our investigation in the case, but is not obligated to do so. If a successful conclusion is reached in favor of the plaintiff, all class members will receive a Notice of Settlement informing them of the terms of the settlement and instructing them how to claim their benefits.
A class representative is a person named in the complaint who participates actively in the lawsuit, and may be asked to testify at deposition and trial, answer written interrogatories, and keep generally aware of the status and progress of the lawsuit. To become a class representative, we would first have to review your documents and specific situation. It is often beneficial to have several lead plaintiffs. Thus, if you are interested in this level of involvement, we encourage you to contact us to discuss it further.
Our investigation suggests that RCI's practice of renting out the most desirable and highly demanded vacation weeks from the spacebank also impacts RCI Points members. In order to fully represent the claims of all RCI members, Green Welling is considering expanding the lawsuit to address the concerns of RCI Points members.
If you know of any Points members who would be willing to share their experiences with us, please let us know or refer them directly to us. They can email us at GW@classcounsel.com or call us at (888) 610-4768. Also, if you have a means of contacting other RCI members, please feel free to spread the word.
Lastly, it will help us get a recovery for RCI members if we can add you to our RCI contact database and collect information about your experiences. The contact database will be kept strictly confidential. It will allow us to contact you in the event we distribute information related to this lawsuit. To be added, please provide the following information:
(1) Your contact information (i.e. name, address, email, phone number, etc.)
(2) Are you a member of the RCI Weeks Program Member? If yes, please provide the dates of your membership.
(3) If no, which RCI program are you a member of?
(4) Please detail the nature of your problem (i.e. difficulty in finding adequate exchange weeks).
Please check out our website at www.classcounsel.com and feel free to email us with any questions or call us toll-free at 1-888-610-4768. Again, thank you for taking the time to contact our firm.