Well, this is a pot-stirrer, so be prepared...
"On another board" there was a poster wanting a 2 BR exchange but actually being told by RCI that they must not want the exchange very badly if they wouldn't take a 1 BR.
So now I'm wondering, when you see RCI rentals, do you see many studios and 1 BR or do you only see the 2 and 3 BRs? It sounded like intimidation and the only reason I could think of for that is to hold back the larger units for higher rents.
I don't follow their rentals, so I have no data in my head, I'm basically just seeing if putting 2 and 2 together gives us 4, or, Nothing. Are they equal-opportunity renters or do they only offer the big ones?
So, what have you seen??
"On another board" there was a poster wanting a 2 BR exchange but actually being told by RCI that they must not want the exchange very badly if they wouldn't take a 1 BR.
So now I'm wondering, when you see RCI rentals, do you see many studios and 1 BR or do you only see the 2 and 3 BRs? It sounded like intimidation and the only reason I could think of for that is to hold back the larger units for higher rents.
I don't follow their rentals, so I have no data in my head, I'm basically just seeing if putting 2 and 2 together gives us 4, or, Nothing. Are they equal-opportunity renters or do they only offer the big ones?
So, what have you seen??