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I think I got messed over..but is it worth it?

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  • I think I got messed over..but is it worth it?

    Are there any SilverLeaf owners here?

    My wife and I just purchased a unit at the Village in Tyler Texas. It is a silver leaf resort. They said that it already had equity and we put 1000 down and owe like 5 grand. It is the lodge style room, but it is the blue season. No holidays..no summer... It is from like october to march..but without the holiday weeks that we can take our bonus time. They say that from Sun night through Thurs night we can stay for free up to 3 days in a row..but have to leave for seven then we can come back. If we choose to stay on the weekend, then it is 50 dollars a night. That is just our bonus time. But it just seems like it is the school months and we have 3 kids the youngest being 18months...

    They made it seem like a good deal, but now I really wonder. Any ideas from you experienced time share people? In all it will be 6380 for the unit. We also get our one week and enrolled in RCI. Not sure what to do. We just signed papers on Fri so we are still within the 6 day law that we can request a refund. Please help. I would like to learn from others downfalls and do the right thing.

  • #2
    This is a bad deal. You can get a lot of blue weeks for $200. $100, or free.

    For the amount you are paying, you can get a top red week on the resale market.

    Developers are always way overpriced. The place to buy timeshare is on the resale market.

    If you are still within the cancellation period, then cancel immediately, and make sure you document all of the required steps.

    Then look around on the resale market and find yourself a deal.


    • #3
      Agreed. This is not a good deal. Cancel immediately, following all of the steps outlined in your contract exactly. Also, if you send the cancellation by mail, get a return receipt from the post office.

      Read this forum and learn all you can before purchasing again. There is a ton of information here and if you ask questions, people will be happy to answer them for you.

      Good luck.



      • #4
        Exactly what I am going to do....

        Thank you all for your replies. I was thinking the same thing after finding this forum. I don't know who came up with this forum, but I am thankful. Saved me about 10000 dollars in the long run.

        I called the resort and apparently they are closed on mon and tues but I called the coporate and they said that someone WILL call me back today regarding the issue. I am going to have my wife go down to the resort and take a written cancelation notice (which she will write because there is no form) and also get them to sign it and give us a receipt, then also going to certify a letter and send it out today to the address on the contract. Hopefully that will cover both of our tracks and we can get something done. This is our 4th day after the contract. We signed contract on Fri the 9th so we should be entitled to our refund. I will keep you posted, and once again, THANKS from the whole LITTLE family!


        • #5
          Don't bother to talk to them--they will only try to talk you out of canceling. As you know, they can be very persuasive. Personally, I would not go in to hand-deliver anything either. Again, they will try to talk your wife out of canceling and it could be an unpleasant experience for her.

          Write the letter, sign it, mail it certified via the US Postal Service with return receipt requested TODAY--if that's what your contract says. Or do what your contract says AND mail it certified, return receipt requested.


          • #6
            Timeshare companies are often very difficult about your not having followed the written instructions exactly. Look and see what they wrote about how to cancel. If it says mail, then mail. If it says certified, then certify it. Do exactly what they say or you may regret it. All they have to do is stall you one way or the other, or have you not meet the EXACT written requirements to cancel, until the 6 days are up, and it's yours.
            "You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity." Adrian Rogers


            • #7
              Recind right now don't wait for them to call you back. Send a certified letter to Silverleaf corporate office in Dallas with return receipt requested. Silverleaf bonus time is great but only if you own a red week. That way you have all 52 weeks to request bonus if available. You can also use your week to do internal exchanges but red weeks only make sense. I have seen SL weeks going from $1500 down to $1 in the past week and some were Presidentials. As your kids get little older you will have a hard time using it during school season and a very hard time getting rid of a blue week.

              Hop (SL owner)


              • #8
                Couldn't sign it.

                I was at work when my wife sent all this off. We did not sign it, but we did give all info. It did not say sign in the contract. We sent it next day and with all the bells and whistles. It should get tehre tomorrow. We bought friday so it should be good. BUT..here's the kicker. I am at work, so neither her nor I signed it. But all the information is on there. Will that matter?!?!? If so, I can send off another copy because tomorrow is our 5th day. Although no where in the contract did it say we had to sign, it just said send your cancellation letter to the following address.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by cashresolution
                  I was at work when my wife sent all this off. We did not sign it, but we did give all info. It did not say sign in the contract. We sent it next day and with all the bells and whistles. It should get tehre tomorrow. We bought friday so it should be good. BUT..here's the kicker. I am at work, so neither her nor I signed it. But all the information is on there. Will that matter?!?!? If so, I can send off another copy because tomorrow is our 5th day. Although no where in the contract did it say we had to sign, it just said send your cancellation letter to the following address.

                  I am not sure if it will be acepted without a signature. But if it is not you probably won't hear about it until the 6 days are up. Then it might be too late. To be on the safe side I would send it again.

                  Any other thoughts on this??


                  • #10
                    Definitely redo the letter and sign it, both you and your wife. Then send it again, according to the directions. It's not worth fighting over it with Silverleaf.


                    • #11

                      Ok..it is from the date SENT? or when they receive it? We bought it on Fri. Monday was columbus day. I heard that Sundays and Hollidays don't count. Should I send this one over night as well, or just certified and return receipt? I am going to sign it when I get home at about 4:30 pm and take it to mail box. Hopefully it is from the date of the letter being sent. Please clarify..thanks a bunch...


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by cashresolution
                        Ok..it is from the date SENT? or when they receive it? We bought it on Fri. Monday was columbus day. I heard that Sundays and Hollidays don't count. Should I send this one over night as well, or just certified and return receipt? I am going to sign it when I get home at about 4:30 pm and take it to mail box. Hopefully it is from the date of the letter being sent. Please clarify..thanks a bunch...

                        It should be the postmark date and having it certified will prove that and return receipt is your proof they received it. If it's postmarked mailed today, you should be ok.


                        • #13

                          Thanks. I am on my way to the house right now to take care of this. Thanks for all the help.


                          • #14
                            Congrats on doing your homework, finding us, and saving thousands of dollars. You are going to be amazed how much you overpaid and what you can get for your money or for a lot less money in the resale market.
                            "If a Nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.... If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
                            -- Thomas Jefferson to Col. Yancey, 1816


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by cashresolution
                              Thanks. I am on my way to the house right now to take care of this. Thanks for all the help.
                              You made the right decision.

