A few days ago in Wroclaw, Poland (long known as Breslau in the centuries it belonged to Germany and before that Austria) and ran into something with an ATM that I had not seen before, and in can derail the excellent exchange rate you get with them. It was DCC, or Dynamic Currency conversion, a plague for the last few years with hotel bills, rental cars, airlines, restaurants, etc. but something new for ATM's.
DCC has a contractor convert the local currency to your home currency and submit it in your home currency to your bank card company. There are two problems - 1) they convert it at a very bad rate, and 2) your card company will charge you for conversion anyway, as it is now a foreign usage rather than foreign exchange fee, so you are double charged for the conversion.
The important thing is that for you to get the best rate, the transaction needs to go to your bank in LOCAL currency, NOT in your home currency. If anyone else has a hand in currency conversion, you are getting screwed.
This ATM wanted to know in a message on screen, if ''for your convenience'' I wanted the transaction sent to my bank in dollars rather than zloty, and in fine print mentioned an exchange rate, which was much worse than any I had seen at any exchange house in town. Being familiar with the DCC ripoff, I clicked ''no'' and that was that. I am afraid that many, not knowing about DCC and how it works, would have clicked on dollars without really looking at the exchange rate.
I have not seen this anywhere else in Poland with ATM's, but I am sure it will not take long for it to spread with banks like it has at hotels.
DCC has a contractor convert the local currency to your home currency and submit it in your home currency to your bank card company. There are two problems - 1) they convert it at a very bad rate, and 2) your card company will charge you for conversion anyway, as it is now a foreign usage rather than foreign exchange fee, so you are double charged for the conversion.
The important thing is that for you to get the best rate, the transaction needs to go to your bank in LOCAL currency, NOT in your home currency. If anyone else has a hand in currency conversion, you are getting screwed.
This ATM wanted to know in a message on screen, if ''for your convenience'' I wanted the transaction sent to my bank in dollars rather than zloty, and in fine print mentioned an exchange rate, which was much worse than any I had seen at any exchange house in town. Being familiar with the DCC ripoff, I clicked ''no'' and that was that. I am afraid that many, not knowing about DCC and how it works, would have clicked on dollars without really looking at the exchange rate.
I have not seen this anywhere else in Poland with ATM's, but I am sure it will not take long for it to spread with banks like it has at hotels.