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Choice warns TripAdvisor users to be aware of fake hotel reviews

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  • #16
    I always check TA and appreciate the reviews there, especially when there are many for a particular business as it gives me a very good idea of what to expect. I do know though that a number can be very biased, especially when it comes to timeshares when owners review where they own.


    • #17
      Originally posted by jerrry94087 View Post
      True, but some points are shared by a significant percentage of people.
      I wrote a very bad review for the timeshare in Italy few years ago, and got 6 useful votes. Hopefully this helped people to avoid this bad resort. Now, after few years I see few good reviews there for the same resort, suggesting they did some remodeling of the problem areas. Hopefully this resort turned around and is making improvements.

      The other issue with many review sites is that they always have vested interest in their own business making revenue, and their own interest has nothing to do with fairness or objectiveness that many would expect, but rather with their own cash register activity. I saw cases when Yelp, for example, would hide some reviews and not others making certain businesses appear in better or worse light, depending on if this business pays Yelp or not. They were even sued for this several times, but they always had better lawyers than the other parties. And what particularly upsets me is that they would hide my review not right away, but in a week or so, when they think I stop paying attention. Sneaky them!

      So I would take all reviews with the grain of salt, and will always look if the business has ads or coupons with this company which may cause reviews
      You need to read reviews thoroughly and see if what the reviewer wants out of a vacation or place, is same as you, and also note little, what seem to be idiosyncrasies. Yes take most with grain of salt. For example if a review is at a Mexico timeshare and the reviewer says little english spoken , throw it out, but if they say not enough towels if that will be an issue for you pay attention.

      Originally posted by JWC View Post
      I have been a member of Trip Advisor for several years and have posted 148 reviews. I check the reviews for hotels and restaurants many times. I read between the lines and don't pay any attention to reviews that appear false or don't apply to what I am looking for. I have never been disappointed yet by using them to select hotels or restaurants in areas I am not familiar with. I also participate on their forums.
      I too am a member of TA for many years with Destination Status, for some places in mexico and over hundred reviews under my belt. I trusted the site to be true and honest as that is how I write my reviews. I recently wrote a review for Dreams Puerto Vallarta which was unfavorable, many issues, and poor handling of bad situations. I was asked twice to revise my review by TA, guidelines...Finally I asked tell me exactly what the issue is ..not a reply but my review was never published. My husband then signed up and wrote a short review, very unlike mine, which are usually long, and I hope tactful. They did not publish his either.
      I even started a thread what is up with reviews? That has been deleted. So ......grain of salt? Who pays more..??? Sounds bad to me.

      Originally posted by 1950bing View Post
      I have been saying for years that TA can not be trusted. It's a G.O.B network.
      I do not know what a G.O.B. network is, sorry for my ignorance.

      *****So my take, grease the palm and guess what if you are a big reviewer who people follow negative reviews from you will not be posted. So send the reviewer a PM, if you can, or if there review disappears. I am like 4-6 reviews behind at this point and frankly, after all the time spent on writing my unfavorable review, I am not rushing. I also am very active in the forums and have a large following. I went to Dreams PV, as it is rated right up there with my favorites, and sadly it did not fit the bill, not even close. Yeah we got violently ill, handled poorly by management ( not staff) and despite that, many issues, pool is tiny, no chairs and less than mediocre food for big money. I am sure you all know I love the Velas Resorts, esp. Casa Velas, well I was actually afraid I might like it better and well Casa Velas is like home to me, but I went to Dreams with open mind, as is said in spanish on TA in spanish Dreams is only luxury in name , only name, How true.

      I have been so disappointed with TA and all of this that I am starting my own blog and website, will entail, travels of me bezerk, updates, life in Mexico, now and for last 15 years, health care in Mexico and surviving Breast Cancer while being and ex-pat in Mexico. Why am I doing this cause I do not want to be restricted with what I say...my motto let the truth be told. So I can this way. I work so hard at not being biased. If a situation, dislike occurs I speak up, if it is fixed or handled appropriately then it is fixed so no need to mention if not, than it is an issue travelers and such need to know. JMHO!!
      Timeshare Addict - Mexico Travel Abounds - Happy Vacations!!


      • #18
        Doesn't surprise me, one forum there I read often you see first time posters tooting certain jewelry stores then never heard from again.

