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8 Countries that don't roll out the welcome mat to tourists.

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  • #16
    Originally posted by chriskre View Post
    If I'm not welcome as an American then I really am not interested in visiting.
    That should be everyone's travel mantra. Governments around the world spend an enormous amount of time, energy and money rescuing their citizens from dangerous situations. If I need to hide my nationalities, accents and origins to be safe, it is getting too difficult. Having said that, if I can get away with labelling myself a New Zealander, I'm there.


    • #17
      You might very well. You might check with the German consulate. The ethnic Germans of Transylvania province in Romania, who are called Saxons, settled there in medieval times, but with the fall of Communism, most of them went to Germany and reclaimed their German citizenship, leaving their villages and towns with the fascinating medieval fortified churches behind.

      Depending on the part of Ukraine involved, however, there might be a problem. Much of western Ukraine belonged to the Austrian empire until 1918. In fact traveling through that area by train it is amazing how many train stations are still painted Hapsburg Yellow. In that part of Ukraine, ethnicity might be German but nationality more likely might be Austrian, and that might present a problem. As you mention her leaving Russia, that suggests eastern Ukraine, and your odds would be better in coming from that area.

      Originally posted by T. R. Oglodyte View Post
      My mother's family was among the Germans who settled in the Ukraine in the 18th century. When the family left Russia, shortly before the Revolution, they relocated in a town in North Dakota that was populated by German emigres from the Ukraine. Might I then qualify for German citizenship?


      • #18
        Originally posted by Carolinian View Post
        ... The ethnic Germans of Transylvania province in Romania, who are called Saxons, settled there in medieval times, but with the fall of Communism, most of them went to Germany and reclaimed their German citizenship, leaving their villages and towns with the fascinating medieval fortified churches behind....
        Steve you have way too much interest in Transylvania, people may begin to think you have a box there.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Carolinian View Post
          Depending on the part of Ukraine involved, however, there might be a problem. Much of western Ukraine belonged to the Austrian empire until 1918. In fact traveling through that area by train it is amazing how many train stations are still painted Hapsburg Yellow. In that part of Ukraine, ethnicity might be German but nationality more likely might be Austrian, and that might present a problem. As you mention her leaving Russia, that suggests eastern Ukraine, and your odds would be better in coming from that area.
          I'm pretty sure there isn't an issue with Austria. My grandfather was a deserter from the Russian army. When he got a leave he headed straight to Odessa, where he met up with the rest of the family, who had already booked steamer passage to Canada. He changed out of his uniform, got on board with the rest of the family and were out of Russian waters by the time he turned up AWOL.
          “Maybe you shouldn't dress like that.”

          “This is a blouse and skirt. I don't know what you're talking about.”

          “You shouldn't wear that body.”


          • #20
            I have US girlfriend and repeated problems with visa and entry. In fact it seems to be harder every year.


            • #21
              However, I've recently found this site that makes the visa process a whole lot easier. They take care of most of the paper work for people who are looking for a residential US visa. I'm currently running through the application process myself with an idea to move over there for the long term. Take a look at the site if you've been having the same problems as me in the past. Certainly worth a punt.

