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orange lake resorts class action lawsuit

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  • #31
    Originally posted by slnyc11 View Post
    Why isn't everyone on here sticking together and trying to make a change? it seems like everyone on here knows that what these timeshare comapies are doing is wrong yet no one is standing up and saying its not ok and we wont let you get away with it. There are so may people on these forums but no one has united and took a stand. why is that?
    I don't think you understand, and I thank you for letting us know that English is not your first language - we can cut out slang to help. I am sorry that you feel insulted and apologize on behalf of the entire community. I may have not seen it on the thread, but did not see an insult and am confident in saying that none was intended.

    Look, we are not against you. We are a welcoming community and I apologize if that has not been apparent to you.

    We are saying, we've seen this before, it's hard, and judgement in your favor is not likely. That's all. Some here may have already been involved as the losing party in such class action cases. We're not insulting you, just trying to let you benefit from our experience. There have been plenty of lawsuits attempted and you would help your case to find them and review them. Your idea is not new. People try to sue all the time.

    Since it's clear that you are serious about this, people have contributed good advice and links and maybe some details you didn't know. I hope so. This is a seasoned group of smart timeshare people, you've come to the right place.

    I know you want our support, and we can give it to you here. But if someone doesn't own there, we're not involved in the case. We'll help you to the extent that we can. We wish you good luck because I think that most of us would love to see the little guy win against a dishonest developer. GO!!!

    BUT, to dramaticize it as rape is not going to help your case and I find that analogy to be highly inappropriate. Lay out The Facts without judgement or commentary and see what you have.

    We've seen this before. The People don't usually win against timeshare developers, but, keep on collecting People and make yourselves heard. Can't hurt, but, the reality is, it might not help.


    and welcome to timeshareforums

    it's cool, you're among friends here


    • #32
      Originally posted by mile
      It looks like you are a happy OLR owner, so I guess you try defent your resort, but we all my respects to yuo I think we all have freedom of speak and freedom of press, so even if you try to tell us that isn't posible go against them, we are going to do, we all have the same unit complaint. and justice need to came, maybe you got the resort when they stared so they where honesty because they need clients, now they are like any other time share scam, liers and we made a financial suicede so we don't want that another person do the same mistake.
      Fight the Good Fight, and may you be victorious!


      • #33
        I tried to take a stand a while back at another place against the Gonscy scam that was fleecing timeshare owners several hundred dollars for appraisals prior to having their timeshare purchased. The site owner said not on that site so we had to do it by email. I don't know if we had any influence in the final prosecution that shut down the scam. So, consider yourself one step ahead that we are not disallowing this discussion. Just about everyone who comes here and asks if their purchase from a developer was a good deal gets told to rescind. Some that bought from Mexico sharks are directed to where to go for help. We don't know what happened to you at Orange Lake.
        There's really not a hell of a lot we can do to help you or change the way some companies due business.

        Originally posted by slnyc11 View Post
        Why isn't everyone on here sticking together and trying to make a change? it seems like everyone on here knows that what these timeshare comapies are doing is wrong yet no one is standing up and saying its not ok and we wont let you get away with it. There are so may people on these forums but no one has united and took a stand. why is that?


        • #34
          Originally posted by dougp26364
          BTW, filing complaints with HUD and the FTC could also be considered.

          I used to post the FTC address on a certain other site, something like ten years ago.

          Sometimes the climate is right for these things, and my sense is that now might be one of those times.

          As I keep saying, as efforts pile up and become public it lends credence to the next one. There are quite a few going on and in the works now.

          Last year I suggested here that the industry might show some compassion for the hardships of some of their owners at this time, and perhaps earn some goodwill. It does not appear that that happened, and owners who were pissed a year or two ago are more pissed now.

          There has been some success against timeshare developers for fraud. Even for things said, but not in writing.
          RCI Member Since 24-Aug-1989/150-plus Exchanges***THE TIMESHARE GRIM REAPER~~~Exchanging/Searching/SW Florida/MO/AR/IA/Consumer Advocacy/Estate Planning/Sports/Boating/Fishing/Golf/Lake-living/Retirement****Sometimes ya just gotta be a dick


          • #35
            I hope you guys win. They shoud be held accountable for lies told at a sales pitch.

            We were lied to and after a couple of months realised that it wasn't as easy to use and that a lot of what we were told was incorrect. Lies that led us to buy. We consulted a lawyer, contacted the national timeshare body and lodged a complaint with them. We also lodged a complaint with the relevant gov't body, wrote letters which the developer tried to ignore and in the end got our money back.

            Good luck!


            • #36
              I wish all of you who are trying to make things right all the best and hope you win your case. Please keep in mind that no one here is fighting you. Most of us came to TSing in the same way. Slick salespeople who know how to push the right buttons and say the right things to make you thrilled to sign the contract. Their only real concern is their sales commission, not your happiness as a client. You may argue that they lied in their presentation, but that's your word against theirs. What counts is what's in the printed contract, which you have agreed to and signed. Most of us have learned the hard way that you just have to assume that anything a sales rep tells you at a TS presentation is a lie until it can be proven to be the truth.
              On the positive side, despite being ripped off for the original contract, I still love my TS. If I had to do over again, I would definitely buy resale. But my purchase was more than 20 years ago, long before the internet was available to check out any purchase. I applaud you for your efforts in trying to make things right. You have quite an uphill battle, perhaps you can make a difference. Make as much noise as you can - even get the media involved if you can.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Sydney
                We were lied to and after a couple of months realised that it wasn't as easy to use and that a lot of what we were told was incorrect. Lies that led us to buy.
                Why, you dufus!!!!

                According to Doug, you shoulda found all that out and rescinded in, what, 7-10 days?

                So, you deserve to be strapped to all the lies for life. Dufus.
                RCI Member Since 24-Aug-1989/150-plus Exchanges***THE TIMESHARE GRIM REAPER~~~Exchanging/Searching/SW Florida/MO/AR/IA/Consumer Advocacy/Estate Planning/Sports/Boating/Fishing/Golf/Lake-living/Retirement****Sometimes ya just gotta be a dick


                • #38
                  Having heard a few of the details, there seems to be a classaction and at least one individual lawsuit, and based on the basis, that seems appropriate.

                  I, too, will continue to applaud your efforts.

                  Correcting the bad behavior of the industry has been a long time coming.

                  We all know that regardless of how we present ourselves.
                  RCI Member Since 24-Aug-1989/150-plus Exchanges***THE TIMESHARE GRIM REAPER~~~Exchanging/Searching/SW Florida/MO/AR/IA/Consumer Advocacy/Estate Planning/Sports/Boating/Fishing/Golf/Lake-living/Retirement****Sometimes ya just gotta be a dick


                  • #39
                    Yes, I wish we could all be Doug! He seems to know it all!!!!!! Yes, we deserve to be strapped into a contract and frauded because we didn't do our homework on something that we were quite happy to have in our possession at the time of signing, based on the dog and pony show presented verbally, AND before the reality set in and we were allowed to call to schedule our first trip...... "the first call", so to speak, the cooling down process or the recinding period of 10 days in fact was well past due! I'm sure DOUG can help me with the lingo there, get your thesaurus out!!!!!

                    Originally posted by JLB View Post
                    Why, you dufus!!!!

                    According to Doug, you shoulda found all that out and rescinded in, what, 7-10 days?

                    So, you deserve to be strapped to all the lies for life. Dufus.


                    • #40
                      Thank you for the support JB and Board Girl. Unappropriate or not, we were taken advantage of and stronly lied to all the qualities of just what I said, even worse in some cases.


                      • #41
                        Bnoble to mile- page 3 of the thread, insult! You all seem to ONLY see what you want to see as well- talk about tunnel vision!

                        Originally posted by BoardGirl View Post
                        I don't think you understand, and I thank you for letting us know that English is not your first language - we can cut out slang to help. I am sorry that you feel insulted and apologize on behalf of the entire community. I may have not seen it on the thread, but did not see an insult and am confident in saying that none was intended.

                        Look, we are not against you. We are a welcoming community and I apologize if that has not been apparent to you.

                        We are saying, we've seen this before, it's hard, and judgement in your favor is not likely. That's all. Some here may have already been involved as the losing party in such class action cases. We're not insulting you, just trying to let you benefit from our experience. There have been plenty of lawsuits attempted and you would help your case to find them and review them. Your idea is not new. People try to sue all the time.

                        Since it's clear that you are serious about this, people have contributed good advice and links and maybe some details you didn't know. I hope so. This is a seasoned group of smart timeshare people, you've come to the right place.

                        I know you want our support, and we can give it to you here. But if someone doesn't own there, we're not involved in the case. We'll help you to the extent that we can. We wish you good luck because I think that most of us would love to see the little guy win against a dishonest developer. GO!!!

                        BUT, to dramaticize it as rape is not going to help your case and I find that analogy to be highly inappropriate. Lay out The Facts without judgement or commentary and see what you have.

                        We've seen this before. The People don't usually win against timeshare developers, but, keep on collecting People and make yourselves heard. Can't hurt, but, the reality is, it might not help.

                        GOOD LUCK!!

                        and welcome to timeshareforums

                        it's cool, you're among friends here


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Beth Ann View Post
                          Yes, I wish we could all be Doug! He seems to know it all!!!!!! Yes, we deserve to be strapped into a contract and frauded because we didn't do our homework on something that we were quite happy to have in our possession at the time of signing, based on the dog and pony show presented verbally, AND before the reality set in and we were allowed to call to schedule our first trip...... "the first call", so to speak, the cooling down process or the recinding period of 10 days in fact was well past due! I'm sure DOUG can help me with the lingo there, get your thesaurus out!!!!!
                          If every timeshare owner who felt this way took it to their AG's, things might change. If they knew they could, and it was made easy to do so, and they would not be retaliated against, I think it would be comparable to the flood of foreclosures and short sales.

                          Wouldn't it be something if all of life had a ten day period after which you were not allowed to bitch about stuff?
                          RCI Member Since 24-Aug-1989/150-plus Exchanges***THE TIMESHARE GRIM REAPER~~~Exchanging/Searching/SW Florida/MO/AR/IA/Consumer Advocacy/Estate Planning/Sports/Boating/Fishing/Golf/Lake-living/Retirement****Sometimes ya just gotta be a dick


                          • #43
                            Inappropriate or not financial rape is what it is.... Sorry, you took offense but this isn't about you, it is what was done to me and my family, hardworking, blue collar Americans........

                            Originally posted by BoardGirl View Post
                            I don't think you understand, and I thank you for letting us know that English is not your first language - we can cut out slang to help. I am sorry that you feel insulted and apologize on behalf of the entire community. I may have not seen it on the thread, but did not see an insult and am confident in saying that none was intended.

                            Look, we are not against you. We are a welcoming community and I apologize if that has not been apparent to you.

                            We are saying, we've seen this before, it's hard, and judgement in your favor is not likely. That's all. Some here may have already been involved as the losing party in such class action cases. We're not insulting you, just trying to let you benefit from our experience. There have been plenty of lawsuits attempted and you would help your case to find them and review them. Your idea is not new. People try to sue all the time.

                            Since it's clear that you are serious about this, people have contributed good advice and links and maybe some details you didn't know. I hope so. This is a seasoned group of smart timeshare people, you've come to the right place.

                            I know you want our support, and we can give it to you here. But if someone doesn't own there, we're not involved in the case. We'll help you to the extent that we can. We wish you good luck because I think that most of us would love to see the little guy win against a dishonest developer. GO!!!

                            BUT, to dramaticize it as rape is not going to help your case and I find that analogy to be highly inappropriate. Lay out The Facts without judgement or commentary and see what you have.

                            We've seen this before. The People don't usually win against timeshare developers, but, keep on collecting People and make yourselves heard. Can't hurt, but, the reality is, it might not help.

                            GOOD LUCK!!

                            and welcome to timeshareforums

                            it's cool, you're among friends here


                            • #44
                              My family already went to the AG, and constructed a WELL thought out letter, no response.... as of yet..... True, ever so true. Wouldn't life be something if we didn't have so much to bitch about it these trying times!
                              Thank you for all of your insiteful information. Not that the pain or memories of what happened has softened but it helps.

                              Originally posted by JLB View Post
                              If every timeshare owner who felt this way took it to their AG's, things might change. If they knew they could, and it was made easy to do so, and they would not be retaliated against, I think it would be comparable to the flood of foreclosures and short sales.

                              Wouldn't it be something if all of life had a ten day period after which you were not allowed to bitch about stuff?


                              • #45
                                Then I know who to go to if it does!

                                Originally posted by tonyg
                                Listing one's email on a public forum is not a great idea. I'll bet your spam is already on the increase- and the resale scam sharks will be telling you they have a buyer for Orange Lake properties. I wouldn't be surprised if some OL person will also try to get in your group to see what you are up to.

