What my time worth ??
2006 Deals: ......
Fox Hills - Mischot WS June - a little cheese and wine thing - and heard a group presentation - got a "chit" for dinner for two (up to $50) at their inhouse dinner club? WOW !
ForGotTheName - Cable WS August- Free continental breakfast --- group thing - this is the history of the resort - these are the units for sale and price - and the bagels weren't sooo good ......(looked it up - Telemark)
and now the fall tour.....
Fairfield Smoky Mountain, Sieverville, TN Sept- - this ditze head didn't even know where the sun came up - but a very good breakfast - and $60 out the door....
Woodstone@Massunutten, VA - Sept- Great Breakfast- better than an orgy at my age - and $100 spend it in the resort funny money out the door (chit) --- darn near couldn't spend it ......buffett at the gorgous new indoor water park was $8.50 or so - but I got it spent !!!! (but only stayed 5 days out of the week - golly this place needs an architect ! ) They are building like crazy and the owners we talked tooo love it ---- But I ain't gonna ever own there !
Sunterra Pawhatten Williamsburg -Sept - those tight tushies didn't even offer an UPDATE ! Total Bust ! Had an remodeled 2B/2B - Nice ! nasty hot tub tho
Waterside at/by/for/to/Spinacker, HiltonHead, SC - Sept - Hummm- Afternoon Ice Cream Floats for $1.00 - nice joint -- waited in line for our opportunity - got the 'overbooked lady - oh gads - what a bust - and she made us sit - while I ate their crummy cont. breakfast several times over - ti ll our 90 minutes were up -and we got our $100 funny money ......
Oh this one was nasty -meaning they GOT ME ! walking in the shopping center --- Colingie somethingor other square --- kisok ---- nice guy - golf balls - candy bars - yep - signed up for another one at Coral Resorts ! Wow - nice resort - nice goodies ----- and $150 for "Island money" ----mostly good places ----Frenchie the rep was GOOOD ! and I was GOT cuzzz I wanted to be - upgraded ? to RCI points ----the whole process still isn't complete - six month later -?????
oh were not done !!! - 2007
Resort on Cocoa Beach - Jan --- nice resort - no offers for anything - except a free lunch on Wed that wasn't soooo goood - didn't do it the second week -
Any how -went shopping? (googling) at Ron Jon Surf Shop - oh wow - what looks like a info center on the first floor - has some of the best 'sharks' in the business - singed up for a tour at Ron Jon's Cape Carbi Resort ---- went on the coldest rainy day - wearing a heavy T and light fleece - they- all the resort folks were wearing their warmest clothes and cuzz'n ----
anyhow - so so conti breakfast and tour --- damn - they like this place for the price of $24000 or so for a ocean front two bedroom with near $800 mf's - but we (pair of us ) got our $50 in a check - and there is a Wachovia branch bank right down the street on the way out ---- soooo it was basically CASH - gonna look into EXCHANGING into this place - sure as hell ain't gonna buy into it ......
Now for the rest of 2007 ....
hummmmm - have another spring break week back at Waterside by Spinnacker ---- might looks at the place WE bought at Island Links last time we where here ....
Then ---- long time
Doing a couple weeks in the fall at Club Solaris in Cabo - Lucky if we get a Royal Solaris diddy bag ---- but we sure like that place - ya ya ya - all inclusive - but I don't have to go to any grocery store ! Schedule is a bit up in the air but gonna mesh with .......
Lawrence Welk Resort Villa Oct 28th - Nov11 ??? Don't know what to expect but it sure is gonna be one long drive from the midwest --- then off to ...
Club Tahoe - Lake Tahoe NV ---- dang - ain't been in that area since 1959 ---- wow - wonder if we can 'con' a meal outta some TS presentation ????
and all these reservation were made on one call on January 12 2006 ----to RCI ----- ummmm- !!!! guess'n that VC is GONE ! ! !
I know - I know --- that is low lif'n it compared to some of you folks ---- but add up the goodies *S* - almost better than working ---- and I 've been retired going on 9 years *S*
2006 Deals: ......
Fox Hills - Mischot WS June - a little cheese and wine thing - and heard a group presentation - got a "chit" for dinner for two (up to $50) at their inhouse dinner club? WOW !
ForGotTheName - Cable WS August- Free continental breakfast --- group thing - this is the history of the resort - these are the units for sale and price - and the bagels weren't sooo good ......(looked it up - Telemark)
and now the fall tour.....
Fairfield Smoky Mountain, Sieverville, TN Sept- - this ditze head didn't even know where the sun came up - but a very good breakfast - and $60 out the door....
Woodstone@Massunutten, VA - Sept- Great Breakfast- better than an orgy at my age - and $100 spend it in the resort funny money out the door (chit) --- darn near couldn't spend it ......buffett at the gorgous new indoor water park was $8.50 or so - but I got it spent !!!! (but only stayed 5 days out of the week - golly this place needs an architect ! ) They are building like crazy and the owners we talked tooo love it ---- But I ain't gonna ever own there !
Sunterra Pawhatten Williamsburg -Sept - those tight tushies didn't even offer an UPDATE ! Total Bust ! Had an remodeled 2B/2B - Nice ! nasty hot tub tho
Waterside at/by/for/to/Spinacker, HiltonHead, SC - Sept - Hummm- Afternoon Ice Cream Floats for $1.00 - nice joint -- waited in line for our opportunity - got the 'overbooked lady - oh gads - what a bust - and she made us sit - while I ate their crummy cont. breakfast several times over - ti ll our 90 minutes were up -and we got our $100 funny money ......
Oh this one was nasty -meaning they GOT ME ! walking in the shopping center --- Colingie somethingor other square --- kisok ---- nice guy - golf balls - candy bars - yep - signed up for another one at Coral Resorts ! Wow - nice resort - nice goodies ----- and $150 for "Island money" ----mostly good places ----Frenchie the rep was GOOOD ! and I was GOT cuzzz I wanted to be - upgraded ? to RCI points ----the whole process still isn't complete - six month later -?????
oh were not done !!! - 2007
Resort on Cocoa Beach - Jan --- nice resort - no offers for anything - except a free lunch on Wed that wasn't soooo goood - didn't do it the second week -
Any how -went shopping? (googling) at Ron Jon Surf Shop - oh wow - what looks like a info center on the first floor - has some of the best 'sharks' in the business - singed up for a tour at Ron Jon's Cape Carbi Resort ---- went on the coldest rainy day - wearing a heavy T and light fleece - they- all the resort folks were wearing their warmest clothes and cuzz'n ----
anyhow - so so conti breakfast and tour --- damn - they like this place for the price of $24000 or so for a ocean front two bedroom with near $800 mf's - but we (pair of us ) got our $50 in a check - and there is a Wachovia branch bank right down the street on the way out ---- soooo it was basically CASH - gonna look into EXCHANGING into this place - sure as hell ain't gonna buy into it ......
Now for the rest of 2007 ....
hummmmm - have another spring break week back at Waterside by Spinnacker ---- might looks at the place WE bought at Island Links last time we where here ....
Then ---- long time
Doing a couple weeks in the fall at Club Solaris in Cabo - Lucky if we get a Royal Solaris diddy bag ---- but we sure like that place - ya ya ya - all inclusive - but I don't have to go to any grocery store ! Schedule is a bit up in the air but gonna mesh with .......
Lawrence Welk Resort Villa Oct 28th - Nov11 ??? Don't know what to expect but it sure is gonna be one long drive from the midwest --- then off to ...
Club Tahoe - Lake Tahoe NV ---- dang - ain't been in that area since 1959 ---- wow - wonder if we can 'con' a meal outta some TS presentation ????
and all these reservation were made on one call on January 12 2006 ----to RCI ----- ummmm- !!!! guess'n that VC is GONE ! ! !
I know - I know --- that is low lif'n it compared to some of you folks ---- but add up the goodies *S* - almost better than working ---- and I 've been retired going on 9 years *S*