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The Least One RCI Exchange Vacation Costs

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  • #46
    Originally posted by brucecz View Post
    Well Jimmy it looks like we will sell off at least 8 ownerships and one we gave away for free as we no longer use itr for cheap airfare. But on the bright side we sold off our weeks 26 at the Rushes for $14,200. and our Laguna Surf at a 67% profit. Most of the othewrs we cme out about even.
    Great job, Bruce!


    • #47
      Originally posted by ronparise View Post
      One of the best bargains in timesharing today is the RCI Last Call vacation: cash only,(under $300) no exchange fee. So take your $400/yr maintenance fee resort, exchange it for at least one week at the cost shown in the original post and average down your cost for additional weeks using Last Call.. Thats 1 week at $695 Then, lets do, 10 additional Last Call weeks at $300. total cost is $3700 or $370/week or a little more than $50 a night and you too can be in a second home 3 months out of the year.
      I like your math! Looking forward to retirement when we can travel more and take advantage of these great deals.


      • #48
        Originally posted by ronparise View Post
        So back to the original post....

        Whats the point of posting this? I assume to tell us that even a lousy week at a lousy timeshrare has value. Why dont you take mine....(With apologies to Henny Youngman: "take my timeshare.........Please")

        One of the best bargains in timesharing today is the RCI Last Call vacation: cash only,(under $300) no exchange fee. So take your $400/yr maintenance fee resort, exchange it for at least one week at the cost shown in the original post and average down your cost for additional weeks using Last Call.. Thats 1 week at $695 Then, lets do, 10 additional Last Call weeks at $300. total cost is $3700 or $370/week or a little more than $50 a night and you too can be in a second home 3 months out of the year.

        The ops post is a pretty transparent advertisement for the timeshare he has been trying to sell for forever.
        It's not even necessary to join RCI and pay the $89 fee.
        You can join DAElive, Platinum Interchange, Trading Places Int'l and SFX for free and just do their bonus weeks.
        Those are even cheaper many times than using RCI's last calls.
        I've gotten weeks from DAElive for $79.
        Trading Places has weeks for $294 even in coveted SW FL..


        • #49
          Originally posted by chriskre View Post
          It's not even necessary to join RCI and pay the $89 fee.
          You can join DAElive, Platinum Interchange, Trading Places Int'l and SFX for free and just do their bonus weeks.
          Those are even cheaper many times than using RCI's last calls.
          I've gotten weeks from DAElive for $79.
          Trading Places has weeks for $294 even in coveted SW FL..
          Wow, I had no idea DAElive was so affordable. Thanks for posting!


          • #50
            Thanks for the reminder. I tend to forget to try the other exchange companies for deals.


            • #51
              This thread was to let folks who come here for information, especially those unfamiliar with timesharing and RCI, about what they can expect to pay per exchange, m/l.

              The thought for it came about because I am working with someone who would like one of our weeks, for free, to get access to Last Calls, something I mentioned recently:

              http://www.timeshareforums.com/forum...ght=tourniquet Posts 214 & 217
              RCI Member Since 24-Aug-1989/150-plus Exchanges***THE TIMESHARE GRIM REAPER~~~Exchanging/Searching/SW Florida/MO/AR/IA/Consumer Advocacy/Estate Planning/Sports/Boating/Fishing/Golf/Lake-living/Retirement****Sometimes ya just gotta be a dick


              • #52
                Originally posted by JLB View Post
                This thread was to let folks who come here for information, especially those unfamiliar with timesharing and RCI, about what they can expect to pay per exchange, m/l.

                The thought for it came about because I am working with someone who would like one of our weeks, for free, to get access to Last Calls, something I mentioned recently:

                http://www.timeshareforums.com/forum...ght=tourniquet Posts 214 & 217
                Sorry to take your thread off topic but as you can see from others here, YMMV depending on what you own.
                So getting back to the original thought and purpose of your thread, let me leave out the other exchange companies, cause of course
                most people don't really want to know about any options other than RCI, now do they?

                So if someone wants to purchase cheap access to RCI, they can buy something like what I own in Grandview in Vegas.
                It's a 1 bedroom triennial unit. I own it in RCI points but I only pay $114 in MF's per year.
                You can also purchase these for $1 on ebay in TPU's or weeks.

                Add in $89 per year to join RCI and then you can do all the last calls and extra vacations you want for a much more
                reasonable cost. Why buy an annual timeshare when you can get a biennial or triennial.
                You still can get some TPU's which of course are overpointed because this is a Vacation Village resort and we all
                know that RCI and V V are in bed with each other, so you will be highly favored in RCI's eyes.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by wackymother View Post
                  Wow, I had no idea DAElive was so affordable. Thanks for posting!
                  Glad to shed some light.

                  Originally posted by happymum View Post
                  Thanks for the reminder. I tend to forget to try the other exchange companies for deals.
                  Yeah most tend to forget.
                  We get so fixated on the big two, RCI and II and forget there are several low cost alternatives out there if you are flexible.

