I am a newbie to the TS concept. Went to a Bluegreen presentation this past weekend. It seemed to be a scam with the price they were charging. I do have a question on MF's. They said at the resort that when the development is 51% completed the owners take control of the admin., therefore the owners are in charge of the MF's. I find it very difficult to believe that one small condo e.g. takes $500 per year per week to maintain (to include the resort). 50 weeks time $500 is $25,000 per unit per year for maintenance. Why on earth would owners OK this amount of MF's or is the company simply pocketing a ton of cash?
I am a newbie to the TS concept. Went to a Bluegreen presentation this past weekend. It seemed to be a scam with the price they were charging. I do have a question on MF's. They said at the resort that when the development is 51% completed the owners take control of the admin., therefore the owners are in charge of the MF's. I find it very difficult to believe that one small condo e.g. takes $500 per year per week to maintain (to include the resort). 50 weeks time $500 is $25,000 per unit per year for maintenance. Why on earth would owners OK this amount of MF's or is the company simply pocketing a ton of cash?