Back to the weather . . . today it started out cloudy, a little breeze, and cool . . . but you know how it wound up.
Golf in the morning, lake in the afternoon . . . a perfect life. You'd be surprised how many do that.
C'mon V, you act like you can't even remember last winter in Minnesota. You should, it just ended last month!!!!
Yeah, I know, you can always put on another pair of long johns and a fourth pair of socks in your Minnesota winters, but I can only get so naked in my Missouri summers.
When you fly, what on, a Minnesota Mosquito?
Golf in the morning, lake in the afternoon . . . a perfect life. You'd be surprised how many do that.
C'mon V, you act like you can't even remember last winter in Minnesota. You should, it just ended last month!!!!
Yeah, I know, you can always put on another pair of long johns and a fourth pair of socks in your Minnesota winters, but I can only get so naked in my Missouri summers.
When you fly, what on, a Minnesota Mosquito?