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Respectfully requesting your vote for Board!

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  • Respectfully requesting your vote for Board!

    I have been an active member of the Bluegreen Vacation Club Board of Directors since its inception 16 years ago. Prior to the formation of the Club, I was an owner at RDI, the company name before it became Bluegreen. Since that time, I have witnessed both Bluegreen and our club expand and mature to the respect it now holds within the timeshare industry and among owners.

    For the past six years I have personally attended every annual board meeting and thoroughly poured through mountains of data before making informed decisions on each item that required a vote. Prior to meetings, I communicated with various Bluegreen executives with countless questions concerning items to be determined in the upcoming meetings. I have taken this duty seriously and hope to continue to do so for another term.

    From a personal note, I have continued to use my points each year to enjoy wonderful vacations at BG resorts and am very fond of The Hammocks in Marathon. With the recent addition of triplet grandsons (born June 1), I have decided to SpaceBank my points this year in the hopes that we can utilize them next year. Professionally, for the past 32 years I have been a writer and publicist for many clients within the timeshare industry. This wonderful career has enabled me to visit and write about hundreds of resorts and their parent companies and be able to witness and write about the growth of timesharing. I am also an owner at the Shell Vacations Club and have visited (and written about) almost all of their 23 resorts during the past dozen years. I also write articles about industry trends and events for ARDA's magazine and several other industry publications. My website is XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXx I am extremely proud of our Club and the Bluegreen executives who have tirelessly worked over the years to maintain reasonable maintenance fees to ensure that we continue to enjoy well-managed accommodations in popular destinations. While Bluegreen is not a client, I have written about them for many magazines and am proud of my affiliation on your Board. I respectfully request that you take about two minutes to go to Bluegreen’s website and vote for me before the Sept. 20 deadline so that I may continue to serve you in the future.

    Marge Lennon

  • #2
    Welcome to the forum Marge, but I might have taken your appeal for votes more seriously if you had a single post that was not a plea for votes. Though hopefully you will bring your knowledge of the board and BG to the forum and become a very valuable member here.

    I do have to disagree with you on the point of maintaining "reasonable maintenance fees." I would not take more points if they were given to me for free (which they practically are on the private market). Not only is my MF bill high, but the compounding increases every year have me dreading what next year will bring.


    • #3

      Originally posted by Marge Lennon
      I have been an active member of the Bluegreen Vacation Club Board of Directors since its inception 16 years ago. ...

      With the recent addition of triplet grandsons (born June 1), I have decided to SpaceBank my points this year in the hopes that we can utilize them next year.

      Marge Lennon

      I pay my BG dues which also pays for my membership in RCI. I also used to Spacebank unit/weeks in hopes that I could exchange them the next year or two. However, I can no longer do that. The Board has changed the rules so that I can only exchange with RCI for what is available now and I do not know what all of my schedule will be a year or two from now. Spacebanking with RCI is gone!! So, you must be Spacebanking unit/weeks with II (still another fee) or someone else because now the new rule has impacted you.

      I can see how the new policy is better for some of the owners who don't know how to exchange, etc. But the old policy served those owners who took the time and effort to figure what to do with the points they bought.

      Wouldn't it be possible to combine the two so that one could Spacebank as well as to directly exchange BG points for RCI inventory. I am sure that both RCI and BG have skilled computer programmers that could make this work.

      I just reread your statement to make sure that I was properly responding to what you said. I did indeed miss something in your statement. You said you "decided to SpaceBank my points". Is that really what you meant? Can we simply give RCI some of our BG Points so that we can use them in the future? If so, I completely missed that and my previous comments would be invalid.

      Thank you for your consideration and looking forward to your response.



      • #4

        I have a couple of questions for you, reflected in other posts in response to your original posting.

        First, how are you SpaceBanking? We have been told by BG and RCI repeatedly that this is not possible, to the point then when I call RCI to deposit a flex week (nothing to do with BG points), they argue with me that I can't do that. What exchange company are you using?

        Second, MF have increase 47% in the last few years. I do not think that is a reasonable rate of increase. Commensurate with this increase in the absolute $ of MF has been a dilution in value of our points brought on by decisions of BGVC, which has worsened the problem. Can you please explain how you think the current MF structure is reasonable, and what efforts BG and the Board have taken to keep our MF down?
        "Because there is good, and there is evil, and evil must be punished. Even in the face of Armageddon I shall not compromise in this."
        -- Rorschach, Watchmen


        • #5
          Dear Marge,

          Thank you for the information and your efforts. As someone else mentioned, I would be more inclined to give you my vote if you had been an active member posting to this forum other than to request our support. Your post seems rather “timely” and self serving. Perhaps even as though someone may have advised you to get out andyou’re your name on some of these boards that we owners have found so helpful. Your post tells me a lot about you and what you have done, but little about what kind of effect you have been able to have on BG or what you believe is important.

          As for maintenance fees, I think the rate of increase has been out of line and while I would love to have more points, I can not justify the maintenance fees. Further, because of changes made in recent years, using points to offset maintenance fees no longer makes sense. Something I have heard pitchged often at "owner's update" (more accurately "sales pitches").

          In addition, I would like to see BG spend some money fixing up resorts like Shenandoah Crossing rather than adding new accommodations with higher points values. This is an example of a potentially great resort where many of the older buildings have been allowed to become rundown and of very low quality.

          Like Charles, unless I misunderstood your post, Space Banking with RCI is no longer available and something that I found great value in. The new system may serve some well, but for me; I had found great success making trades in the old RCI system and am disappointed with what I now see.

          I think overall, BG does a good job of managing the club, but it is time for a change and the only person I feel like I really “know” that is running is Susan Wirgau. I have exchanged lots of information with her regarding BG for years, have a pretty good feel for what she values in timesharing and in life and think she could be an outstanding addition to the board. I have a great respect for her as a person.

          Often times in recent years when I have voted in political elections, I have cast a vote for the “lesser of two evils”, essentially casting a vote against someone rather than casting a vote for someone. In this election, my vote is being cast for Susan, not against you or anyone else. I am happy with that decision and will do all I can to support Susan for election.




          • #6

            Where do you live?
            RCI Member Since 24-Aug-1989/150-plus Exchanges***THE TIMESHARE GRIM REAPER~~~Exchanging/Searching/SW Florida/MO/AR/IA/Consumer Advocacy/Estate Planning/Sports/Boating/Fishing/Golf/Lake-living/Retirement****Sometimes ya just gotta be a dick


            • #7
              Who loses their seat if Susan gets voted on ?


              • #8
                Originally posted by stevec
                Who loses their seat if Susan gets voted on ?

                Marge Lennon is the incumbent.



                • #9
                  Is there just one position being filled?


                  • #10
                    Where have you been hiding


                    Everyone knows I'm supporting Susan but even still I think it's a fair question to ask, "where hav you been hiding". I've not seen you as an active member on any Bluegreen social network. As an elected (or designated) official I would think you would be heavily involved in social networking to keep in touch with how your decisions and board policies are affecting the people you represent. I think you're now hearing people are displeased and worried about recent changes in the club policies and the overall trend to escalate the mntnce fees well past what inflation would justify.
                    I'm glad to see you are now networking, but personally I would like to see you more involved outside of simply "please vote for me".

                    I appreciate your service for the past 16 years, truly I do. But were you appointed, because to my knowledge we've never had a quarum.!

                    And that's another thing, he quarum. Whoever is in office needs to look into that. Most I'd us think the person who gets the most votes should win the seat! Regardless of quarum!


                    • #11
                      Admittedly I am more of a lurker than a poster to this board but if there were a "like" button to click on regarding everyone's comments on the OP's post I would most certainly click it, repeatedly.


                      • #12
                        I was thinking the same thing. Actually my first thought was "are you a shill?". I think there is something to said about somebody who makes their first post here and asks for votes. It's called desperate and afraid they are going to lose their seat.

                        Originally posted by AhhAruba
                        Admittedly I am more of a lurker than a poster to this board but if there were a "like" button to click on regarding everyone's comments on the OP's post I would most certainly click it, repeatedly.
                        Posted via Mobile Device


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by vintner
                          Is there just one position being filled?
                          Yes. If I remember rightly, there are three Class A Directors (whatever that may be ), who serve for three years, so every year you vote on one position.


                          • #14
                            Class A and B Directors of the Club

                            Originally posted by Hobbitess View Post
                            Yes. If I remember rightly, there are three Class A Directors (whatever that may be), who serve for three years, so every year you vote on one position.
                            The three Class A Directors are elected by the Class A Members (Class A Members are us, the owners of BG Points). The four Class B Directors are appointed by the Class B Member (BG is the Class B Member). See Article IV of the BGVC By-Laws which are in the Multi-Site Public Offering Statement.



                            • #15
                              Absence of a Quorum

                              Originally posted by wwiggins
                              And that's another thing, the quorum. Whoever is in office needs to look into that. Most I'd us think the person who gets the most votes should win the seat! Regardless of quorum!
                              The Club By-Laws specify that a quorum is 15% of the Owner Members. In the absence of a quorum, business cannot be conducted and an election cannot be held. If an election is not held, BG may appoint the Class A Directors. (See Article VI of the BGVC By-Laws.) It has been my observation that lately BG has been appointing the member who gets the largest number of votes. And why shouldn't they since BG controls the Board anyway.


