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  • #16
    Originally posted by Hobbitess View Post
    And there are people who think the Yahoo system makes more sense, while TUG and TS4Ms are tough to navigate. Don't think I'll ever be in that camp but each system has its strengths and weaknesses.
    Uh, yes, interestingly enough!

    I also will not be camping. I can live with Yahoo and its craziness but imo the vBulletin sites are infinitely better.

    I think that participation is way different, also. here, you pick and choose threads to read and can go back years on one thread if you wish. Threads are further categorized into Forums.

    Yahoo is more sequential. You CAN get at a thread, but it is implemented poorly and you can find subjects and sub-subjects which I find maddening, so, I generally just play along and read sequentially. and use search. Navigation is poor, back button is my friend.

    because of the different structure, to me it's like Everyone is always Participating on Yahoo, more of a community. While here, some forums I never visit. Not quite the same big ole living room. More like a mansion where folks scurry off to whatever wing interests them that day.

    Both have pros and cons and valuable info.


    • #17
      Originally posted by BoardGirl
      because of the different structure, to me it's like Everyone is always Participating on Yahoo, more of a community. While here, some forums I never visit. Not quite the same big ole living room. More like a mansion where folks scurry off to whatever wing interests them that day.
      Brilliantly put! I suspect part of the reason I'm more comfortable here is that I tend to wander off when I get obsessed with something elsewhere -- easier to wander back in here than there because your absence is less obvious. Also easier here to catch up on the things you're interested in, at least for me. Both places are welcoming and helpful, though, which is an important similarity.


      • #18
        Originally posted by BoardGirl
        you can find subjects and sub-subjects which I find maddening

        because of the different structure, to me it's like Everyone is always Participating on Yahoo, more of a community. While here, some forums I never visit. Not quite the same big ole living room. More like a mansion where folks scurry off to whatever wing interests them that day.
        The worse thing to me about Yahoo is that people change the subject 270 degrees and keep the same subject line. The next worse thing is when someone offers something on Yahoo and asks people to respond to them privately, then 10 people reply to all 2500+ members either asking the OP a question or telling them what they would like.

        The best thing about the Yahoo group is that I learn more about BG stuff on Yahoo than elsewhere. Lots of BG traffic.

        Finally, Boardgirl described the differences to a "T". On Yahoo you can't get away from your crazy brother-in-law while here you can (though sometimes he pops into the room).


        PS a PC statement: I am a Moderator on the Yahoo Group so I am a tad biased.


        • #19
          My main complaint with the yahoo board is that when you reply it includes all messages prior to yours, makes long threads difficult to read.

          I try to highlight all the stuff before, delete and then write what I want to say. Most don't.

          I do think this board is easier to search. But my favorite of the Yahoo board is the volume of traffic.

          Love Bluegreen Vacation Club
          My kids don't know what it is like to not go on vacation for years at a time.

          My view is your kids will remember the time you spend and where you go, not all the toys you buy.


          • #20
            Selling a planet Hollywood las Vegas timeshare deeded week 52 new years eve

            I am looking to sell quickly a planet Hollywood las Vegas timeshare week 52 new years eve' originally a wbestgate resort. How do I go about this on this site?


            • #21
              Originally posted by Stephenm291178 View Post
              I am looking to sell quickly a planet Hollywood las Vegas timeshare week 52 new years eve' originally a wbestgate resort. How do I go about this on this site?




              • #22
                Originally posted by jabjaw7 View Post
                My main complaint with the yahoo board is that when you reply it includes all messages prior to yours, makes long threads difficult to read.

                I try to highlight all the stuff before, delete and then write what I want to say. Most don't.
                I share your pain. If you can ever figure out how to get people to edit, please let me know. Many times one should include a paragraph or two regarding the message you are responding to, but a trail of 10 messages all with 5 lines between paragraphs.



                • #23
                  Ok, let's get this thread back on track. Let's assume I own BG resale points without any charter benefits...meaning bonus time only at the resorts I'm deeded at. Let's also assume I'm out of points for the year. Inside of 45 days can I book as many bonus nights as I want, subject to availability? It's cool to know I could book 5 nights without using ANY points if I wanted to. Is this correct?


                  • #24
                    Big Buts

                    Yep, BUT these BT reservations are subject to availability.


