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does resort matter?

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  • does resort matter?

    I am presently looking to purchase 20-22,000 BG points; why that amount? Because my family enjoys the beach and the resorts we have looked at on the east coast require 15,000 points for a high red stay. We have kids so that is probably the time we would be looking at vacationing. My question is this: I have seen BG points on Ebay tied to a resort in MI. Using points, will it really matter what home resort my points are tied to? THe only reason I can see would be the ability to make reservations further out. I am learning so all info. is welcome. THANKS, Jeff

  • #2
    The resort that you are deeded at does not matter if you just want to make point reservations at the 11 month out point.
    It does matter if you want to use bonus time and the 20000 + points are from the secondary market ie ebay. In this case bonus time is only available at your home resort so if you have a resort close to you then hunt out points at this resort.
    You can book your deeded week at the 13 month out date, this really only comes into play if you need that week at that resort, at 11 months that week becomes points for all to use.
    The most important question is the trust fund these points are in since this does affect you MF, for 20000 points you need to be in trust fund E (if the original points were bought from Bluegreen the developer after 2004 then they will be trust fund E.
    Resale points do not come with any premier benefits apart from BT at your home resort, if you add more points as you go along then ensure they are in the same trust fund this makes the accounts easy to combine (also check if they are Y (mf paid Nov 15th) or A (paid on the aniversary date) people have had some problems combining the 2 different sales types

    Hope this helps


