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Hopefully Rescended

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  • Hopefully Rescended

    Hey all,

    I am back from a vacation in Charleston where I signed up for a 13,000 point package.

    After coming here and looking deeper, I found out that there are better deals to be had.

    Although there were hardly any negative comments about the Bluegreen company, I did see that while we were told our place would always hold value and gain equity...nothing could be farther. My property I paid 20K for was only going to be worth about 3.9K if I resold. Not good.

    I have sent my rescend letter hoping that it will take, if not...I am stuck.

    I am hoping that what Boca has said about the bonus time and whatnot on resales is true as that is the route I am thinking about doing.

    I believe that my wife's only regret is the fact that we actually saw our property in Charleston and now it will not be ours. I hope I can make it up to her by saving her tons of cash on a good resale package.

    Can I get everyone's thoughts on what has been done? Like I said, I hope that the rescention letter lands properly and is accepted. Today was the last day to do so.

  • #2
    When did you purchase . . . and did you get your letter to rescind in the mail within the contractual terms? Hopefully you sent it certified, return receipt requested, too.

    You will find plenty of great deals. Enjoy your search . . . and best wishes on your new purchase when you find what works for you.

    My Travel Journals


    • #3
      It was faxed directly to their Sales Accounting officer per their instructions. I have a confirmation as well. I purchased on 8/31


      • #4
        I would follow up with a certified letter with return receipt of what you faxed, if it were me.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Careos View Post
          I have sent my rescend letter hoping that it will take, if not...I am stuck.
          As long as it was post marked by the last day of your cancellation period you should be ok. It should have been sent certified with return receipt. You will also need to return any materials that you received or they will charge you for them.

          Originally posted by Careos View Post
          I believe that my wife's only regret is the fact that we actually saw our property in Charleston and now it will not be ours. I hope I can make it up to her by saving her tons of cash on a good resale package.
          This shouldn't make any difference. If you buy via resale you can still go to Charleston.

          Good Luck.


          • #6

            Hi Careos, we where down in charleston at LAI this past weekend. I love this resort, and this is why we bought into Bluegreen. I did buy resale, but since LAI is my home resort, I get bonus time there! I am still hoping to upgrade in the future, but for now, we are very happy with our arrangement.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Careos
              It was faxed directly to their Sales Accounting officer per their instructions. I have a confirmation as well. I purchased on 8/31

              A fax is not good enough. Send the recission letter US Post certified and make sure it is postmarked today.
              There are many wonderful places in the world, but one of my favourite places is on the back of my horse.
              - Rolf Kopfle


              • #8
                Wow....congrats on your immediate savings of $16,000 plus by doing your homework. Chalk another one up for timeshareforums.com

                Originally posted by Careos View Post
                I did see that while we were told our place would always hold value and gain equity...nothing could be farther. My property I paid 20K for was only going to be worth about 3.9K if I resold. Not good.
                "If a Nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.... If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
                -- Thomas Jefferson to Col. Yancey, 1816


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Careos
                  It was faxed directly to their Sales Accounting officer per their instructions. I have a confirmation as well. I purchased on 8/31
                  The B/G contracts I've seen have indicated that you had to mail a letter to their corporate offices:

                  Bluegreen Vacations Unlimited, Inc.
                  Attn: Corporate Sales Accounting Department
                  4960 Conference Way N., Suite 100
                  Boca Raton, FL 33431-3311

                  That letter should be sent certified mail, return receipt requested for your own protection.

                  My Travel Journals


                  • #10
                    Problem is, I cannot get off work until after the post office closes.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Careos View Post
                      Problem is, I cannot get off work until after the post office closes.
                      For $16k I'd think up a good excuse or get someone to go for me.
                      There are many wonderful places in the world, but one of my favourite places is on the back of my horse.
                      - Rolf Kopfle


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by lawren2 View Post
                        For $16k I'd think up a good excuse or get someone to go for me.

                        No kidding, for $16,000 I would have a family emergency come up that I need to leave work early....


                        • #13
                          I'd even use "death in the family", even though it would probably jinx somebody still living in the family!
                          "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed and those who are cold and are not clothed."
                          -- Dwight D. Eisenhower


                          • #14
                            I just got back from FedEx where I sent another copy with both of our signatures and REQUIRED it to be signed for on the other end. Now we wait....wish us luck,


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Careos View Post
                              I just got back from FedEx where I sent another copy with both of our signatures and REQUIRED it to be signed for on the other end. Now we wait....wish us luck,
                              Good Luck!!! I'm glad to see that you were able to get the letter out, return receipt requested. Hopefully, you will not have a problem rescinding. Please let us know how this turns out.

                              If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

                              BTW, I'm still keeping track of how many times you annoy me.

