Conversion Info From Diamond
Don't want to go through a Sales Office to join THE CLUB?
Don't know how?
Found on the Diamond Forum . . .
For owners who currently do not participate in THE ClubSM, enrollment of deeded weeks for exchange within THE ClubSM exchange program requires completion of both a membership enrollment agreement and an assignment agreement.
These contract documents are typically completed at one of our sales offices, but you do have the option of contacting our Ownership Enhancement team to step through the process, or just ask questions. They will first review your ownership and determine eligibility to deposit in THE ClubSM. If eligible, they will inform you of how many points the ownership will be awarded, review any administrative fees required, and then forward the document(s) required to complete the enrollment.
The Ownership Enhancement team can be contacted toll free at 1-800-966-1392, or directly at 1-623-587-0060 between the hours of 10 AM to 7 PM Pacific Standard Time (PST) Monday through Thursday, or between 10 AM to 2 PM PST on Friday.
Don't want to go through a Sales Office to join THE CLUB?
Don't know how?
Found on the Diamond Forum . . .
For owners who currently do not participate in THE ClubSM, enrollment of deeded weeks for exchange within THE ClubSM exchange program requires completion of both a membership enrollment agreement and an assignment agreement.
These contract documents are typically completed at one of our sales offices, but you do have the option of contacting our Ownership Enhancement team to step through the process, or just ask questions. They will first review your ownership and determine eligibility to deposit in THE ClubSM. If eligible, they will inform you of how many points the ownership will be awarded, review any administrative fees required, and then forward the document(s) required to complete the enrollment.
The Ownership Enhancement team can be contacted toll free at 1-800-966-1392, or directly at 1-623-587-0060 between the hours of 10 AM to 7 PM Pacific Standard Time (PST) Monday through Thursday, or between 10 AM to 2 PM PST on Friday.