Has Diamond found a way to continue to sell TS weeks without having to build any new resorts?
I ask this because DRI has lots of resorts and rooms already. They have lots of current owners wanting to sell at all their resorts. BUT DRI sells a product which they don't allow their owners to sell. ( DRI sells memberships in the "club" which isn't transferable. The only thing a current owner can sell is a deed at a single DRI managed resort or a deed in a "trust" of 19 DRI resorts)
Therefore, DRI can obtain inventory by buying back the weeks their current owners at selling for $0.10/dollar. Which is a whole lot cheaper than building new resorts and new units at their current resorts. And DRI is also obtaining weeks by aggressively taking back any weeks which fall behind a few months in their MFs. ( which is much cheaper than foreclosing)
( they aren't foreclosing but taking the week since when owners join the "club" they give up their deeds for memberships which are easily taken back.)
So is it possible that DRI can simply continue to take back their already sold inventory and not build anything new?
PS Yes, I know that many DRI owners still have their deeds. And yes, I'm not a DRI owner. But I'm just wondering about DRI current business model. Is it, get back as many weeks as you can and sell those weeks instead of building more?
I ask this because DRI has lots of resorts and rooms already. They have lots of current owners wanting to sell at all their resorts. BUT DRI sells a product which they don't allow their owners to sell. ( DRI sells memberships in the "club" which isn't transferable. The only thing a current owner can sell is a deed at a single DRI managed resort or a deed in a "trust" of 19 DRI resorts)
Therefore, DRI can obtain inventory by buying back the weeks their current owners at selling for $0.10/dollar. Which is a whole lot cheaper than building new resorts and new units at their current resorts. And DRI is also obtaining weeks by aggressively taking back any weeks which fall behind a few months in their MFs. ( which is much cheaper than foreclosing)
( they aren't foreclosing but taking the week since when owners join the "club" they give up their deeds for memberships which are easily taken back.)
So is it possible that DRI can simply continue to take back their already sold inventory and not build anything new?
PS Yes, I know that many DRI owners still have their deeds. And yes, I'm not a DRI owner. But I'm just wondering about DRI current business model. Is it, get back as many weeks as you can and sell those weeks instead of building more?