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13 Months Advance Reservation-Need help

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  • 13 Months Advance Reservation-Need help


    This is the first time I will make reservations...yeah newbie

    (Hope you have a 2008 calendar...)
    If I want to book (Easter) March 16-23, 2008 (Sun-Sun) using my two weeks.

    What's the earlier I can call considering that there is only Fri-Fri, Sat-Sat or Sun-Sun checkin at my resort?

    Is it February 07, 2007 at 9Am ET?
    And if I use only one week February 14?


  • #2
    Originally posted by qlaval

    This is the first time I will make reservations...yeah newbie

    (Hope you have a 2008 calendar...)
    If I want to book (Easter) March 16-23, 2008 (Sun-Sun) using my two weeks.

    What's the earlier I can call considering that there is only Fri-Fri, Sat-Sat or Sun-Sun checkin at my resort?

    Is it February 07, 2007 at 9Am ET?
    And if I use only one week February 14?

    Lucky for you I have my TRUSTY 5 year calendar here...LOL
    It is leap year, too - Yikes!

    If you are only reserving one week, then you can only call 1 year ahead.
    The 13 month rule only applies if you are reserving the same or consecutive weeks at the same time.
    So the first day of check-in for that week is March 14, 2008 - you can call Wed March 14, 2007 to reserve.

    If you want to reserve TWO weeks for Easter 3/16 check-in, then you can call 13 months ahead which would be Wed February 14,2007.

    You could only call Wed Feb 7, if you were going to reserve March 7,8,9 for one week and March 14,15,16 for the second.....get it?

    Dave M, please check to see if I did this right
    *** My Website ***


    • #3
      BTW, make sure your resort doesn't have Platinum Plus' week of Easter because then you Can't Reserve the 3/14-16 dates
      *** My Website ***


      • #4
        I'm not needed here.

        Very well worded, Pat!


        • #5
          Originally posted by GrayFal
          ...You could only call Wed Feb 7, if you were going to reserve March 7,8,9 for one week and March 14,15,16 for the second.....get it?

          Dave M, please check to see if I did this right
          First thank you for your help

          Yes I intend to book both weeks, one week before plus the Easter week.
          And there is no platinum plus week at my resort... (Aruba Ocean Club)

          So what is the earlier I can call?
          If I want Sun-Sun(March 9-23), Sat-Sat(March 8-22) or even Fri-Fri (March 7-21) I have to start counting 13 months earlier starting from Friday March 7 right?

          So if I'm right the earlier I can call is February 07, 2007 9am ET.
          To book either: March 9-23, 8-22 or 07-21
          Can you confirm?



          • #6
            Originally posted by qlaval View Post
            First thank you for your help

            Yes I intend to book both weeks, one week before plus the Easter week.
            And there is no platinum plus week at my resort... (Aruba Ocean Club)

            So what is the earlier I can call?
            If I want Sun-Sun(March 9-23), Sat-Sat(March 8-22) or even Fri-Fri (March 7-21) I have to start counting 13 months earlier starting from Friday March 7 right?

            So if I'm right the earlier I can call is February 07, 2007 9am ET.
            To book either: March 9-23, 8-22 or 07-21
            Can you confirm?

            Originally posted by GrayFal
            You could only call Wed Feb 7, if you were going to reserve March 7,8,9 for one week and March 14,15,16 for the second.....get it?
            *** My Website ***


            • #7
              Thank you very much GrayFal!

              Still I have one problem with your answer...
              It took you 6 big minutes to answer me...


              • #8
                Originally posted by qlaval View Post
                Thank you very much GrayFal!

                Still I have one problem with your answer...
                It took you 6 big minutes to answer me...
                Okay smary pants - I am running up and down the stairs cleaning out my basement!!!

                But this is a good reminder as I need to call and do a reservation myself soon
                *** My Website ***


                • #9
                  Just checking to see how you did.
                  I called and they VC didn't want to take my reservation....when I explaind about leap year, she checked again and said I was able to do it.
                  So I have 3/8 at the Aruba Surf, 3/15 at Grande Vista and 3/22 at the Aruba Surf.....hope you made out as well.
                  *** My Website ***


                  • #10
                    Hi GrayFal,

                    Yes I was able to call this morning at 9h00.02sec....
                    First one to book or almost...

                    I was able to book both weeks (March 09-23, 2008) but only with a Sun-Sun check-in there was no Sat-Sat available...
                    Strange isnt!?! Any idea why?

                    I've notice your booking patern do you intend to travel or rent a week or more?


                    • #11
                      It's likely that people called last week and the week before that (and the week before that, etc.) to string multiple Saturday check-in weeks together including at least one of the weeks you wanted. Once 50% of the available weeks for a specific check-in date have been reserved, no more are made available until the 12-month window for that week.

                      For example, it's possible that numerous people called in a week ago and booked the two Saturday weeks 3/1 and 3/8, leaving none for you.

                      That's one reason some people have purchased "throwaway" Marriott weeks - cheap weeks purchased for less than $2,000 that can be used as the first week in reserving a string of weeks, where the throwaway week is an off-season low-demand week which is easy to reserve. That makes it much easier to reserve the later weeks that you really want.

                      For example, a "Preferred" (lowest demand) season week at Sunset Pointe, covering all of January and February, can be purchased for a song. Had you owned one, you could have called a week ago and reserved that one for a Saturday check-in on March 1, 2008, thus having an earlier chance at reserving Saturday weeks for the ones you really wanted.

                      I'm not suggesting you do that. But more and more people are doing it and some Marriott salespeople are touting the methodology!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by qlaval View Post
                        Hi GrayFal,

                        Yes I was able to call this morning at 9h00.02sec....
                        First one to book or almost...

                        I've notice your booking patern do you intend to travel or rent a week or more?
                        LOL, strange? Me?????

                        At Surf Club, the week before Easter (3/23 next year) is a Platinum Plus spring break week so I can't reserve it - but I want to travel week 10 and 11. I reserved at Grande Vista and put in a "Request First" for the 3/15 week at Surf Club.
                        Then I reserved Easter Week 3/22 at Surf Club that I will either deposit with II, do a request first for that 3/15 week I want if the GV week doesn't get it or else rent it.
                        I like to keep my options open
                        *** My Website ***


                        • #13
                          Looks like a good strategy...but I have to admit i'm still on a learning curve with strategizing...

                          From your experience what are your chance of success?
                          30%, 50%, 80% or better?

                          One more question...
                          When the other 50% will be available in one month will they contain all 3 type of check-in day or just the Sun-Sun like now?


                          • #14
                            The chances of success are usually very good if you call at eaxactly 9:00 Eastern time, unless you seek weeks that a ton of other people will also be seeking. Then it's anyone's guess.

                            A max of 50% of any check-in day's weeks are taken at 13 months. Thus, there will initially be weeks available for all check-in dates at 12 months, although not necessarily by the time you get through to a rep.


                            • #15
                              Hi again GrayFal,

                              I called this morning at 9h01(there was a 19 minutes waiting period)

                              I was able to cancelled my March 8-March 15 week and change it for another March 16-March 23.

                              So I now have two concurrents weeks.
                              And this time there were Fri-Fri availability but no Sat-Sat...

                              Strangely it wasn't as difficult as I tought it would be to book those two Easter/Spring weeks, maybe I was lucky
                              Or maybe the knowledge of how to book gives me that power...

                              How do they determine the dates of the Spring Break period at the Surf Club?

