Booking for Royal Holiday
It depends a bit on where you want to stay and for how long.
If you want to stay in an apartment, you will need to go with Citadines Apart'hotel, which I am told is quite nice and the location is OK - and their prime season (costs more points) is July, August, and October. You will have plenty of points for two weeks there in non-prime season. And you can get a week and a half in prime. The Napoleon is a lovely hotel in a lovely location but its prime season May, June, September, October.
March could still be a little cool and rainy - April was nice when I was there two years ago- and you aren't in prime tourist season, so things aren't quite so mobbed. And your points will go further.
As to how far ahead of time to book, the earlier the better. You could book in April at Citadines right now and you could book in March at the Napoleon now. I would certainly start checking twelve months ahead of when you want to go.
It depends a bit on where you want to stay and for how long.
If you want to stay in an apartment, you will need to go with Citadines Apart'hotel, which I am told is quite nice and the location is OK - and their prime season (costs more points) is July, August, and October. You will have plenty of points for two weeks there in non-prime season. And you can get a week and a half in prime. The Napoleon is a lovely hotel in a lovely location but its prime season May, June, September, October.
March could still be a little cool and rainy - April was nice when I was there two years ago- and you aren't in prime tourist season, so things aren't quite so mobbed. And your points will go further.
As to how far ahead of time to book, the earlier the better. You could book in April at Citadines right now and you could book in March at the Napoleon now. I would certainly start checking twelve months ahead of when you want to go.