Nominations for Worldmark Board of Directors is at the end of the month and we will all soon be receiving a letter from Wyndham asking us to give them our proxy.
Please do not give wyndham your proxy...EVER
Last year Marci received more direct owner votes than either wyndham candidate. If you count votes not cast by the Wyndham as the developer or the Wyndham controlled BOD and counted proxies held with the expectation that the votes would be cast for her Marci DOUBLED their totals.
Marci will be running for the BOD again this year and we hope to build on her momentum.
To see more on this and other issues Please go to Marci For WorldMark, the Club
To see Marci's candidate speach from last year please view it here Marci is on Youtube go see the speach at YouTube - Marci Tribe, WorldMark the Club Board Candidate, 2008
Please view it, Rate it, Forward it, put in on your face book, twitter, myspace. Email it to your friends who own Worldmark. Lets spread the word. As Owners we need to take back control of our club! We can use all the help we can get!
Thanks, Mike
Please do not give wyndham your proxy...EVER
Last year Marci received more direct owner votes than either wyndham candidate. If you count votes not cast by the Wyndham as the developer or the Wyndham controlled BOD and counted proxies held with the expectation that the votes would be cast for her Marci DOUBLED their totals.
Marci will be running for the BOD again this year and we hope to build on her momentum.
To see more on this and other issues Please go to Marci For WorldMark, the Club
To see Marci's candidate speach from last year please view it here Marci is on Youtube go see the speach at YouTube - Marci Tribe, WorldMark the Club Board Candidate, 2008
Please view it, Rate it, Forward it, put in on your face book, twitter, myspace. Email it to your friends who own Worldmark. Lets spread the word. As Owners we need to take back control of our club! We can use all the help we can get!
Thanks, Mike