Well, some of the victims of Glenn's dictatorship have lit a candle.
Wyndham_Fairfield_Timeshare_Owners@yahoogroups.com is the open membership mirror of the 10 year old 4000 member group.
People who want a forum that isn't subject to Glenn's whims now have a alternative.
Unfortunately for Glenn's "new home" there is no assurance that next month or next year Glenn won't tire of his new toy group and decide to close it new members or just nuke it.
At least with Yahoo! there is some mechanism to check owner abuse, with the new group Glenn is judge, jury, executioner, supreme authority and there is no appeal from his whims and ever changing moods.
Looks like this forum has just about become inactive.
Wyndham_Fairfield_Timeshare_Owners@yahoogroups.com is the open membership mirror of the 10 year old 4000 member group.
People who want a forum that isn't subject to Glenn's whims now have a alternative.
Unfortunately for Glenn's "new home" there is no assurance that next month or next year Glenn won't tire of his new toy group and decide to close it new members or just nuke it.
At least with Yahoo! there is some mechanism to check owner abuse, with the new group Glenn is judge, jury, executioner, supreme authority and there is no appeal from his whims and ever changing moods.
Looks like this forum has just about become inactive.