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First Time using II

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  • First Time using II

    Hi everyone,
    I just put in my first request using II. It is for trip to Puerto Vallarta. I put the request for dates in October or November of next year. Now, I know that if I dont get the request I will get the 154 refunded to me. But when I look up other options under the exchange button, it shows the pending exchange or my deposited week as the option for exchange. If I want to put in another request for similar dates (lets say Aug to Nov of 2009) do I have to pay the exchange fee again. This request would be for a place in the US and the fee is only 139, would I click on the pending exchange or click on my deposited week.

  • #2
    On the website you can add multiple requests without paying an additional fee. However, your fee will be based on the most expensive request, so if you have a US to US request and an international request in for the same deposit, you will pay the higher fee even if the lower trade comes through.

    Since you have already paid the international rate for your current request, you won't have to pay any additional fee for added requests.



    • #3
      So after I hit the exchange button, I would then chose the pending exchange button and be able to add right on to that one, even if the dates and countries are different?


      • #4
        There's probably more than one way to accomplish this, but one way is:
        from the main page,
        select the exchange tab
        select the 'view exchange requests'
        Your pending request should show up
        select the details button
        Under 'Select Resorts and Dates'
        select '+ Add to Request'
        Follow the screen instructions from there.


        • #5
          Thank you for your help!


          • #6
            Hello all,
            I'm a Gold member of II and also of DRI. Not sure if should post this question here or on the DRI thread. Sorry if this is the wrong place. I just got the new II book in the mail yesterday and was trying to make sense of how the new system works. These guys must have worked for the IRS at one time. I can't believe how complicated it's become in trying to determine how many points you need for a reservation. I was able to figure out the travel demand index. However, even that varies according to the rating of the resort (listed in the front pages). How can I find out the resort rating? I thought it may be colored coded somehow with each resort, but I don't see any pattern in the listings. Can anyone break down, step by step, how to figure out the point value with the new system? I'd like to know this information before making a reservation. Thanks so much!!!


            • #7
              Well there's one way to avoid paying the High request. For example, when I place a request using my Marriott week and I add Marriott and non Marriotts to the request I end up paying $139.

              Now, if I get the Marriott Unit, I call II and tell them to cancel the unit since I have 24 hours to cancel. Now make sure you tell the rep not to loose the unit and explain you're just going to re-book to pay the internal exchange.

              The only down side to doing this is that you wont get the $139 refund until your next CC's billing statement

